Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Productive P.E. Position

View Poll Results:

Which sitting position do you find most useful to pe in?

I kneel


I squat


I sit in a chair (inclined)


I sit in a chair (declined)


I sit on a stool


I sit on a pillow


I sit on the floor

Total Votes: 103. You may not vote on this poll

Productive P.E. Position

My question is very simple. Which position do you find more productive to pe in kneeling,squatting, sitting in a chair (inclined), sitting in a chair (declined), sitting on a stool, or sitting on a pillow or the floor? I did not include laying down because this drains some of the expansion from the glans.

I have a plan to wake up immediately and pe as usual but I wondered if I sat up straight of the edge of a foot stool if this would help with back problems and provide a better blood flow and alignment.

Why not include standing? I stand for certain stretches. I’m sure others might also.

Standing is probably the most common postures to jelq and stretch etc in. I left this posture out because standing is the most popular and this would skew the poll.

I personally prefer to sit because prolonged standing lowers my EQ around the end of my routine when those reps count the most.

Well, none of the above. I sit on my couch, declined, folded towel under my package, heat pad and then vacuum cylinder. Or I go on and pump up while sitting in a chair.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I stand to do my PE routines which at this time are mainly stretches. The only time I choose to sit is when I am clamping or back when I used to hang at certain angles. I just seem to have much better balance when I am standing and my stretches have much more impact this way.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |

6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

I too jelq and stretch standing up some but I find sitting slightly off the edge of a chair with a slight incline to be more comfortable.
I had an inspiration a few days ago about how people in other countries who sit in chairs without backs and suffer less back problems. Now because I have been having some minor back aches I began to think about finding something like this. I found a wooden bar stool at target for $15 but was hesitant to buy it without advice from anyone who attempted this before. I’m thinking about getting one and cutting a “U” shaped hole I’m front to allow for easier stretches,hangs, and jelqs. Then later on I might want to cut it down a few inches to where I can sit closer to the ground.

I did also find a nice pleather ottoman for $80 with a spring hinge that would be excellent for hiding sex toys and pumps and doing my wife.

I do my stretches in a really hot bath, I do my jelqs while sitting on the edge of the toilet seat, when I pump I’m usually lying down either on the sofa or in bed and if I ever clamp I do it sitting at my desk.

So none of the options really suit me.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Sitting down, always. Stretching on a chair jelqing on chair or edge of bed.

So would you guys pe on an ergonomic stool or a Swiss ball?

I just remembered I have a weight bench that would be the perfect height and easily cleanable.

Does sitting (inclined) mean sitting on a chair or something and leaning ‘over’ the penis?

If it does, then I sit declined in my very adjustable computer chair.

Starting stats Achieved/Current Wanted/Goal

BPEL |15(5.9")|16(6.3")|17(6.7")|18(7.09")|19(7.5")|20(7.9")|

MSEG |10.5(4.13")|11.5(4.5")|12(4.7")|13(5.1")|14(5.5")|15(5.9")|

It would be helpful to know whether you mean productivity for length, or productivity for girth. As for length for me i’d say squatting, as far as girth I would say standing. However I do my PE sitting down because it’s more comfortable, and girth seems to be coming easy enough. For length I might squat and get off my lazy ass when the time comes lol.

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

I stand for my jelqs, but do stretches in almost every position under the moon. I think this was an interesting idea just not enough options available to find the information we need. We should definitely follow this idea through, it could provide important information.

I always goes in hot bath for warm up, then, get out of the bath, and squat for the stretching downward, and stand for left, up, right, outward, then go in hot bath with a fowfer stretch for a minute, then repeat.

After that, I get myself up to 100% erection, then let it goes down to 75% or even 65%, and start jelqing standing, using perfect jelqing til I get down to 50%, then I sit on the edge of bath, and get up to 60%, jelq downwards, then end off with standing jelqing and 50 kegels, then warm down.

I haven’t measured yet, but it feel great.


Standing for jelqing, squeezing, clamps, some manual stretches and bends.

Sitting/Squatting for some manual stretches and bends.

2/11/11: 7.75" BPEL, 6" BSEG, 5.5" MSEG

6/4/11: 8.4" BPEL, 6.375" BSEG, 5.8" MSEG

Just started again, another new measurement coming soon; I'm pretty close to that June '11 though.

I went to Super Target last night and picked up a 24” oak bar stool for $15.84. It’s the perfect height to have both feet on the ground and still be able to jelq bone pressed.

What I’m really excited about is clipping my ir lamp to one of the support brackets and saving my back from aches and pains of my recliner.

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