Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Planning on buying a ADSpenismaster

Planning on buying a ADSpenismaster

I have tried doing manual routines before but it doesn’t seem to work, so I am going to purchase a penis master.are there any links to a good routine to start using with the device, amount of time daily I should wear it for..

Should I throw in some jelqing?

I have a PM myself, and I certainly recommend giving it a go, even though the jury is still out (for me) as to whether or not it actually works.

Like most things, at first, I’d recommend taking it slow. Don’t feel pressured to stretch past EL for the first couple of weeks, and just wear it for as long as it is comfortable. If it starts to hurt, or your glans gets cold and numb, take off the thing!

I’ve been wearing mine, basically everyday, for about a month, and I can now wear it for 7 - 8 hours per day, although I have to re-wrap every 0.5 - 2 hours (depending on slippage, coldness, numbness, etc.). Just listen to your penis and don’t be overzealous. I know lots of websites recommend wearing it for 12 hours per day, but honestly, that is impossible for most people who work and live regular lives. Just do what you can and be patient. Growth with the PM is very slow from what others have told me.

There are tons of threads on the PM. Do a search and check out the routines and advice given by others.

As for manual exercises, I still do stretching and jelqing on PM stretch days. I usually stretch in the morning before putting on the PM, and I stretch again at the end of the day. I jelq on a 2 on/1 off routine (meaning there are some days when I wear the PM but don’t jelq). If my penis is particularly “tired” on a given day, I rest. Usually, I will take a break from all forms of PE about every 3 or 4 days. (My erratic schedule keeps me from being more regular with rest days.)

I’d recommend giving the manual routines another shot, by the way.


biggun12, I have had my PM about 2 weeks now and I am starting to actually get comfortable with it.
As Jet said, take it slow. It’s tempting to crank it up as soon as you put in on, but focus the first few weeks on
making it comfortable and keeping it from slipping off.

I posted a review of mine after one week. Here’s the link if you want to take a look at it.

PenisMaster Review

I had a really hard time with comfort. I was driving me nuts. It would either slip out from being too loose or go numb from having the strap too tight.
I bought some liquid latex from Hobby Lobby, poured it about 1/8" deep it in a flat glass pan, and let it set up. I used a utility knife to cut it into strips about 1.5" wide by 5" long. Now, I first wrap with a strip of self adhesive bandage and then put the latex wrap on top. It sticks to itself and works like a sleeve. This works MUCH better. It will slip off once or twice a day, but nothing like it used to. Latex was about $10.

I hope this helps.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Originally Posted by biggun12
I have tried doing manual routines before but it doesn’t seem to work, so I am going to purchase a penis master.are there any links to a good routine to start using with the device, amount of time daily I should wear it for..

Should I throw in some jelqing?

As a member for 3 and a half years, I would’ve thought you’d know about the Review forum by now. Also would’ve thought you’d have learnt to search by now too.


How to use the Search button for best results

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read


I am thinking about buying a penis master and have some general questions on the subject.

To those that have used the penis master, what results should I expect and how much time daily should I be wearing the device? I’ve read 3hrs-12hrs. Can I wear the device while sleeping? Has anybody used this and not seen results? Do I wear this 7 days a week? If I wear it during the day, is it noticeable?

Also if there are any good routines I should look into/ pages with good advice on the device?


(I’m going to pre-empt a Mod by saying, “Use the Search engine.” There are lots of good threads on the PM out there.)

I’ve been using the PM for about a month, almost every day. (I take days off only when my penis feels especially tired.) Hours vary on how active I am in a given day. Some days I only wear it for 3 hours; my maximum is about 8 hours. Keep in mind that I have to re-wrap every 0.5 to 2 hours, depending on slippage and how cold/purple the glans gets.

I have no clue whether it’s working, as I incorporate manual stretches and jelqs into my routine on a 2 on/1 off pattern.

Originally Posted by biggun12

Can I wear the device while sleeping?

Absolutely not.

If you go to the home page, you will find the ‘featured article’ is Slack’s excellent article on using the search button. The subject it is using as an example just happens to be penimaster, so if you follow Slack’s instructions, you will soon know as much as anyone else on this forum!


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