I would like to clarify something. This poll and what we think of ourselves is a matter of perception in most cases, not reality. For instance although I’ve never thought I was too small, I have had a GF tell me she thought I was 5 inches when in reality I was closer to 6. I never let it bother me because I would make her cum several times a night and she was way more into me than I was into her.
Even though I’m average, I’ve been to orgies, swinger parties and gang bangs in my youth and I’ve seen a lot of cocks smaller and skinnier than mine that made me feel that if I was average, I was definitely on the larger side of average.
Now, even though seeing a big dick in porno makes me feel small for a moment, when I’m actually with a woman having sex, I forget about that and the impression is not lasting enough to give me any hangups or performance anxiety. In truth, for a woman that prefers 8x6, I may be too small, so again it’s all a matter of perception.
Once I arrived here and I saw all the veteran PE practitioners have an average of 7.5x5.7 in length and girth, for the first time in my life I started to wonder if maybe I was smaller than I had imagined but I still did not feel tiny by any means. Having made some gains since then, I’m elated that I can practically be as big as I want, or at the very least, as big as I ever need to be.
Most of us have some kind of a hangup about some part of our body and wish we were different. Many of us got teased about many things and in many cases this was part of the driving force that made us want to improve ourselves. Some things sadly one can not change, but luckily penis size isn’t one of them.
I would wager that some people that think they are hung aren’t and some that are hung don’t think they are. Being hung also doesn’t make one automatically a great lover. The biggest problem I’ve heard women complain about is not penis size, but rather quick ejaculation. I’ve never had that problem, but rather the reverse. It can take me forever to cum sometimes, but I’ve even learned to improve that with practice.
I would venture to say that this site isn’t just about getting info for PE but it is also a support group in many ways for men that would like to improve their self esteem as well as their penis size.
I feel bad for anyone tortured with any kind of perception of inadequacy. At least with PE we have some sense of control in our lives and who knows; with the advancement of medicine, one day we may be able to change anything we want by finding how to turn on and off different growth switches in our body. In the meantime, I’m stretching to my hearts content and I feel good!