Originally Posted by Krod
…It makes getting a max measurement very hard because you have to find the point where your EQ is so good the it gives you max size but not so good that you can’t bend it down to parallel at all, which is the case with me.
I have to say that I personally cannot understand that problem. My EQ isn’t usually all that great it seems (usually like an 8 unless I’m really turned on) but even when my EQ is way up I am still able to bend my penis from the base angle. The shaft doesn’t bend at all, but the base will allow me to change the angle of my penis fairly easily. Although, my erection angle is actually slightly below straight out. I have a slight downward bend at the base and that seems to have caused it to never go above straight out on its own. However, it does have the benefit of looking longer.
Either way, I still cannot personally understand not being able to straighten it out. But that’s good your EQ is so high!