Thunder's Place

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Penis Volume Calculators & some lifting pics


OOOOOOOOO - my head!!!!

All those math formulae are making my teeth clench and eyes burn … HELP!

Actually, thanks WAD for the info - but, do you have that in something other than .zip? I am still ‘puter stupid … let me know, ‘cause I am interested if I have more volume than a regular test tube - or #2 pencil - lol.

"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


How about this. Easy enough for any $2.00 calculator:

Length x Girth x Girth x .08

Accurate to about half a percentage point or so, which is more accurate certainly than any measurement method and more accurate than the assumption that the cross section is circular.

BTW, a half a percentage point of accuracy is like measuring a quart and being off by a teaspoon.

Thanks Piet and rakishly. Don’t know why I inserted the square root.

So, by my calculations my volume is about 15.78 cu in.

Piet, is your formula for cu cm, too?

Gay 5'4" 150 lbs 5.5 x 5

His formula is the same as the first one I posted with the math/algebra arranged differently (parentheses simplified, constant arithmetic performed). Both formulas, and the approximation I posted work for metric measures too. Metric or English measure inputs yield the corresponding units for each system.

Originally posted by wan2Bbig
OOOOOOOOO - my head!!!!

All those math formulae are making my teeth clench and eyes burn … HELP!

Actually, thanks WAD for the info - but, do you have that in something other than .zip? I am still 'puter stupid … let me know, 'cause I am interested if I have more volume than a regular test tube - or #2 pencil - lol.

I had to load it as a .zip because freewebs won’t allow .exes to be uploaded to their servers; tripod allows this, but tripod has become a pop-up crazy shit server, with banners out the wazoo.
If you’re interested, PM your email & I’ll email you the .exe - just specifiy if you want inches or metric.

Are the calculations in this calculator bone pressed or not boned pressed?

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally posted by crashhex

Are the calculations in this calculator bone pressed or not boned pressed?

Well, I recommend BP. But you could enter either way. If you mean are the Kinsey comments BP or NBP, they correspond to NBP. However, on the bright side, the girth measurements from Kinsey were at “the thickest point of the penis,” not midshaft. My base is a consistent 1/2” greater than my midshaft.

It makes a difference between a large average to a big kayak. I like the big kayak.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

I learned this stuff on space geometry, the problem with the calculator is that is counts your dick in a symmetric form, without any natural shapes.

But I think its enough accurate.

penile mass 358 cubic CMs and penile weight 345grams or 12.13 ounces

These are of course with a cock ring and bp measurements what I entered.

Looking to be a kiwi.

Yeah, I’ve never claimed that my calculator could provide scientific precision. It is, of course, just a quick way of calculating cylindrical volume. And as the penis is not a cylinder, it does however vary in girth - which is why I chose midshaft girth to be entered. Normally, for most guys, base is thicker and the bill of the glans tends to flare out wider than midshaft - usually. These discrepencies can hopefully make up for the narrower parts of the tapering glans and the area just below, which is usually thinner than midshaft.

I could make a calculator where you first entered your EL. Then you measured base girth, midshaft girth (with another specific length measurement), then girth just below the glans (with another specific length measurement), and a shaft measurement & glans measurement & girth, computing that with a conical formula, etc., etc., etc.

But what a pain in the ass! LOL. I just did this to make it quick & easy. Besides, any deviation from an exact measurement would be consistent throughout your PE career; i.e., I believe my simple calc is effective for tracking gains, which is what I’ve mostly designed it for.

The most accurate method I’ve heard so far is this… get a hollow cylinder (open at both ends). Calculate the cylindrical volume (preferrably with my metric version). Insert your unit into the tube with a strong BP, then fill the difference with water (make sure the tube is wide enough so that the water can freely travel all around your unit, not leaving any air pockets below the thickest point). Once you’ve “packed the tube,” carefully lean forward and pour the water into a measuring cup - all of it, of course! (if any is spilled, the reading will not be “precise”). You then subtract the captured fluid from the cylinder’s volume, which then leaves you will your own volumetric displacement.

If anyone does the above, do us a favor and compare the differences between that method & my calcs. I”m just curious how far off the simple cylinder forumla is….although, of course, that would naturally vary from one guy to the next. For some, the difference might be negligible; for others, significant.

Hey Wad,

Just wanted to say thats some great info on adding inches to your vertical leap. In my humble opinion the vertical leap info is worthy of its own thread in the body building forum. Look forward to seeing that if you’ve got the time. Anyways, thanks for the info.


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