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Proven techniques of enlarging head

Proven techniques of enlarging head

I’ve heard everything on these boards from that it is impossible to grow the head/glans because it is too elastic, to people clamping just the head and/or saying that clamping just the head is bad idea, and various random posts about beliefs in various little techniques such as pressing on the head while clamped to increase it’s pressure, pumping just the head, etc.

However, I don’t think I have ever seen someone state that they are very confident that there are methods that definitely work for focusedly growing the glans. I strongly want to believe that there are methods for achieving particular growth of the head. In order to be able to believe this, though, I would need to hear either strong anecdotal info that people are certain it’s plain to see for them that they have especially grown their head relative to the rest of their dick, or I would need to hear of definite increases in measurements of the coronal ridge diameter or something.

Anyone here able to tell me they are very confident that they know a way of especially growing the head? This info would be much appreciated.

Just hammer it ;)

Starting Aug/06: BPEL 5.5", EG 4.3"

05/Feb/2007: BPEL 6.3", NBPEL 5.7", EG 4.9"

I have neither evidence nor anecdotes, just a little reflection on your topic.


1. The gland, for whichever reason (not important for this consideration) apparently resists to our efforts more than the shaft does.

2. Most of us are performing enlarging techniques which involve most of the shaft and more or less the head (more in pumping and clamping, less in a bib hanger, e.g.) possibly resulting in a disproportionate growth of shaft vs. Gland.

From 1 and 2 follows that only a routine will be successful which aims directly and only to the head; there aren’t many but clamping behind the head (why should that be dangerous if you are using a cable clamp) or head-only pumping (I saw such a pump at a nice german webside recommended in here by - don’t remember, sorry - A+S Lederwerkstatt · Coole Männertoys Seit 37 Jahren). Manual exercises can also be optimized for a ‘head-only’ approach.

Imo, therefore, a long term pe strategy would look like this:

1. Newbie routine (of course)
2. Length work (hanging etc.)
3. Girth work (clamping etc.)
4. Head work (head-only techniques).

Hope this was not too intellectual, I just felt motivated to comment (not in the least to put some order in my brain to develop my own strategy) (still in the girth department).

Later - ttt

Ticktickticker, we think alike as far as the value of keeping things proportionate. I feel that, not only do women find larger heads in general impressive/a turn-on, but also they find correct proportions attractive too. It’s like Michelangelo’s David or something: not only do women admire the appearance of individual aspects of David’s physique, but they also admire how everything is balanced and in perfect proportion — that the thighs aren’t more muscular than the calves, that the triceps are just as muscular as the biceps, etc.

We differ though in idea of best strategy for obtaining those proportions.

I personally would like to do head work right from the beginning because I think head size is very close to just as important as girth and length. Also, earlier in PE career it takes less work to get the highest level of growth one can get before overtraining, so that leaves more time and energy for focused head work. It will be at least a couple years before I am satisfied with my length and girth. I don’t want to have a smaller head than necessary during those couple years — I’d rather start growing the head now.

Anyway, neither of our ideas for strategy of how to obtain correct proportions is useful unless we can find techniques that actually accomplish head growth. That’s why I created this thread. I hope someone who maybe is as interested in head growth as we are has found techniques that work and will come by and share them with us.

Originally Posted by ticktickticker

1. The glans, for whichever reason (not important for this consideration) apparently resists to our efforts more than the shaft does.

2. Most of us are performing enlarging techniques which involve most of the shaft and more or less the head (more in pumping and clamping, less in a bib hanger, e.g.) possibly resulting in a disproportionate growth of shaft vs. glans.

Let’s have a look:

glans /glænz/ [glanz] noun, plural glan·des /ˈglændiz/ [glan-deez] ~

Anatomy. the head of the penis (glans penis) or of the clitoris (glans clitoris).

Aber auf Deutsch?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 05-26-2007 at .

Originally Posted by vkn1

Anyone here able to tell me they are very confident that they know a way of especially growing the head? This info would be much appreciated.

Jelq and hold have given me a big of head size. More in girth that length.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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Yeah I could really use some help in this department.

Many guys have reported that vacuum hanging increases head size. I wore a vacuum ADS several hours per day for a couple of months and believe it did succeed at enlarging my head somewhat.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Think of it this way, when body builders want to build bigger biceps and bigger pecs; they hammer away at both their biceps and their pecs. They don’t do just their pecs for a few months because their arms are ahead in the game. Likewise, if you want a thicker shaft and bigger head, work out both of them.

Sorry about the double post, but I forgot the most important part: I think a good head exercise is to
1) have about a 75% erection.
2) squeeze enough blood into your head so that it’s at full capacity
3) squeeze down very hard just under your head so no blood can escape, with just your thumb and forefinger
4) increase the pressure in your head with this ring as much as possible

My explanation might be unclear, but the amount of pressure you can get in the head with this is unlimited (I.e. Be careful; I once got so much pressure in my head that I tiny bit of blood came out the tip)

Ok mr.happy and sorry - it’s glans, in german too btw. I first read ‘gland’ in here (at thunder’s) and thought it was the correct term in english.

More important - I may have to question my strategy a little and so I change it as follows: girth and glanS work should be done in parallel, not sequentially.

And Modesto - you probably vac-hang without wrapping (as I do - in that case I see little chance for enlarging the head)

Later - ttt

Sure, wrapping blows your chances of growing the glans from vacuum hanging. I think my glans grew, however, from 8-hour + sets (while sleeping) wearing a vacuum ADS in a SU configuration with about 1-3# of force. Every morning, I would wake up with a huge, lymph filled head. After a while, I noticed it looked bigger even without the exercise.

This is all subjective, but I remember back when I first hit 7.5 BPEL, thinking my glans looked unnaturally small for my shaft. Now, at 7.6 or 7.7 BPEL, I think it looks proportional. In other words, unless my aesthetics have changed, my glans has gotten bigger.

No strenuous exercise was required.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by vkn1
Anyone here able to tell me they are very confident that they know a way of especially growing the head? This info would be much appreciated.

Try this.

Extreme clamping

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