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Penis Fatigue and a New Routine

Penis Fatigue and a New Routine

Hi everyone,

I have been experiencing a lot of penis fatigue lately, with less frequent and softer erections. This got me extremely worried, and now I have stepped down my routine for a less stressful one, please comment.

Old Routine:

mon. - fri. evening
6 sets of 500 PC flexes
warm up in hot shower
power jelq 30 min.
cool down in hot shower

sat. evening
6 sets of 500 PC flexes

New Routine:

mon.- fri. morning
500 PC flexes
warm up in hot shower
light hand jelq 15 min.
cool down in hot shower

I plan on doin this routine for the rest of this week and next week and then reavaluating the time jelqing and the amount of PC flexes

starting: 7” x 5.5”
goal: 9” x 7” and then some more

thanks for the help guys,

You’re doing 18,000 PC flexes a week? I don’t know whether that is contributing to your erection issues, but you can ease up on those by…oh, maybe 16 or 17,000. You might be fatiguing your BC muscle so much that you can’t get it up as often. Try the Newbie Routine. As it says there, jelq for 10 or 15 minutes, and add some stretching. You need to get your dick in condition to try more strenuous exercises, but it’s going to take at least a few weeks.


I think you’re making a wise move on reducing the number of PC flexes. Your former routine of 3000 PC flexes/day are way too much. I would attribute your dick fatigue to these and not the 1/2 hour with the PJ. I am presently using my PJ regularly again for 30 minutes or more each morning followed by 1 hour of pumping (releasing the pressure frequently every few minutes),and my dick is never tired with this routine performed at least 5 days/week and sometimes twice a day. Good results are also happening.


>You’re doing 18,000 PC flexes a week?

I’m sorry. As Peforeal notes, that was your former routine. I should have used past tense.

Thanks for the replies guys. You helped me confirm my suspicion that it is due to too many PC flexes. I don’t know for sure, but I will see. I have decided to slightly modify my routine a little more, and to take the rest of the week and weekend off, so starting the 15th it will be:

mon.- fri. morning
-50 PC flexes
-warm up in hot shower
-light hand jelq 10 min.
-cool down in hot shower

then each week add 5 min jelq and 25 PC flexes untill reach 30 min. jelq and 300 PC flexes each weekday. After I have reached both of these, I will continue for another month, then reavaluate my routine.

Also, do you guys think that it is good to apply heat after workout? I have heard mixed opinions on this. Do you also think its better to exercise in the morning, since your testosterone levels are higher? And finally should I do the PC Flexes before or after the jelqs?

thanks again,

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