I think that the average will go up. My logical argument:
1. Men with smaller or much smaller than average penises are desperate to change that.
2. Therefore, most of these men (perhaps as high as 75%) will find PE, try it, and stick with it.
3. Most men believe that the average penis size is larger than it really is.
4. That creates more men who thnk they are smaller or much smaller than average.
5. 20% of men are indeed smaller than average.
6. My best guess is that 30% of men believe they are smaller than average.
7. These men will be determined enough to seek out a solution, find and stick with PE.
8. This will reshape the smaller end of the bell curve of penis sizes up such that the people under 5 inches will be extremely rare.
9. Other men who are average will still want to be bigger (a much smaller percentage than the one’s that are under average though).
10. Other men who are larger than average (much lower percentage) will still PE.
Conclusion: Most likely 75% of all those who are considered under average, or think that they are, will be persistant enough to gain an inch or two and we will be on our way to eliminated really small sizes and skew the average up.