Thunder's Place

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Raised red spots on glans


I’ll have to put my own experience in on this one.

One and a half week ago I decided to take a one week break. Partially because I had noticed a small injury building up due to a lot of girth exercises, and partially because I had noticed a pattern in my gains. The pattern seems to be that I only gain on prolonged rest days, say a week or more.

However, I had scheduled my break to start on Friday 09/12-08, but Wednesday 09/10 I noticed three small raised spots on my shaft after my regular routine finished with a small session of Uli’s, as well as a raised red spot on my glans.

OK I thought, let’s take the rest from now on, two days less can’t have that great an impact.

It all went well. I haven’t seen any more gains during my week of, but that’s an altogether different discussion. My plausible start of an injury is all healed, and I was very pleased until today.

I deemed it safe and sound today to practice some edging and dry orgasm, as I’m focusing quite heavily on learning the technique of semen retention and dry orgasms. Well, after finishing I noticed the raised red spot was back on my glans on the exact same position.

I guess the general advice would be to just let it heal up, as this obviously is a burst capillary, but how long should this take to heal? I’ve given it a week already, and I’ve been trying to go nicely without much masturbating and hardly any sex at all. Thus it really pissed me off to see it again today, as I was looking forward to reengage my routine Monday.

How long should such a thing take to heal, and to what degree should I stay away from masturbation to avoid any reoccurring cases of this problem in the near future? I can hardly stay away completely for the next week or two, as this would drive myself to the point of nocturnal ejaculation during sleep, and make my girl quite suspicious as I usually crave for sex. Dilemma coming up.

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth

I guess it varies. Mine lasted 6 weeks with no stimulation except for sex twice. Week 7, I finally got the Arnica cream and it took about a week. Lord Harris applied cream and got rid of it fairly quickly, as best as I can tell.

It might take some restraint, but you gotta avoid stimulation or it’ll keep popping up. I wish I would’ve gotten the cream a lot earlier. Good luck.

Well, in my last experience the raised spot itself disappeared after one day, and then returned today after perhaps a little excessive stimulation (3 jerk offs and one BJ). Hence the cure would be reduced sexual activity, and maybe only stretching exercises for the next week.

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth

Hi Sonny is correct, application of a “skin healing” cream helped a lot. They seem to come and go with me but if I stop an apply for a day or two they go completely.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Lord Harris. Is it possible to buy this arnica-cream in Boots (they’ve recently established themselves in Norway)?

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth

Savlon cream I used, and I’m almost certain they sell it on Boots. Good ol’ globalisation eh.

It took a day or two to notice but by about the fourth day they had almost completely gone.

I use it routinely now, can’t do any harm.

The main cause of these for me seems to be edging/masturbation after a jelq heavy PE session.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Last edited by Lord Harris : 09-21-2008 at .

On closer inspection in light of this thread it appears my old chums the spots have not completely gone. I did jelq a fair bit towards the end of the week and edged. I’m not overly concerned however and will just ease off the edging. When I rested for 5 days and applied cream they went completely. I assume they get re “activated” by the jelqing/edging.

I’m just taking them as a side effect of making my dick bigger, they are barely visible and as I have no bad discolouration or ED due to PE I’m not too bothered.

From our collective experiences here on this thread this seems to be most definatley caused contributed and aggravated by edging after a session.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

LH, I’m curious to see if we had different responses to the cream. Does yours dissipate the spots or raise them? Mine raises them to the point of the skin shedding and then I apply antibiotic ointment.

I’m wondering if I should try the salvon that you used. Because I do have return visits from time to time, nothing serious but annoying. As you said, the edging really does it. I guess to much sustained pressure. I wonder if it would take a month-long break or more with the cream to completely get rid of it.

Mine dissipate. To be honest Sonny I’m just carrying on. Like yours probably, erect you cant notice them it’s when it’s at around 50% but you’d have to really strain. We must have the same thing though.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Loard Harris, ironically, the raise red dots helped me across the routine that gave me my really fast gains, read this and note the date. I have reached my goals post number 5.

Thanks tnt, I just accept them as an inevitable part of adding length to my dick now, pretty small price to pay I think. They go when I stop anyway.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I have 2 spots but they only show up when I am at the end of my jelq and my head is full of blood. Also i grip my dick really hard (lol) are u not supposed to do that?


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