Thunder's Place

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Privacy Issues

Privacy Issues

Hello all, it’s been a long while since I posted last, and unfortunately about as long since I have done any PEing…

During my freshman year in college I stayed in a dorm with a community bathroom, meaning infinite water and infinite time and plenty of privacy. However now during my second year I live in an apartment that I share with 4 other friends from high school. Unfortunately I also have a roommate and we share a bathroom. In addition to paying for water and utilities now, I also must be mindful of my roommate needing to use the bathroom as well. Previously I found long hot showers to be a perfect setting for PE, mainly the newbie routine. Now without the availability of a constant heat source and time restrictions I am out of luck in terms of PE.

While I have been trying to maintain some PE in my life through piss pulls and some jelqs in the shower, this is quite simply not enough. I even feel as if my penis has shrunk a bit, but I am too afraid to measure. I experimented with hanging over the summer at home, but with a brother and nagging parents there was no other time to hang except late at night. Which usually ended up with me about to pass out and drudgingly completing my sets. Such a routine was no fun and I eventually stopped hanging.

Basically what I’m asking is, have any of you guys had similar privacy issues and still been able to PE? I’m out of ideas here…

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

I have been dealing with privacy and even for masturbating. Now in my semester what I do is that before I go to the college I do the PE. I dont do a lot as I have stated in my threads. Having privacy and time is the Jason and Freddy of PE.

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Remember that you don’t need to do your full routine all at once. It might be easier if you found a few minutes for jelqing in the morning, and then got some time to yourself later in the day for stretching, etc. Also, I’m not sure what you’re including in your routine, but perhaps you could leave the house and go somewhere else? Go park in a deserted parking lot and get your hang on, for instance.

Originally Posted by C.C. Deville
Remember that you don’t need to do your full routine all at once. It might be easier if you found a few minutes for jelqing in the morning, and then got some time to yourself later in the day for stretching, etc. Also, I’m not sure what you’re including in your routine, but perhaps you could leave the house and go somewhere else? Go park in a deserted parking lot and get your hang on, for instance.

Thats what I do. I jelg and then later during the day I stretch whenever I can :) and orange bend too.

Kill two birds with one stone. Go to the gym, use their showers. Go at a time when there aren’t many people there (hopefully the gym has private showers). Get your body and penis in shape.

Where there’s a will there’s a way. I don’t know if you have a full shower with a tub, but take a bath and tell your room mate to leave you alone for a while. Or still take a long shower, I don’t think hes gonna peak in on you in the shower, and I doubt the water bill will go up much.

Try something else for heat. Even a heating pad will work fine. You can use a wet wrap and heating pad if you want moist heat.

Originally Posted by Dude151

My oh my, so all those shady looking people in their cars were pulling their penises after all. O.O

So why did you think they call it a hangout?

Hmm I suppose you all have valid points. My only concern is that warming up then jelqing in the shower requires a great deal of time. Luckily my roommate has class 2 hours before me every morning, but this would require me to get up earlier… Something I’m not keen on doing, but if it’s the only option I have then it’s what has to be done.

CC: I’ve been sticking to the newbie routine basically. Last year I would perform about 20 mins of stretching followed by 20 more mins of jelqing. Because I haven’t done serious PE in awhile I plan to do this again until I once again plateau. However parking in some empty lot seems much to sketchy for me, so I’ll most likely follow a split routine as others have suggested.

Ironhead: I don’t have a tub so it will have to be hot water from the shower.

Need3more: Unfortunately I don’t have a heating pad, nor do I like the heated washcloths method. I could use a rice sock as we have plenty of rice. It’s just frustrating because there’s honestly no better option than a hot shower.

Most likely I will end up jelqing in the morning in the shower then stretching at night while I’m laying down. The darkness and sheets should be able to cover me. Thanks everyone for your suggestions!

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

I use a cold-hot pack to warm my privates up. Whenever I microwave it and people ask why, I just say it’s my dickwarmer.


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