Thunder's Place

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Penismaster Problem

Penismaster Problem

Hey everybody, got a problem.

I have been using the Penismaster, but the only problem is that when I try to increase the tension the strap that holds you in slips off. Has anybody found any thing that you can wrap around your penis so that the strap can grab you better?

Thanks for the help

Wasn’t there like a set of threads on everyone’s homebrew mods for the PM?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Do you use the black fabric comfort strips that come with the PM? I’ve heard that some decent manual jelqs forcing blood into the head stop the strap from slipping off. If you wear it pointing upwards the head won’t go cold/numb..

Just a thought.

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Originally Posted by drilla9
Do you use the black fabric comfort strips that come with the PM? I’ve heard that some decent manual jelqs forcing blood into the head stop the strap from slipping off. If you wear it pointing upwards the head won’t go cold/numb..

Just a thought.

It still goes cold/numb, but it takes a lot longer.


You need to wrap your penis pretty tight before putting on the PM. I normally wrap it tightly right below the glans, then work it on over the bottom part of the glans.

Hey everybody, thanks for the help, i’ll try wrapping it tighter, then if that doesn’t work, I saw in a old post photo of a person using a ace bandage.

I think that someone made their own PM clamp/clasp mod a while back and everyone kept nagging him to sell it to them. I might recall that whomever thought this up made a whole bunch of plans with full details for everyone to do it himself and he still got begged to make them. I am going say that it was former member Stillwantmore22, but my mind is hazy today.

Does anyone know what I was hinting at, in more concrete terms?

Captain Senile

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

A simple fix:

Take some velcro a la Captain’s Wench materials. Cut a strip just wide enough to go through the slits and there you go. If you wrap, it is comfortable and holds much better.

I also have problems with the penismaster,the slippage is a problem being uncut. I have to stretch my flaccid lenth so that the inside of my foreskin is exposed to stap the noose round it, but this is very difficult and fiddly to do, personaly the only way I can seem to find to keep it streched without it sliping back and into my foreskin, is to tighten it so that even circulation can’t get to the glans ).Also I can’t seem to tighen the noose strap thing without pinching some skin.

Does anyone have some advice for a uncut user when it comes to this problem?

Any answers would be hugely appriciated

I use the JES and have found if you assemble the head (of the devise) on your penis BEFORE attaching it to the rest of the device, it stops the pinching at the sides (foreskin trapping) cos your not struggling to get the device on with tension pushing against you and it nipping at the bottom and so on.
The other bit of advise is that you need to hold the little flap at the bottom that gets caught out of the way with a finger while tightening. Only remove this finger last minute to prevent over nipping.

Does that help?

Thanks antbarson, thats brilliant, p.s. Did you get any results from the jes?

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