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poll - do you PE when sleeping?

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Do you PE when sleeping?

Yes I do "fowfers"


Yes I use an extender


Yes I use an ADS


Yes I use a wrap


Yes I use ….explain



Total Votes: 155. You may not vote on this poll

poll - do you PE when sleeping?

I know it’s considered a nono, but I would like to know how people live up to it..

please write your opinion..

I use to use an extender, but it kept waking me up through the night… the night, OH THE FUCKING NIGHT! I would get this pain in my dick, and I’d be like ‘what the fuck?’ and then ‘Oh yeah, this fucking device is stuck on my dick!

I have now dumped my extender after 2 years or so because I believe that it does not work for me.

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Originally Posted by smonk

please write your opinion..

I think it’s dangerous, retarded, and completely unnecessary.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

I don’t do PE while sleeping, give your body a rest when you take a nap.

I do something that the hypnotist James Goodman told me in one of his emails. He said to imagine setting another alarm clock before you go to sleep - for say 3am in the morning - but it will not wake you. Instead it will trigger your unconscious to make your penis grow larger.

I do it every night.

Start: EL 6.0 EG 4.5 - Current: EL 7.0 EG 5.0 - Chunked Down Goal: EL 7.5 EG 5.5 - Ultimate Goal: ************

I've gained an inch in a month with penis enlargement! If you have any questions about penis enlargement - ask me!

I agree that the body should rest when sleeping.. although wouldn’t it be good not to let the penis turtle over night? fowfers do this.. Wraps doesn’t let the penis turtle either..

you think fowfers and wraps are bad for you at night? why?

Originally Posted by smonk
I know it’s considered a nono, but I would like to know how people live up to it..
please write your opinion..

Smonk, It’s always best to be in control, especially when it come to manipulating your penis. I give it a break and leave it alone when I sleep. It’s bad enough doing all the PE exercises during the day and continuing while you sleep. It’s almost torturing it.

Next week’s follow poll: “What to do when your dick turns blue and falls off overnight while sleeping”

If I do a workout late at night, I often wrap a stretchy velcro/neoprene band, but not tightly. I believe this prevents turtling and provides some extra warmth. The wrap I use is very soft—much softer than your average wristband—so it can tolerate an erection without discomfort. In any case, I’ve had no problems with this.

By the way I’d never heard of fowfers until doing a search for it earlier today. I’ve tried them and they work alright don’t they?! :-) )

Start: EL 6.0 EG 4.5 - Current: EL 7.0 EG 5.0 - Chunked Down Goal: EL 7.5 EG 5.5 - Ultimate Goal: ************

I've gained an inch in a month with penis enlargement! If you have any questions about penis enlargement - ask me!

do you think fowfers work better than a wrap? I tend to wake up “unfowfered” and have to tuck it back in..

This can’t be that hard on the penis can it?

Fowfers are the shit- I wake up with the fullest flaccid, thick and heavy.

And it’s utterly safe and idiot proof [I know, I can do it and I’m an idiot].

So what if you have to reset in the middle of the night- better than having oi fall off in the middle of the night.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Wow - Guess there are some innovative souls utilizing sleep time for PE gains.

Seems to me a creative and productive way to use “down time” if safe.

I use my extender at night. I don’t sleep well any way so I put it on kind of keeping my penis just pulled enough not to let it turtle. Focusing on not placing a lot of pressure on the stretched out penis allows it to still get plenty of blood flow. Only thing I notice is sometimes I my get a little over enthused and put a little pressure on the stretch, have to be a lite sleeper, otherwise my glands get kinda cold from the stretch.

Originally Posted by bullypits01
I use my extender at night. I don’t sleep well any way so I put it on kind of keeping my penis just pulled enough not to let it turtle. Focusing on not placing a lot of pressure on the stretched out penis allows it to still get plenty of blood flow. Only thing I notice is sometimes I my get a little over enthused and put a little pressure on the stretch, have to be a lite sleeper, otherwise my glands get kinda cold from the stretch.


How long have you been doing it and have you noticed any gains that might be attributable to this?

Right now I am in the middle of an experiment but when it’s over I am considering traction wrapping my way through the night. At least keeping an extension going when not directly PEing.

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