Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Porn Star Dicks and Mine

just a word

I had noticed how they always paired these guys with women that were small or that wouldn’t “swallow” them all the way. This disapointed me.

I am also a smaller lean guy being 5’7”. This is one of the first times that I appreciate my height. I can’t wait till I reach my goal! This is very exciting for me.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

What a way to look at it. Now I know why I’m AOK, at 5’6” and starting at 5.85” must be another Peter North. I agree they match the “stars” big/small, and as DLD stated in his study illusion is the name of the game. Been active on the PE trail for almost a month and at 63, even the half inch I saw in that time has me jazzed.

You have to get the tools to get the Tool…

Start 2/1/03 FBP: L: 3.25", G:3.00" EBP: L: 5.85", G:4.25" 7/7/03 FBP: L: 5.50", G:5.25" EBP: L: 7.00", G:5.25"

By the way, is there a significant length and girth difference between white male and black male? Do you have their statistics?

I read somewhere that there is only .10” difference; White males @6.20”, Black males @ 6.30”.

Start 2/1/03 FBP: L: 3.25", G:3.00" EBP: L: 5.85", G:4.25" 7/7/03 FBP: L: 5.50", G:5.25" EBP: L: 7.00", G:5.25"

The point that I cannot understand is that penis ststistics of black guys are exaggerated purposely to use them as the pioneers of the fucking business. I know many young teenagers who are shamed of their penis sizes when compared to these selected black porn guys. Bu this doesn’t reflect the reality I think. As one of the forum guys says for each big cock-black guy there are at least one hundred small black guys. Believe me that this misleading information even causes ladies to prefer black guys, any idea?

Based on the study under the link black men have 1/4" longer flaccid size compared to caucasians. That is probably one reason black men are usually considered bigger, which isn’t necessarily the case. This study even claims that caucasians have longest of on tellus. Don’t know how to deal with that though.

Definitive Penis Size Survey

A Man behind his mask.

Good survey study, thanks for your guidance. Also can you explain me which nations are caucasians and which are hispanics?

Originally posted by teoman
Good survey study, thanks for your guidance. Also can you explain me which nations are caucasians and which are hispanics?

Well, I’m not an expert in this, but here’s some examples:
Hispanic nations: Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico.
Caucasian: Most of europe (west, central, scandinavia, UK..) and western russia.

A Man behind his mask.

3 female partners of mine whom been with other races…
Claim whites have had the largest … they have been with.

It’s probably been said before…

“A guy with a big dick, is a guy with a big dick”

Race generally has nothing to do with it… and I will agree, certain races are generally showers vs. growers, but when it comes down to it. Erect state is the measuring factor.

I agree with you. Especially when it comes to girth, white male is ahead I think. Of course, statistically no significant difference exists between races. But some people force the idea that black people have bigger units into our minds. And they do this by showing us the abnormal penises that are possibly consequenses of some kind of illnesses.

I don’t take too much stock in predetermined race size. I have always believed the men with the biggest penis are those that PE in some capacity whether they are aware of the PE or not. My starting size was above average at 6.5” (I’m Italian but I act like I’m Black :) ) At 6.5” I was about an inch larger than national mean average. I account for this deviation due to PE I was not aware I was doing. As a child I had a habit of constantly pulling on my penis, not hard enough to yield great gains but hard enough to yield that extra inch. I consider this unkowingly doing PE and I think alot of men with an above average starting size may have similar stories. I am not saying there is no exception to the rule…I am sure some men are born with slightly larger equipment then others but I think this is much more rare than many think. I went to a very ethnic school in Washington D.C. and in the locker room everyone seemed very much alike aside from color…There was always some slightly more hung then the next but nothing remarkable. I also was on the swim team for many years and spent alot of time in the locker rooms…The swim team was predominately white…Again I found no real difference to speak of. As an adult I owned a professional gym and saw men of every race on a daily basis and again nothing remarkable to report…So I think in the gen. pop. men are created equally for the most part.

Now as far as reputation black males have over white males…this reputation in itself may drive more black males into PE than white just to live up to this reputation…It may also drive them to work harder than their white counterparts. I know for myself, being Italian, I always had to live up to a reputation that Italians are hung like blacks. Of course their is NO truth in this myth, but again it may be a driving force for Italian men that gets them to PE in some capacity.

I think people who have no real comparison to base what they think is average besides pornography may have a skewed perception due to men like Lex, Rambo and the like. Seeing pornogrphy may confirm myths because pornography in itself is fantasy.

Outside of freaks of nature and those that PE I firmly believe ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

You are right, all men are created equally at the beginning. When I was a high school student, I was masturbating twice a day on the average dreaming of my foreign language teacher :) . That’s way I was 8” bp when I started pe. Another theory of mine that I want to share with you is that penile size is somehow related to the geographic conditions of the men that are living in. Biologically we can easily think that small penis is more logical

for cold climates to help heat loss reduction while larger penis is more suitable for warm regions. What do you think about this theory?

Originally posted by teoman
Good survey study, thanks for your guidance. Also can you explain me which nations are caucasians and which are hispanics?

Hispanic, by definition means that a person speaks spanish. By that definition, George W Bush is hispanic, because he is fluent in the spanish language. People from mexico (or central/south american for that matter) look different from you and I because many of them are aboriginal-white mix or full-blooded aboriginals (Native Americans). A lot o people of the upper social tier in Mexico are full-blooded europeans, this began when the Spanish initially settled, the rich Spanish would marry other rich Spanish and cycle continues to this day.Europeans from latin countries (Spain and Portugal) are basically just whites, regardless of what popular culture may tell you. Sure, they may have a different culture, but they’re caucasians just like the rest of Europe.

There are certain traits that set certain ethnicities apart from one-another, but if you and a Spanish dude were burnt beyond recognition, they doctors would not be able to tell the difference. They would be able to tell you apart from an Asian, a Black, or an Aboriginal, however.


The biggest dick I saw in school was on this Jewish kid, I found out later in was a hormone thing. He already was full sized with black hair and the rest of us had acorns with peach fuzz, this was in 7th grade. So I think alot of these natural super freaks are from some kind of hormonal imbalance when they are growing up. The biggest dick I ever saw period was years ago when I use to work at Bally’s when it was called Jack Elaines there use to be this Black guy that worked out he was about 6-6 and from what I heard he had got cut from the NY Jets. I was taking a steam and this guy comes in and no shit his dick was almost down to his knees I went from feeling good about myself to thinking that I was hung like a toy poddle.


The really interesting thing about the black men in the definitive size survey is the flaccid lengths.

Erect they were actually only 6.1 vs 6.4 average, but the flaccid was 3.7 inches which is a whole 10 percentiles longer!
So even if this erect measurement isn’t quite right that is still a definite shower trend: smaller than average erect but bigger than average flaccid. That could explain a lot of the myth. If black men were actually the 6.4 inch average then they could be at least 4 inches flaccid instead of the average 3.5.

Also, the really funny thing is the extent of the myth. The black men were more likely to say they thought they were well endowed when at least these guys on the survey were below average. So either these guys think they’re big from seeing us shriveled up flaccid white guys in locker rooms or they think
“I’m black so I must be big!”

It’s all perception.



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