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Question about PJ device

Question about PJ device

Is it ok to have a pretty much flacid penis while doing the powerjelq. I cant seem to keep it up at all for hardly any peroid of time. It is a large flaccid, but would hang nearly toward the floor it is were not for the device holding it up. Is this ok?


LARRY The best way I have found this to work is take a 5 min hot shower with the water directly on the penis with some manual stimulation to get blood moving, then put on porn movie to keep things going, works every time.


So you are sugesting that I do the hot wrap in the shower, then get out of the shower to do the power jelq. I dont have a tv in my bathroom. I am a little worried about the temperature change and maybe that it may be to cold in my room, where I would have to watch porn. I have thought about giving this a try if what I am currently doing provides no gains. Anyone else got any advice or does anyone know if what I am doing is ok. Thanks for the advice steelbender.

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