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Recording PE Information With Excel

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Do you keep a detailed record of your PEing?

Yes, with Microsoft Word


Yes, with other method (Please explain with post.)



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Recording PE Information With Excel

I record every instantance of PE with Microsoft Excel, so I can understand it and see how I am doing with progress, size, amount of time for every .25 inches and how much time I have put into this project. This information can be very helpful for all future and current PEers.

I have attached my Excel file for everyone to see. Tell me what you think.

Attached Files
Bart PE
(24.8 KB, 71 views)

Excel, in a cryptainer encrypted vault.


I’ve gone through periods where I gave up keeping track, but usually write down what I do in a text file, starting a new one each month. I prefer this over a spreadsheet because I add notes about fatigue, any problems, post-workout measurements, etc.

I use a spreadsheet for my (used to be monthly) measurements and add a note giving a brief outline of what I had been doing along with comments. I can refer back to my daily notes for that time period for more detail.

All of this is kept in an encrypted container.

My iMac couldn’t decode it.

Originally Posted by gprent101
My iMac couldn’t decode it.

Thats why Microsoft made a version of Office for the Apple operating system.

http://www.micr … ?pid=office2004

Even looks like they have a free trial version.


"Eat Beaver - Save Trees - Simple right?"

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