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proper measurement techniques in penis size studies

proper measurement techniques in penis size studies

I know we have gone over this a bunch of times, but I want some input on measuring length. All I want to talk about is how hard do you guys think they push down on the fat pad when they get a measurement for length. We are all in agreement that in these studies they do BP measurements right? So do you think they push down just enough to get a fair measurement, or do you think they press the measuring device as hard as they need to to hit the pelvic bone? Forgive me if this subject has been discussed, but I always wonder about this exact thing every time I think of length averages.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Clubber
I know we have gone over this a bunch of times, but I want some input on measuring length. All I want to talk about is how hard do you guys think they push down on the fat pad when they get a measurement for length. We are all in agreement that in these studies they do BP measurements right? So do you think they push down just enough to get a fair measurement, or do you think they press the measuring device as hard as they need to to hit the pelvic bone? Forgive me if this subject has been discussed, but I always wonder about this exact thing every time I think of length averages.

Draw blood. The pubic bone will never move. So, the measurement will always be accurate pushing to the bone. The fat pad varies. Mine is huge, and it sucks. But, oh well. ;)

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

This is definitely the challenge in measuring. Girth is a no-brainer in comparison. But most people have easily 1 -2 inches of variance on length depending on compression of the fat pad. My guess is that most studies measured with NOWHERE near full BP and that would explain the Lifestyles study at a mean of 5.9”. I believe that were those really true BP measurements, they would have hit 6.5”, 7”, etc. as a mean.

Given the variance of BP vs. NBP I believe that many of us are fooling ourselves that we are larger than the mean. I look at it this way: if I am telling someone what my length is, I’ll give BP at 7.5 as true and accurate length as I can be and have been that deep. But if I am comparing myself to a statistical study, I better use NBP, which in my case is 6.5”. Or at the very least average the two and say to myself, “Well, I’m 7” if the nurse in the comparative study pressed in a little on their subjects and would measure me.

But girth is where it’s at anyway. I can already bottom out on my wife who has told me “no more length, but go for all the girth you can get.” I’m at 5.875” and can hit 6.5” clamped. That’s from 5” when I first started and that improvement is M E A N I N G F U L.

Keep at it, but love what you got.

Danwilke, are you sure about using NBP for statistical analysis. This is the exact reason why I keep getting confused. One minute someone is saying NBP and the next BP. Well now I really want to know whats going on. Like who isn’t going to push down a little; give me a fucking break.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Clubber
Danwilke, are you sure about using NBP for statistical analysis. This is the exact reason why I keep getting confused. One minute someone is saying NBP and the next BP. Well now I really want to know whats going on. Like who isn’t going to push down a little; give me a fucking break.

BP is the official, NBP can fluctuate a lot. I get mine from NBP I can go from 7.75” to 8.30.” But then I really don’t have much of a fat pad so I just go for the averages.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Danwilke, why would you assume that studies don’t press all the way down? If anything, the Lifestyles study is an example of a case where it would be more logical to assume the rest weren’t pressed down fully and it was, thereby accounting for the extra other studies have yield nowhere near the 6.5 range let alone 7.

For example, the UCSF study from 1995 measured NBP, that much is not in dispute. And the mean was 5.1 (actually 5.08 if you want to be picky). And they did in fact measure the fat pad as well, and it was about 1 inch. Maximum BP measurement, if I recall from that study, was just over 8 inches, but the mean was something like 6.1, 6.1.

This thread has all the detail I think you’d need. Look for example at the very similar results of surveys measuring BPFSL. In particular, take a look at the Brazilian study for a fairly unambiguous description of the bone pressed method. I think surveyors who were so interested in methodology would have left little room for experimental error by not pressing down fully.

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

Let’s take this a bit further. We are measuring penis length, not “useable” length, but actual penis length. Length measurement should start from some point of repeatablitliy, or some baseline. The pubic bone is such a baseline.

I will take this further. What is the definition of Non Bone Pressed? Am I touching the base of the ruler, barely at the outside of the fat pad? Do I push 1/4” or 1/2”? Or do I rest the base of the ruler on top of the ample pubic hair on top of the fat pad?

Does anyone know what I mean here? Basically, I can measure NBP 5 different times, and get 5 different measurements based on my diet on that day, (water retention), or how hard I choose to place the ruler against my fat pad. NBP, in my opinion, is the most skewed way of measuring a person’s junk.

If I had liposuction of my fat pad, down to 1/4”, my penis never “grew” at all, but my NBP measurement grew by a whopping 1 & 1/4”. I really don’t care that much anyway. With my 1 &1/2 to 2” fat pad, (that I own genetically), I probably get all but 1/4” in my lady, because right at the base of my unit, there is a “well” of sorts, kind of like a rockery around the outside of the drip line of a tree. (some will understand this analogy ;) )

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

I believe that pe’ers are much more motivated to press down hard (to obtain a satisfactory measurement) while people who perform a study don’t care about the resulting figure, so they would probably have a tendency to press less hard.

Later - ttt

Clearly the solution to that “problem” is to validate a portion of the survey with measurements obtained by the participants themselves, under of course, the watchful eye of staff. And I think the reverse has been done, but in a way that introduced significant sample bias. (Ie, people who sent in internet responses, some were later measured in person)

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
I believe that pe’ers are much more motivated to press down hard (to obtain a satisfactory measurement) while people who perform a study don’t care about the resulting figure, so they would probably have a tendency to press less hard.

I agree.

When I measure myself I push very hard. It’s the easiest way to be consistant (otherwise you wonder if you pushed harder last time), and also I’m keen to see as big of a number as possible. I push as hard as I can without pain! I’m sure if a nurse measured, she wouldn’t push so hard. But then (the other day) I measured like how I imagine she would measure, and it was 0.3 less. Not alot, but still an inflation. So I do think it’s reasonable that “some” Thunders BPEL are inflated numbers, compared to surveys. Like mine. But it’s only a small amount anyway. And after a few months if you are having some gains, you can reach that same size with soft bonepress. It’s really hard to try and guesstimate how many would push very hard, and how many wouldn’t. But if it’s only a 0.3 difference, it’s not that much to worry about either way.

I take about 0.25 off from my biggest measurements (length) when I “compare” myself with studies or others, and I simply assume most studies are done NBPEL. For girth I dont because I already measure my smallest point of my midshaft tightly.

I push hard until I’m in the pubic bone zone when taking my measurements and I measure the very same way each and every time for consistency.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

For pure tracking purposes I press below my pubic zone into my ligs as hard as possible, it doesnt cause me any pain.

My ruler has more than 1/8 of white space at the beginning. I now measure 8” when standing but I can easily measure above that when sitting plus the 1/8+ of the ruler I could end up with 8.5 BPEL, but I still use my “official” measurement of 7 15/16 for tracking gains, for “comparisons” with others its even less.

am I the only one who’s penis measurement is smaller sitting compared to standing?

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by kooljohn
am I the only one who’s penis measurement is smaller sitting compared to standing?

I’m like 8.5 bpel pushing in as deep as the ruler goes while sitting down. Which is as big as measurements get for me. It is a little over 8 bpel standing up now. So I think it’s probably bigger for most guys sitting down.
I think we maybe should average out a standing and sitting bpel measurement.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

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