Question for Goingdeep
Hey Goingdeep,
I have been wanting to ask you a question for a while. I kind of feel like you’re a bud since we have helped each other with info from time to time. I was curious, since you have gained almost 2 inches, have you noticed any differences during sex? You started at 5.7 EL and are now at 7.5 according to your chart. I started at 5.5 EL and am very close to 7 now. I have noticed that sometimes I hit bottom and usually always bounce off of her cervix. What has been your experience? My wife is kind of deep and has a bit more stretch to her vagina since she has had three children. I am thinking that I will need to get to 8 EL in order to really plumb the depths. (Thunder, if this is not appropriate in this particular forum, I apologize in advance and will edit if you say to). I am fairly certain that I can get to 8 by hanging, but I hate the hanger that I am using (that’s a whole nother story). In any case, I am rambling. I posted this in the main forum in case some of the other guys wanted to put in their 2 cents worth (and guys, I really value your 2 cents).
Happy hangin
Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!