Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE'ing With Someone Else Over Webcam

I used to be a member of a pay PE site and I remember a period where there were a lot of these type messages: “Do any members here live in the Chicago area want to get together for group PE?” and that type of thing, which then led to other members complaining that the site was turning from a PE site to a gay hook up site.

Horny Bastard

:-k Chicago is in Illinois I believe and I’m wondering if that would be ILL for short, or is it just IL and another L would be for learner, only it’s not driving we’re talking here :whatever:

Anyway, I imagine we could see a rush of location updates, but I’ll still be keeping the same old location NI.

Which is actually short for Not Interested :gulp:

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Wow, surprising feedback, lol. I didn’t expect it to be this negative. I was just thinking different techniques could be used to see what works and what doesn’t. Jelqing/stretching techniques that are hard to explain through words, thats all.

Originally Posted by W.B.H.

Wow, surprising feedback, lol. I didn’t expect it to be this negative. I was just thinking different techniques could be used to see what works and what doesn’t. Jelqing/stretching techniques that are hard to explain through words, thats all.

I guess people are apt to assume the worst ;)

Alright, I think this is a little harsh. At least this could possibly have some sort of positive benefit for PE.

What the hell does looking at pictures of dicks do for any of your guys’ PE efforts? I mean you can only take the motivation thing so far, after seeing one 9 incher you think that would be enough.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

Originally Posted by W.B.H.
Jelqing/stretching techniques that are hard to explain through words, thats all.

Reminds me of when RWG and I met for beers a few years ago. As I said back then, I was sitting there trying to describe V stretches and A stretches with a dollar bill folded lengthwise, bending it forwards and backwards.

I think the selection of videos here is a pretty good source for visual reference. I’ve found that if I need to, I can cite one of those and just verbally describe how I might do something differently.

Interesting that the “still” photos that we post on here are are not (for the most part) considered gay, and the instructional videos are not considered gay, but a webcam session would be considered very threatening. Where is the line to be drawn?

If you request a photo directly from me of a particular grip, stroke, hanging technique, etc., is THAT considered gay? If I sent a video of myself jelqing directly to another member, is THAT considered gay?

I suppose it must be videos of penile movement in real-time between two members that is considered gay. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

We need guidelines here!


mravg, so how many of those group PE “meetings” did you go to?

Originally Posted by mravg
I used to be a member of a pay PE site and I remember a period where there were a lot of these type messages: “Do any members here live in the Chicago area want to get together for group PE?” and that type of thing, which then led to other members complaining that the site was turning from a PE site to a gay hook up site.

Group PE = Group wanking, ;-)
PE over webcam = web wank

Enough said, end of.

BTW, I am gay and even I don’t do this, I’m a classy bird, its tits first!

Honey, it's not the end of the world that you have a small penis, just the end of our relationship :swimmer: :moon2: .......

I hope that tiny mobile phone is inversely proportionate to the size of your penis

Originally Posted by figaro

mravg, so how many of those group PE “meetings” did you go to?

Oh, so you figured it out!

Horny Bastard

Sounds pretty homo if you ask me. Wouldnt even do it for money…..well it would have to be pretty much money anyways :D

This is an interesting thread because the fact is that we are all here at Thunders to, more or less, grow bigger dicks.

We achieve that by a combination of learned exercises / techniques / devices along with a solid dose of focused determination to succeed. But part of that process is also encouraging ourselves and each other by sharing dick images of where we were, where we are and where we hope to go.

If you asked me 12 months ago whether I would like to join up on a website that will have me looking regularly at other guys cocks I would have seriously told you… NOT GAY; NOT INTERESTED.

But here we all are, a whole bunch of happily hetro (and gay) males discussing dicks and viewing dicks.

I think poor old WBH got hung out to dry a bit. My tolerances have changed in the last 12 months and I guess what WBH is talking about is just taking the interactive nature of what we are all already doing (PE) to another level.

Obviously (from the replies) it is a level that most of us (me included) do not want to go to but I see your point WBH; sometimes the written word descriptions of a technique get totally lost in the telling. If a picture tells a thousand works then a ‘live viewing’ it stands to reason, will say it all.

I would suspect that over time this site will expand and grow (just like our dicks) and the range of videos will do likewise. We are still discovering the science of PE; we are the explorers and ten years from now we may well know definitively most of the answers.

And who knows; ten years from now, video conferencing for newbies of PE techniques taught by a recognised practitioner may be the norm.

Clearly we’re not there yet.


“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”
- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

I personally wouldnt want to watch another guy live practicing PE. I think the instructions throughout this site explain enough w/o me having to watch some guy during a live session. The pics are encouraging, motivational, etc… but thats enough imo.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

Originally Posted by W.B.H.
I know this maybe sound a little strange to the guys on here that aren’t comfortable with their sexuality, but I think it could be an effective idea for us PE’ers. To those of use that have webcam access and can PE while sitting at our computers privately, I think watching another guy jelq at the same time you do could be motivation. Just an idea especially watching another PE’er thats larger than you could be great motivation.

I think that’s a great idea.

Beyond gay, hilariously gay. Understandably gay but in the end still a lil sweet. Just a lil to much sugar in the gas tank. I have nothing against the homosexual community but there is a difference between watching a guy yank his crank and participating on a forum. I’m sorry I know those of you out there that want this will complain or something but it’s gay man. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do it just do it, knowing that it’s gay. You may not be gay but if you do this you have performed a pretty gay act.

\"Break A Deal Face The Wheel!"


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