Thunder's Place

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Reasons for NOT sleeping with PE device on


Reasons for NOT sleeping with PE device on

Many people ask the question of weather or not should the sleep with their PE devices on. Well this thread is for those who want to know. The answer is NO and here are some starter rules why I say this.

1ST: After a long day of PEing and I suspect that it was pretty intense, your body has(or maybe it has been) bought to the point of no return. What I mean is that you have Jelqed, Stretched, Hung, Clamped and Edged. And maybe while you were doing this you were watching some porn. Your BODY NEEDS TO RELEASE. UH-OH. Here comes the wet dream. And that clamp that you have on or that cock ring that you’re wearing causes your ejaculation to be hesitant and not come out like it normally does. Now while your dreaming it may seem like your having the best cum of you life. But when you wake up it’s not looking good.

2ND: You go to sleep thinking that you gonna continue you stretch while your sleep. Brilliant idea right? WRONG. You need to exercise and keep things moving and flowing. You cannot massage your dick head while you’re sleep. You may wake up and your head is cold and numb from lack of massaging. And the shaft of your penis is hurting because you did not realize that you had it on to tight.

Gentlemen. Brother’s in PE. Please feel free to share your reasons why and your experiences for not sleeping with your PE device on. Thank you.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

Common sense?

Next time someone asks, I’m gonna say “By all means, you’ve read the pros and cons so go right ahead, and don’t forget to post about your experiences.”

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Most healthy guys experience nocturnal erections, usually 4 - 5 of them a night. They occur during the REM stage of sleep. These are very good events from a sexual performance point of view. Wearing almost any kind of PE device will inhibit them.

Further, since they occur while you are unconscious, you then have no way of monitoring how long the erection may last or if it is being constricted in any way by the device. If your penile circulation were to be cut off for longer than 30 minutes, you could experience serious tissue damage.

It goes without saying that many of you want size increase and you want it NOW and so are trying to come up with ways to hasten the process. However, PE is not a race and you need to face the fact that for most of us PE is a long process. You only get one cock in this go around. Take the best care of it that you can and avoid potentially dangerous shortcuts.



Ok guys I have been pondering this idea myself and have almost had the confidence to pull it off after reasoning with myself and based on my personal expierences.

The closest I got to wearing say a ADS or penis extender device is by using a traction wrap (which one time woke me up at night from the pressure built up under the traction wrap then I took it off and went back to sleep, no other problems). Another time my dick was really fatigued and I traction wrapped a little bit less tight as I had before and I had no problems keeping my dick extended as I slept because I had wrapped the traction wrap to be fairly loose so the the pressure was less great on my penis if I were to get a erection. The reason why I even had the balls/courage/stupidty (depending how you look at it and who you ask) to do this was because I had done expierments to check and observe what the results were when I got a erection after I put on the traction wrap. I noted that basically when I wrapped a certain way pressure would build up too much and/or the glans might balloon too big for comfort for me and I also noted by traction wrapping a different way and getting a test erection that my dick could handle the pressure genereated (which was less) and then when my erection subsided the wrap would be nice and loose afterwords and allow for furthur erections and return to flaccid state easily without any problems. It was this last observation that gave me the confidence to use the traction wrap while sleeping which resulted in the results I listed above…

I don’t think anyone should attempt anything like this unless they really know what they are doing and how whatever form of PE they want to sleep with they have much expierence and knowledge of that along with good reasoning and maybe some erection test expierments like I did above for sleeping with a traction wrap.

1ST: After a long day of PEing and I suspect that it was pretty intense, your body has(or maybe it has been) bought to the point of no return. What I mean is that you have Jelqed, Stretched, Hung, Clamped and Edged. And maybe while you were doing this you were watching some porn. Your BODY NEEDS TO RELEASE. UH-OH. Here comes the wet dream. And that clamp that you have on or that cock ring that you’re wearing causes your ejaculation to be hesitant and not come out like it normally does. Now while your dreaming it may seem like your having the best cum of you life. But when you wake up it’s not looking good.

I have never had the issue of wet-dreams. I never in my life woken up to sticky semen all over my blankets and myself. lol. I have had some really vivid and hot sexual dreams before but not the wet dream thing. So can be said that your point there can be a non-issue for certain people who know they never have expierenced wet-dreams in thier lifetime for sure. If I knew I could possibly get a wet-dream while sleeping for me personally I too would never use any PE while I sleep. Of course one idea I have that may be possible to twart the possible wet-dream side-effect is too cum multiple times to the point where you have no sperm left and then nothing would come out from the wet-dream. Just a idea, but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone on less they did more thought on this and assessed themselves more.

2ND: You go to sleep thinking that you gonna continue you stretch while your sleep. Brilliant idea right? WRONG. You need to exercise and keep things moving and flowing. You cannot massage your dick head while you’re sleep. You may wake up and your head is cold and numb from lack of massaging. And the shaft of your penis is hurting because you did not realize that you had it on to tight.

I think you meant to say you need to rest not excersize. ;) I agree with you if someone had not done very careful analysis and noted and wrote down or mentally rememberd facts and observations made from expiermenation with a PE device (ADS, Traction device) on what happens when I clamp in this position or this way? What happens if I tighten this way or that and then wear the device while you are wake and note the results of whether your head ever becomes numb, blue, too cold, etc. If you can expierment enough with the PE device while awake and then build enough real confidence based on solid expiermenation results and facts then I personally might attempt to use a ADS during sleep which may or may not be good but I would have expiermented so much personally with every little possibility that could be bad or good that I would know that there was most likly no chance for problems to occur (it still takes some balls/confidence in yourself even if you have uber knowledge of the device works and reacts to you under various dick conditions). I know all this is true because I have personally expiermented with my own homemade version of a Wenchette ADS.

Most healthy guys experience nocturnal erections, usually 4 - 5 of them a night. They occur during the REM stage of sleep. These are very good events from a sexual performance point of view. Wearing almost any kind of PE device will inhibit them.

Further, since they occur while you are unconscious, you then have no way of monitoring how long the erection may last or if it is being constricted in any way by the device. If your penile circulation were to be cut off for longer than 30 minutes, you could experience serious tissue damage.

It goes without saying that many of you want size increase and you want it NOW and so are trying to come up with ways to hasten the process. However, PE is not a race and you need to face the fact that for most of us PE is a long process. You only get one cock in this go around. Take the best care of it that you can and avoid potentially dangerous shortcuts.

This is good for thought. I cannot realistically tell anyone whether using PE devices during night is bad or good for you. It depends on many factors. How conditioned and healthy your dick is, do you have wet-dreams, are you a light sleeper or heavy. would you use a alarm clock to time how long you wore the device while sleeping, should your dick have break time from wearing any PE device if you had been wearing it all day; so the question would be what PE have you done today and is your dick overtrained or not? You guys see. There is no simple answer to this question and it’s going to take someone who is either really stupid and just attempts and makes great gains or someone who does stuff like I do and expierments and knows exactly what is going on then has the balls to attempt it and notes the results. We will not really know if this is good or bad until one person says its good and make great gains from it and then sparks other peoples interest in trying this whomever that may be. It also can be seen from the facts I’ve written here that PE really is a very individual thing and one must know himself very well as well as take good advice from others who PE to really intelligently be able to decide to PE in this manner or not.

The fact is that no one really needs to PE in there sleep and we only are asking ourselves this because we believe there may be a way to get quicker gains from it. Yet, no one really knows until someone brave enough to step up attempts and makes or doesn’t make great gains from it over a period of time and then reports truthly his expierences.

If I have a PE device on, then chances are, I need to monitor how my dick feels just incase I feel something going wrong. When I’m asleep, I can’t monitor shit. It will be a very scary feeling injuring my dick and I had no idea what happened. I do plenty of stupid shit that I regret already…I’d rather not take extreme risks by trying to PE while asleep (bed fowfers are the exception). Also, just like the initial post stated, your dick needs recovery time anyway after we tortured the crap out of it during our exercises.

IF a cock ring is considered a PE device, then I do wear one while I sleep. I have also wrapped lightly 2 or 3 times while sleeping. My routine for yesterday was hanging for 3 sessions of 20 mins then jelqing 10 min in between. Then last night I pumped for 2 session of 20 min with 10 min jelqing in between. I edged three times then throw on the trusty silicone cock ring (tight enough to hold in blood and let it circulate) and go to bed. I have been doing this for a few weeks now with nothing but good results. I wake up with a much thicker, heavier,longer unit. No bad side effects so far. And yes I do get erections at night and if they get to big I do wake up and take the ring off. I work out a lot and know a little about how the body works. For instance, the body does most of it’s healing and growing while you are sleeping. So in my humble opinion it would seem like the best time to be doing some sort of pulling, stretching, or something. I do not recommend this for anyone. If you do this it will be at your own risk,just like all other PE. I do not do this for super quick results, I do this because I believe it will help in my growing process

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

I think it’s safe to wear a cock ring (so long as it’s not too tight) or do fowfers whilst sleeping. Anything more and you’re taking a big risk. Sometimes taking a risk pays off, but most of the time it end in tears.

Start Stats:5.5x4.5 Current:7.0x5.0 Goal:8x6 Gains:1.5 inch BPEL x 0.5 EG

"Insert pseudo-intellectual quote here..."

I work very early in the morning and get off around 9am. From 9-11 I take a nap and wear my JES during that time. I lay on my back on the couch, and 2 hours is about the max I can sleep with one on and still have blood flow. However, I never use the extender without hot wrapping first!

Originally Posted by dowman5
When I’m asleep, I can’t monitor shit.

I truly, deeply hope this is not literally.

Originally Posted by Stretchin
Size matters, that's why my dick is blue and brown and has a sharp pain in the left side.

Previously known as Ben Dover.

Originally Posted by Ben Dover
I truly, deeply hope this is not literally.


Be specific.

I’m just saying I can’t feel if something’s going wrong if I’m asleep. What’s wrong with that? My sleeping habits are so arbitrary, I hardly have a consistent sleeping cycle (one of my biggest health issues), so PEing while sleeping’s out of the question. I’m not an extremely heavy sleeper, but besides being randomly awake in the middle of the night, the only thing that wakes me up is very loud noise (like an alarm or a thunderstorm…or door slamming outside my dorm room) humid conditions or in cases of stuffy nose, the inability to breathe. Other than that, once I fall asleep, I’m pretty much dead asleep. What’s wrong with that?

I do not agree, I have been using for months PE device at nights.

Something that I would like to discuss with you, but first I want to see if the results are permanent.

How can you shit yourself when you sleep. Unless you dont have control over your anal sphincter. In that case I suggest doing some Kegels.

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

Originally Posted by iwillbbigger
How can you shit yourself when you sleep. Unless you dont have control over your anal sphincter. In that case I suggest doing some Kegels.

definition of humor

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