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Problem w/ hair on penis shaft


Problem w/ hair on penis shaft

I tried to do a search on the above topic, but nothing specific came up. Therefore, I am asking if anyone else has had this “problem”? Well, for me, it is a problem because a) it creates a scuffy effect (when I shave the area) which can chaff my partner, b) it makes my penis look smaller if I don’t shave it, and c) it gets in the way of jelqing which prompts me to shave it … then back to a).

I suspect that this is an issue, because, as I am growing longer, I may be pulling skin from my pubic area to the lower part of my shaft which thereby may becoming a transplanted area of skin so to speak. As well, perhaps I am growing more hair there, in part, because I massaging the skin and/or what I am massaging into the skin (when I jelq) and thus encouraging hair growth.

Can anyone relate or point to some threads?

I have a similar problem except that after I shave it does not seem to bother my gf. What does drive me crazy is if I do not shave regularly, the stubble and the following itchiness drive me crazy.

Hi Evolving,I too have the same problem,I need to shave the area about twice a week.

I guess it’s the price to pay for a longer piece of equipment.

Happy PE’ing

…I stopped shaving a while ago due to the frequent & annoying issues w/ ingrown hairs it produced. Tweezing is the only viable alternative I’ve found to date.

Directly after you shower, stretch the skin and tweeze the hairs out. This you’ll only need to do every couple of weeks. The first time is the worst so once you get past that, you’ll be tweezing fine hairs that don’t hurt so much to pluck.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

Just get it lazered off.

I too have the same problem and am considering getting it lazerised. This would make sense seeing as it would get rid of your hair regrowth problem ;)

Originally Posted by pabs
Just get it lazered off.

Thats a pretty pricey option. I agree with the hot shower/tweezing thing. It’s so true, the first time is a bit rough but after that it comes right out w/no sweat! BTW- Every GF I’ve ever had dug clean balls too so might as well do that while you’re at it. ;)

I just tweezed the damn hairs “in the cold” with no heat whatsoever, hurt like crap, but 15mins a day, in a week time I was done. No more hairs to worry about.

Abril ´04 BP 15.8 x EG 11.4 // Marzo ´06 BP 19.6 x EG 12.5 // Sept ´07 BP 20.3 x EG 13

GOAL: 20x14 - Big enough to make that ass cry for mercy!

Just cut some hairs on your shaft short. That’s what I do. This way it looks bigger and your girlfriend doesn’t have any problem with it. It doesn’t get in the way much while Jelqing either.

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed

I tweez them too. I keep meaning to look into those products that are supposed to diminish hair regrowth after tweezing, but I’m concerned that I might scratch my head when I don’t understand the instructions :)

Thank you all for responding.

By virtue of raising the question and your responses, I noticed a similar thread appeared below which I thought was particularly helpful (“hair up the sides of penis shaft?”). In this thread, bamabreeze seems to have identified a possible winner in my opinion, or at least a product or method I’m willing to try. Apparently, he used Skin-So-Soft Hair Removal by Avon which he claimed was much better than Nair for Men. Also, specifically, he said it not only removed the hair effectively, for longer periods of time, and relatively painlessly, but according to his experience, the product tended to make the hair more fine with increased use.

Pabs, I agree with you, and there was support for lazering in that thread. Alas, I don’t have the money nor the time right now though.

Btw, I just used my Norelco and it cut my in some places. I’m not exactly sure why, but this is a caveat to anyone contemplating that routine.

I have hair growing an inch below the glan…

Hello all. I’m new to all this, and have started jelqing for a week now, I’m about 6” so will see what happens after a month or so ? Does it really work ?

As far as hair goes, don’t we all have hair on the shaft of our penis’s ?? I don’t see mine as a problem, but now I have heard you guys talking I have decided to get rid ! I don’t think razor on my shaft is going to happen though ! Might end up losing an inch ! I’m from UK and we have a product called Immac. Women use it for smooth legs, so I think I’ll try that, my girlfriend has very smooth legs for around 4 weeks after using it so might bring my old boy the same result. Will let you all know.


Using the same utilities as for a “wet shaving” is OK and not risky at all.

The only annoying thing is that your hair grows back _really_ fast.

Keep us updated on the Immac :)

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