Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster Math

Originally Posted by wadzilla
I believe there is a Time/Force curve that has a significant impact on gains; however, I tend to suspect that Time is a more critical factor.

If we loosely chart “lb-hours,” consider it like this: 1 lb of tension for 12 hours per day = 12 lb-hrs. Hanging 10 lbs for 2 hours per day = 20 lb-hrs. I’d bet that the former would offer more gains over the long haul than the latter. And this is because when tension levels go too high, tissues tend to tighten, strengthen, even contract. But by applying milder tension over greater periods of time, those tissues (which are relaxed, stretched-out, not contracting) will surely fatigue - fiber by fiber - until plastic deformation slowly does its work.

The upside: you don’t need to pull like you’re trying to rip your cock off.
The downside: there are no shortcuts.

I totally agree. After a hanging session, even with minimal weight, I contact and my flaccid hang is notably smaller for hours. After wearing the PM, I get a long, thick flaccid hang that seems to last for hours.

Many had success with their erect length?

Originally Posted by Hughgreck96
Many had success with their erect length?

I haven’t measured yet, its only been 1.5 weeks but I’m sure when I measure on the 27th of Feb I will see an erect gain. I base this both on the positive PIs that I keep seeing after using the device and the grueling amount of research I did before finally deciding to fork over the dough.

I will be forced into a one/two week break for a potential penis operation soon but I’m curious about purchasing one of these things. I will check out your success and it may influence me. Forgive me if you have stated this elsewhere, but how much are using the PMaster (days, hours)?

Originally Posted by hughGRection
Mr. Happy, your link took me to to an unrelated page. I got mine from is for sale | HugeDomains.

I think that’s because I was trying to link to the check-out (and be fancy with the vB code) where they give you the price.
Apparently you can’t go directly there without going to an information page first.

But the link you provided is from the same site I was trying to get at.
This link takes you directly to the device in question’s information page: .

If one uses the Click here to order now link from either the Jelq Device page or the PeniMaster page, you are taken to payment options, then you must select a payment option before seeing the price; my link was trying to take people directly there. I just clicked on it from my earlier post and I got:

You can now shop for your favorite products online. Our web site is now available to take your order. blah, blah, blah;
and a picture of a computer - but the http address was the same as when I first went through a device’s information page.

So, look for and click on Click here to order now from either device’s information page and then click on a payment option. After you have selected a payment option you will be presented with the various packages of the products they sell and what they cost. You will find the PeniMaster marked at $149.95 USD, with shipping it comes to $162.95. Definitely the cheapest I’ve seen - like I said, even beats E-Bay.

No one seems to have found cheaper, or if they have they’re keeping mum.

The PeniMaster has been discussed here at Thunders, but I wonder if anyone has tried the Jelq Device or has thoughts about it. Does it apply a set pressure to make it closer to fool-proof (although I realize that nothing is fool-proof, as fools constantly demonstrate amazing ingenuity in getting things wrong). It is certainly not too expensive. To buy both you’d save on the shipping, but you’d still be up around $225.

The gel they sell I have serious questions about. I don’t like the idea of Androstenedione in any form.
As it’s an ingredient in their trans-dermal gel I think I’d steer clear of that.

Also Supersizeit you mention a pump.
Is there a particular kind that’s good? What would you say are important features of a good one? Would it be better to use a pump than a Jelq device?

What do people think?

Originally Posted by hughGRection
I totally agree. After a hanging session, even with minimal weight, I contact and my flaccid hang is notably smaller for hours. After wearing the PM, I get a long, thick flaccid hang that seems to last for hours.

And consider tissue traction in the medical field, such as for burn victims or other procedures. These generally include low-tension stress for long hours. It does seem to “intuitively” make sense. Consider how the skin stretches for people who become obese. It happens so gradually, under the mildest tension levels. But the skin of an enormously obese person might have stretched incredibly much over time as they gained all that weight - but they didn’t even feel any “pulling” on their skin.

As per the post regarding EL gains from the PM, I don’t doubt that you’d get EL gains, over time.

Originally Posted by Hughgreck96
I will be forced into a one/two week break for a potential penis operation soon but I’m curious about purchasing one of these things. I will check out your success and it may influence me. Forgive me if you have stated this elsewhere, but how much are using the PMaster (days, hours)?

5 - 6 hours a day. Based on what I have read I am making the assumption that it will take about 1000 - 1100 hours for me to gain an inch. If I keep up at my current rate this would take about 6 months to achieve. Most of the studies show the average percent gained for individuals wearing the devices for different time periods for example one Spanish study claimed that the participants gained an average erect size increase of 24.7% after wearing the a traction device for 8 months. I’ll get there … slowly, but surely.

I don’t mean to seem dim, I just have not seen a penis wearing a PM as of yet, I wondered can you keep the device on whilst going to the bathroom etc? Also, does the angle you wear the device effect your potential gains?

Hughreck96’s question is one I’ve been wondering about.

If your LOT is say at 7:00 should you then wear it pointing up? Or am I just really confused?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Also Supersizeit you mention a pump.
Is there a particular kind that’s good? What would you say are important features of a good one? Would it be better to use a pump than a Jelq device?

What do people think?

Read this tutorial I wrote on Pumping. The last section covers what to look for when seeking a quality pump.
My opinion is that the PM and the Pump is the best combo but thats just me.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally Posted by supersizeit
Read this tutorial I wrote on Pumping. The last section covers what to look for when seeking a quality pump.
My opinion is that the PM and the Pump is the best combo but thats just me.


Hey, if it works for you of course it’s the best. If if works for me I’ll join the choir.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I must say that after having owned the PM for a couple of months now, less is definitely more.

When I crank the thing too high my unit shrivels when I take it off and I SWEAR my erections are smaller. When I use it on a lighter setting that is comfortable for longer periods, yet take a day or two off now and then, I walk around with a plumpy all day and my erections ar elike steel.

I would definitely advocate new PM users to be patient with this device and go slow.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Originally Posted by Hughgreck96
I don’t mean to seem dim, I just have not seen a penis wearing a PM as of yet, I wondered can you keep the device on whilst going to the bathroom etc? Also, does the angle you wear the device effect your potential gains?

You do have to take it off to urinate. The instructions state that the device should be removed each 60 - 90 minutes so that circulation can be restored to the penis. I can not wear the PM comfortably for a longer period without readjusting it anyway.

There is one correction to one of my previous threads where I mentioned the Spanish study. The figure I quoted was for 6 months 8 hours a day not 8 months. The device worn for that study wasn’t the PM either but it was a similar traction device sold by SizeGenetics.


I’m using a fast size devise which is similar to the devise your using. I just started for the past 2 weeks. I’m also doing 9 hours a day with it. Do you know if it’s safe to maybe jelq after using the devise? What is the pumping and your other routine?

I think jelqing along with a PM like device would be a good idea as long as you don’t go overboard with it. If you’re wearing the device every day, maybe jelq only 3-4 times a week to be sure your mating tackle is getting enough rest

"Look what your brother did to the door!"


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