Thunder's Place

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PenisMaster and uncircumcised fellas

PenisMaster and uncircumcised fellas

Will this device grow more skin. It looks so because of the way it attaches to the penis and if there is one thing I don’t want it’s any extra skin. How about the cut guys are you noticing an foreskin restoration using this device.

I’m using a PM as I write, and I am uncut. When I first started using it, I was very worried about stretching the skin majorly. (As I’ve said in other threads, I want an 8 inch penis, not a 12 inch foreskin!) But I’ve found that, if I pull the skin way back before I strap on the device (making me look “cut”), I pull the penile tissue itself and not the skin, at least to any large degree. Still, I have to admit, the two ADS-type devices that I use seem like they would work better for cut men. The foreskin is such a pain in the ass sometimes.

But I reckon that if you wanted to use the PM to stretch the foreskin back (as in foreskin restoration), it would be easy to do. Instead of pulling the skin back before strapping on the device, you’d simply pull the skin forward so that most of the work of the device would be stretching the skin and not the rest of the penis.

Jet, have you had success with the PM?

Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
Will this device grow more skin. It looks so because of the way it attaches to the penis and if there is one thing I don’t want it’s any extra skin. How about the cut guys are you noticing an foreskin restoration using this device.

I’m uncut and have never gained any noticeable foreskin from any ADS device, including the Penimaster.

Originally Posted by daddydad
Jet, have you had success with the PM?

Do a search of the review forum and you’ll find plenty of thoughts on the Penimaster.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Yes, definitely do a search on PM. There are tons of threads, including a very long one that was helpful to me in deciding to get one. Check it out.

Is it working? I don’t know. I’m going to give it a sure go, at least 6 months, before I decide one way or the other. I’ve used mine for about 1 month. I think it has helped with flaccid gains, so far, but what I really care about are erect gains. We’ll see. The “theory” behind the PM makes sense to me, so I feel optimistic.

Originally Posted by Slack
I’m uncut and have never gained any noticeable foreskin from any ADS device, including the Penimaster.

Do a search of the review forum and you’ll find plenty of thoughts on the Penimaster.

Thanks, but I wanted to specifically know his success with it.


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