lexx & phat, you both make some valid points….
While PE probably is becoming more common, I don’t think the “average” will get to be 8 inches, like phat asks….however, as lexx pointed out, more weight trainers have raised the bar in weight lifting - no pun intended.
Back in the 1940’s my 435-lb bench with a competition pause (lifetime drug free) would’ve been a huge deal. I would’ve been among the strongest men on the planet. In the 1950’s, still strong but guys like Paul Andersen crashed the scene with his 627 bench & other freakish lifts - but I still would’ve been among the top 1 or 2% in the world.
The 1960’s? Nope. There were so many 500 benchers, even some 600 benchers & Jim Williams did a 700 around 1970 or so.
I know that most - if not all - of the top lifters today are roid junkies, but my 435 bench, even in the late 80’s-early 90’s was no big deal. I wasn’t even the best bencher at my local gym!
So lexx does make a good point….more & more lifters have pushed the numbers way up, and to achieve “distinction” you have to put up some crazy-assed poundages. The same will be true with PE. Not everybody will do it, of course, but I bet the criteria for a “big dick” will also become inflated….8” sure as hell won’t do it. There will be more & more guys with 10, 11 even 12” cocks - which more women will have seen (& experienced)….so, you won’t be shocking any gals with 8-8.5 inches, for sure.