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Question about pop sound

Question about pop sound

This week I added to my regular work out a little cardio, being on the bike for about 20 mins. everyday. After that I did my usual weigh lifting workout, and after that I went str8 to my place and did my usual PE routine (I`m on the newbie routine cause I took a decon break). So here is the deal, after the 5 min warm up with a rice sock, I felt and heard this pop sound two days and just felt it one more day, I didn´t hear it because I had the tv on, but i know it was there, I had herad it before, but only twice in like two years, and now it was there three days on the row.

What do you guys think it means, is it my fellow down there telling me to take it slow? or Am I doing it right? I haven´t meassured yet, I will tonight, but anyways I am a little concerned about it. So please any comments?

Start: (nov 04) Bpel= 17,8 * 13 Cms Bpfsl=18 Cms (July 07) Bpel= 19.7 * 13.5 Cms Bpsfl=20.6 Cms

Now: Prometo que lo voy a hacer, prometo que lo voy a hacer, prometo que lo voy a hacer.

Originally Posted by gprent

Do an advanced search for lig pop in the thread title. There is tons of info on them. Readers digest version: They feel/sound creepy but are harmless.


Running a Massive Co-Front.

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