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Question about hardness

Question about hardness

Its about 4 months since I start PE.
After thinking on my erection before PE and compare it with now, it seems that I have lost about 30 % of my erection hardness.

I have not jelq/squeeze/strech my penis hardly or painfull, nothing, just light jelq and strech and some ulis in one on/one off basis.

I guess its something very discussed here and they are lots of differents opinions about, since its hard to evaluate,
but my question is if someone have noticied that PE made his
penis hang lower / or have less erection?, in short, something like a mild ED.
In that case how is it advanced? how went it away (if)?

Side note:
Could it be the reason because so many PE’ers are taking Viagra or similars?.
Maybe PE makes you grow but at the expenses of less hardness…

Saludos , Matti

My erections suffered around 3 months into PE. I think in my case it was manual stretches that did it. I took some time off, eased up on my exercises and everything returned to normal.

I think mild PE-induced ED indicates a need for a break. Take a week or two off. Don’t worry, you won’t lose size. In fact, you’ll probably measure slightly larger after your dick is well-rested.


I agree with Hobby. That is probably a first sign of overtraining, and unless you are advanced and doing something special, is a good time to back off.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL


When taking your “break” use that time to train your PC muscles. Those help erections and you can do those everyday :)

"Swedish-Made Penis-Enlarger Pumps and Me: This Sort of Thing is My Bag, Baby."... Austin "Danger" Powers hang10

Re: Question about hardness

Originally posted by matti
Its about 4 months since I start PE.
After thinking on my erection before PE and compare it with now, it seems that I have lost about 30 % of my erection hardness.

It is a very common occurance to new PE’ers, and although there have been cases of ED, it is usually just overtraining and the fact that you have your dick in your hand for so many hours.

My first reaction to ‘natural PE’ were rock hard erections like I hadn’t had for years, but after just a few weeks I noticed I even had trouble getting it up sometimes. A good rest fixed that.

Originally posted by matti
Side note:
Could it be the reason because so many PE'ers are taking Viagra or similars?.
Maybe PE makes you grow but at the expenses of less hardness…

Where do you get that idea from? I admit I haven’t been around here too much lately, but I would venture that very few PE’ers take viagra, especially younger guys. And in a lot of cases PE has ‘opportunity costs’ eg . maybe discoloring, extra skin, an injury, other visible ‘marks’ like rings etc. but not always, and you must decide the price to pay. But having read so many guys gaining, I only recall 1 or two serious cases of ED or Partial ED that was put down to PE and in fact could have had another explanation.

In short, what you MUST do is rest and in a few weeks size up the situation again.



Now reading the advise, to excercise the PC muscle to get harder erections I would like to encourage you to precise what you’ve stated somewhere else, something to the essence:

- Kegeling is good for getting a hard erection
- Reverse kegeling is good for KEEPING that erection

Background is, when I had this fatigue state (also after 3 to 4 months of PE) I tried to help myself with kegeling. But what I think was wrong in my case: When during sex I noticed that my erection weakened (it was this head thing, thinking about “staying hard”) I started kegeling, what didn’t help at all. If you are mentally distracted, you can’t kegel as much as to keep the outflowing blood in the dick). Instead I now, when my girl is sitting on top of me and I really try to push into her cul-de-sac as much as possible, I do reverse kegels, which works very well most of the time. Many words to say the following: I think having a strong PC muscle without being able to reverse kegel DURING sex endangers a pleasurable, stable erection.

Regarding Viagra: I commit to not have been willing to put PE to a rest when having had these overtraining symptoms. Instead I first turned to Arginin, what worked positive to an extend and then, after having read about generic Viagra, I ordered such and took it occasionally. The trick for me was: I knew I was overtrained, but I still did PE in the morning, giving me a bad conciousness, what again messed with my head in the evening. Taking Viagra also made me think: OK, I’m overtrained, but with the blue pill I can do both, go on with PE and please my girl…

End of the story so far: We had 4 weeks of vacation in brazil, I didn’t PE except some stretching under the shower, we had sex one or two times each day, I had four 100g pills of Viagra in the luggage and brought back home four 100g pills of Viagra. I am very relaxed about fatigue states right now, because Brazil showed me, everthing works excellent !

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

Hi Guiri,

Thank you for your replay. Time has passed and the mild ED is gone, hardness is restored to the old level.
I rested all the time and now I beginning again with some pe work.

I ordered an static strecht device and will do some mild dry jelqs, I hope with that come the breaktrough…

I think what hapened when I first started is that I went to heavy and to fast with the exercises. Anyway, I gained some girth (but not length) in the short time i made them.

Let me ask you something, do you have something to do with spain?, cause Im living in spain. Would be nice to know…

Saludos, Matti


I live in galicia. You?



It’s a satisfying feeling to have answered to a post back from LAST YEAR !!! Why the f*ck is Guiri digging out century old posts and replies to them? From now on I will keep a close look on the date of the FIRST POST of the thread, especially if it’s about an injury type of issue. I think this thread now turned weird. BUT AT LEAST TWO INHABITANTS OF SPAIN FOUND EACH OTHER. DICKS ARE BACK UP, SUN IS SHINING IN SPAIN, HAPPY END FLAMENCO STYLE *lol*

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

Re date

Yep…my fault

Just hoping to see if someone fell into the trap!

Actually I didn’t see the date on the post (was doing a search when accidently stumbled upon it) until I posted, but then received a visitor and couldn’t even delete it (and had to rapidly sign out so that the page wasn’t seen). When I got back in I saw the post had already been answered….and here we are again!

That is what happens when one stays out of circulation for a while…. ;)



DE NADA !! At least this way I was able to gossip about my great Brazil vacation ;-))

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

Hi Guiri and co.,

Great!!!, Im living in Galicia too…
Hope we can interchange more experiences…

Born XXL: “SUN IS SHINING IN SPAIN”, not at all, desafortunately we hier in the north of spain can not even think of good weather… It is raining almost like germany…

Bye Matti

Last edited by matti : 05-11-2004 at .


How do you know I am located in Germany? Don’t tell me you recognized the skyline in my avatar to be Frankfurt! But it was sunny for the last three weeks, although it’s cold of course!

I LIKE WHAT YOU DID TO MY NAME - BORN XXL. Sounds as if I was already born XXL, instead I hope to be burried XXL, he he…

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003


I did not know that you were German…It was just a comparation… (oder ich bin hellseher…)


Last edited by matti : 05-11-2004 at .
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