Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Reality Check about BIG penis


Originally Posted by Monty530
Being the sensitive man is exactly the wrong thing to be with a woman. You need to take lessons from David D. Angelo also. Women are goofy. Unless you’ve picked one with a very high level of integrity you just don’t know what is going to happen.

Although this is going slightly off the topic of PE now, Monty530 is exactly right. What women say they want is not what they actually want. All the women that say they want a guy that is sensitive, kind, caring, “NICE”… how many guys that fit this description do you see with hot women? Not many.

iwillbbigger, the best revenge you could get on this ex of yours is becoming an “alpha male” as David DeAngelo and other dating gurus describe it. Again, I am slightly weary of talking about this because I have come to realize many men take offense to this kind of thing, and the whole “just be yourself” argument usually is the backlash. If your idea of revenge is making her regret what she did, having a big dick isn’t the answer. Projecting confidence and status IS the answer. I know, because I have done this exact same thing with my ex girlfriend in the past 3 months, and she has literally told me she wants me back, and it was so immensely satisfying telling her I wasn’t interested. She dumped me after meeting someone who at the time seemed like a superior partner - he had more money, dressed more fashionably, and just happened to act in a more cocky and self assured manner than I did. Two years later, I act alpha whenever I see her, and not only does her best friend want me, SHE wants me back. It feels incredible.

No offense to any guys who don’t believe in this “learning seduction” shit.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

All you need to pick up chicks is charisma. A smile never goes astray.

Apart from that if you are a fairly decent conversationalist- if that even is a word, and you own and wear shit that was bought this century all works in your favour.

You don’t have to be a drop dead gorgeous hunk of a man like myself :) Comb your hair, brush your teeth and your face and wear aftershave every once in a while.

And don’t be so serious about it. If you pick up bonus, if not you always have your hands. Shit, what was this thread even about I forgot!


Originally Posted by awwwshucks
What women say they want is not what they actually want. All the women that say they want a guy that is sensitive, kind, caring, “NICE”… how many guys that fit this description do you see with hot women? Not many.

You know they say that but they get bored by it very soon because it is so predictable and it allows for manipulation of YOU. I’m not saying “be a jerk” just be psychologically smart. A big dick is the last thing you want to offer a woman as a reason to be with you. Your just a dead man walking cause she’s got her head in a very bad place if your looking for life long marriage material. Marriage is hard enough without value systems being screwed to begin with.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by d_sut
brush your teeth and your face

Do you have a very hairy face since you have to brush it? :D

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Originally Posted by awwwshucks
Although this is going slightly off the topic of PE now, Monty530 is exactly right. What women say they want is not what they actually want. All the women that say they want a guy that is sensitive, kind, caring, “NICE”… how many guys that fit this description do you see with hot women? Not many.

iwillbbigger, the best revenge you could get on this ex of yours is becoming an “alpha male” as David DeAngelo and other dating gurus describe it. Again, I am slightly weary of talking about this because I have come to realize many men take offense to this kind of thing, and the whole “just be yourself” argument usually is the backlash. If your idea of revenge is making her regret what she did, having a big dick isn’t the answer. Projecting confidence and status IS the answer. I know, because I have done this exact same thing with my ex girlfriend in the past 3 months, and she has literally told me she wants me back, and it was so immensely satisfying telling her I wasn’t interested. She dumped me after meeting someone who at the time seemed like a superior partner - he had more money, dressed more fashionably, and just happened to act in a more cocky and self assured manner than I did. Two years later, I act alpha whenever I see her, and not only does her best friend want me, SHE wants me back. It feels incredible.

No offense to any guys who don’t believe in this “learning seduction” shit.

Many of us that disparage portions of the PU mindset are not in fact guys that, don't believe in this “learning seduction” shit. We are in fact naturals that agree with the vast majority of the techniques of the online PU community. Where we disagree is with much off the mind set but we naturals are cool with that. On a side note it is good that you guys are working more on “inner game”, even if some of the online guys now attempt to practise one-upsmanship as to who has better “inner game.”

The best revenge is to have matured to the point that you are not seeking revenge. A guy seeking revenge in any way shape or form for some past relationship sleight to their ego is still an AFC at heart, no matter how many 10’s he is bedding.
The best way to “beat” a cockblock or a competing alpha male is to abandon your insecurities. Simply be so secure in your self that such things are not a threat in any way. Refuse to engage in the confrontation they are attempting to engineer much as you would refuse to fight if attacked by a small child.

Crap, my bad. I am turning this into a hijack. I think that the PU stuff is a wonderfull thing for a lot of guys.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I can do aggressive and sensitive nice guy too. I find the former is tops for getting laid and the latter is tops for getting laid by cooler chicks.

The best, however, is when you hook up with a cool chick who responds well to the sensitive side but screams, “fuck me harder daddy!!!!! HAAAARRDDERrRrRrR!!!!!” when you start to plow the field.

Conclusion: the guy who said, “you can’t have your cake and eat it too” didn’t get out enough…..

Well depends. You greek?


What I meant by revenge fellas is that she thought that I was gonna have phalloplasty(penis enlargement surgery). She said that she would be jealous if she saw me with some body else after having this done. I chose the safer route. She doesn’t know about me doing PE. I am confident. I just chose a woman that was mixed up in the head. But the problem to me was when she said that this guy was good it just pissed me off because if you mean to tell me that you did not care about all my other attributes and that a big dick mattered at that time, shit I’ll show you a big dick. It just might take a while. Then she’ll probably look crazy when somebody else is telling her that that MF laid pipe and he’s a good ass man.I don’t like to be told I ain’t shit when I break my back for some one.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

Originally Posted by iamaru
The best revenge is to have matured to the point that you are not seeking revenge.

Well said. This is the truth, gentlemen. If you want to be psychologically bulletproof, you have to deny everyone the ability to hurt you emotionally.

I am not a very good example…but I have seen others do this with serious class.
1) They are open and honest about everything. They never dance around an issue, because they do not feel the need to.
2) Their weaknesses become their strengths. They are transparent and do not hide from what they fear most. They face it, learn to fight it, eventually beat it, and move on the the next thing.
3) They understand that people are a mess. Nothing anyone says to hurt them can stick because they realize no one has the world completely figured out. They always consider the source, and glean from it what they can.
4) They are introspective, but do not seek answers from within themselves. They know that real answers do not come from flawed, empty lives.

This is a condensed list…maybe I should write a book. No-one would read it though.

"Debate the idea..."


Originally Posted by soon10x7
Hooker whatup homie long time no see.

Hey homie.. I am slacking big time. At least I got back into the routine the last week. Even though it is like 7 minutes of manual stretching and 8 minutes of jelquing, just so I get back into it..And let me tell you. I did not measure for a long time and am a little hesitant to do so…But the flaccid size goes down if zou stop and at least dont do a maintaining routine. So I dont suggest that…Should I look into hanging.. I am actually thinking about that Memento Rapid Gain Mechanism. But I dont think I will have the time to do that twice a day…
What have you been up to?

Have you been around?

What about your routine…

Started :BPEL 7.0 x 5.5 Now: BPEL 7.6 x 5.8 Goal: NBPEL 8.6 x 6.3 "Don´t let yourself get attached to anything that you are Not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the HEAT around th corner." --Robert De Niro (talking to Al Pacino in a caffe in the Movie HEAT)

Originally Posted by goonbaby
Well said. This is the truth, gentlemen. If you want to be psychologically bulletproof, you have to deny everyone the ability to hurt you emotionally.

I am not a very good example…but I have seen others do this with serious class.
1) They are open and honest about everything. They never dance around an issue, because they do not feel the need to.
2) Their weaknesses become their strengths. They are transparent and do not hide from what they fear most. They face it, learn to fight it, eventually beat it, and move on the the next thing.
3) They understand that people are a mess. Nothing anyone says to hurt them can stick because they realize no one has the world completely figured out. They always consider the source, and glean from it what they can.
4) They are introspective, but do not seek answers from within themselves. They know that real answers do not come from flawed, empty lives.

This is a condensed list…maybe I should write a book. No-one would read it though.

He said it you all…. The fat lady has sung…

That is what I call words of wisdom…Now you know it …you know how, so just do it ….the same way you wrote it..simple and plain..

Started :BPEL 7.0 x 5.5 Now: BPEL 7.6 x 5.8 Goal: NBPEL 8.6 x 6.3 "Don´t let yourself get attached to anything that you are Not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the HEAT around th corner." --Robert De Niro (talking to Al Pacino in a caffe in the Movie HEAT)

Sure, having a relatively large dick (7.75+ x 5.5+) has given me more confidence, but I would probably do almost as good without my new size. Relations between people are mostly built on communicating intellects, not sizes of genitalia.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I’m doing my regular PE routine, as inconsistent as always…will I ever learn. Hanging ain’t my cup of tea, I like to stick to the basics. I try to check in here every couple of days to see if there’s any new techniques or if any “overnight” PE invented. Be good.

Some good advice in this thread. Sorry, this is kind of an empty post: I’m trying to hit 20 so I can start a thread or two.


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