Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Phalloplasty Nightmare!

Darn, I wish that link still worked.

You could probably just google this title thread and find it.

Sadly google was of no help. Oh well.

Does anyone still have the pictures and / or a copy of the entire thread?

Yeh, I totally missed out on that nightmare as well. Where can we see it?

Definitely getting bigger.

I’ve seen it before it got removed. If I recall correctly it was the guy who literally got a hole above his dick because his brain didn’t register it thanks to grafted skin deeper inside? If something like that happened to me I’d probably freak out and get scarred for life.

I think his body was rejecting the skin graft to the inside of his shaft. If I remember correctly you could see inside how there was literally skin with stubble UNDER the skin of his shaft. Poor guy. I remember feeling extremely content with my size for days after I saw those photos.

Originally Posted by 8-Ball
Yeah, Crashhex is not the only one marketing the Bathmate Pump. The infamous DLD also has it advertised on his site.

That is perhaps the beauty of Thunder’s Place, nobody is marketing it, just talking about it and their negative and positive experiences with the product.

— Agust :)

Phalloplasty Nightmare

The link looks broken, it points to some other place.. Looks like the moderators of the forum removed that link.

Trying to get rid of a 30 degree left curve

Looks like an effective ADS, against the curve : My pics and progress

Bump. I was curious to revisit what had happened to this man and to see if his horrible surgery had ever healed properly. Instead, the link of penile surgery gone wrong brings us to an advertisement. When I originally read that thread at mynewsize, I was surprised they would allow something so negative considering they basically promote penis surgery. Does anyone happen to have a cached version or saved pics from the original mynewsize thread?

Originally Posted by johnwhite
Bump. I was curious to revisit what had happened to this man and to see if his horrible surgery had ever healed properly. Instead, the link of penile surgery gone wrong brings us to an advertisement. When I originally read that thread at mynewsize, I was surprised they would allow something so negative considering they basically promote penis surgery. Does anyone happen to have a cached version or saved pics from the original mynewsize thread?

I second that notion - came across this after a search of phalloplasty disasters…read crashhex’s thread, so creepy to see the red ‘Warning: crashhex later had severe complications after further surgeries!” warning under all his posts…

Anyone know where to find this thread or have it cached as johnwhite suggested some years ago? Sorry to revive a dead horse…or beat it, or something. whatever you get it


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