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Reseacher Measured Length

Reseacher Measured Length

Just had online talk with guy who had participated in study. I have thought this for a long time myself. He said he himself measures about 20cm/8” bpel when sitting. Of course pelvis tilted and pushing hard to pubic bone. In research they measured standing bpel and dude said he was around 17cm / 6.7” if not less with decent EQ.

I tried myself and
19cm / 7.5” sitting bpel curve straightened
16cm / 6.3” sitting nbpel curve straightened
16cm / 6.3” bpel standing pelvis normal
15cm / 5.9” standing nbpel

I think if reseacher would measure me the result would be 16cm bpel / 6.3” And I have thought that I am 18 - 18.5 cm bpel. Weird thing is that few woman have called me big and I can give them deep spot orgasms. With pathetic 16cm/6.3” bpel dick.

This is to point out that you probably fool yourself and think you are bigger compared to others than you really are.

I wasnt aware that any one measured sitting down. I measure either standing up straight or laying down straight- both match for me.

What is important for anyone who is concerned with measuring a changing size (i.e, growth) is to be consistent in that process. You want to have confidence that the 0.5”/1.25cm difference between this measurement and ypur previous measurement is a result of growth and not because your pelvis was pushed out a little more this time, or you were sitting in a different chair.

Here’s a very good reference for measuring accurately:

How to Measure Your Penis

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I always measure sitting down. Why would I stand when I can sit?
For PE it is only important to measure same style every time.

When sitting pelvis can be tilted very much to give up to 1” more. Also one mistake is to push narrow ruler “under” pubic bone. So it is very deep into body and bpel and nbpel has huge difference.

I always measure standing up, not sure why, just the way it worked out

Yeah, standing for me as well. It takes out the variables of sitting. But really if we were all measuring to see who the biggest is, I’d have to believe you and trust your method, and you mine.

Since we are measuring to track changes in our physiology, I don’t trust a seated measurement for my purposes, PE or otherwise.

Originally Posted by Trapezius
I always measure sitting down. Why would I stand when I can sit?
For PE it is only important to measure same style every time.

When sitting pelvis can be tilted very much to give up to 1” more. Also one mistake is to push narrow ruler “under” pubic bone. So it is very deep into body and bpel and nbpel has huge difference.

I think you answered your own question “Why would I stand when I can sit?” when you stated “When sitting pelvis can be tilted very much to give up to 1” more”. Sitting has much greater chance of measurement error.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
I think you answered your own question “Why would I stand when I can sit?” when you stated “When sitting pelvis can be tilted very much to give up to 1” more”. Sitting has much greater chance of measurement error.

Yes. But when I do it sitting I can measure within +/- 2 mm margin every time. Pretty precise. So I can compare it to my own measurements. I can’t compare it to studies or everyone else.

Originally Posted by Trapezius
Yes. But when I do it sitting I can measure within +/- 2 mm margin every time. Pretty precise. So I can compare it to my own measurements. I can’t compare it to studies or everyone else.

But for comparing and self affirmation, I agree it matters not how you measure, as long as you measure the same way each time for tracking, and without any “cheat”. Unless it’s the same cheat each time.

Exactly, measuring for growth is all we need. Big dick contests are for different forums. When I look at people’s stats the main thing I look for is growth

I find it funny that people think 16cm NBPEL is small, it isn’t, we really need to stop this mentality that girls only like 10 Inches up lol. I would say for women the perfect size is around 18cm based on what I’ve researched so far

BPEL: 16.7cm (6.57'')-------NBPEL: 14-15cm (5.5''-5.9'')

MEG: 11.8cm (4.64'')------- BEG: 11.5cm (4.52'')------------Average Girth: 11.65cm (4.58'')

Goals: NBPEL: 17-18cm Average girth: 13.5-14cm-----------Last measurements 13/3/2023: NBPEL: 15.5cm (6.1'') Average Girth: 12.25cm (4.8'')

I always measure standing. It’s good to know, that when researchers measure for studies, participants are standing. I always assumed that was the case, now I know. Thanks!

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Originally Posted by weard123
I find it funny that people think 16cm NBPEL is small, it isn’t, we really need to stop this mentality that girls only like 10 Inches up lol. I would say for women the perfect size is around 18cm based on what I’ve researched so far

16cm nbpel was my cheating measurement done sitting and pelvis tilted maximally.
16 cm nbpel is not small by any means. I am 14,5 - 15 cm nbpel and it is not small either. It is above average. It just seems little number when I have seen numbers like 19cm bpel when sitting.

Originally Posted by Lookinforgirth
I always measure standing. It’s good to know, that when researchers measure for studies, participants are standing. I always assumed that was the case, now I know. Thanks!

One thing to add is pelvic tilt. You can change measurement up to 5 cm/2” with tilting pelvis back and forth. This all means that it is very hard to compare results. But actually there is no need to compare.

Not sure if I’m measuring wrong but my standing measurement and sitting measurement is pretty much the same.

I didn’t even know that it mattered so much.

Originally Posted by Trapezius
Just had online talk with guy who had participated in study. I have thought this for a long time myself. He said he himself measures about 20cm/8” bpel when sitting. Of course pelvis tilted and pushing hard to pubic bone. In research they measured standing bpel and dude said he was around 17cm / 6.7” if not less with decent EQ.

I tried myself and
19cm / 7.5” sitting bpel curve straightened
16cm / 6.3” sitting nbpel curve straightened
16cm / 6.3” bpel standing pelvis normal
15cm / 5.9” standing nbpel

I think if reseacher would measure me the result would be 16cm bpel / 6.3” And I have thought that I am 18 - 18.5 cm bpel. Weird thing is that few woman have called me big and I can give them deep spot orgasms. With pathetic 16cm/6.3” bpel dick.

This is to point out that you probably fool yourself and think you are bigger compared to others than you really are.

You know, reviewing this, 16cm is still pretty big. The Urology channels I follow on YouTube all tend to use a study that says that “average” range is between 13 to 14cm. 16cm is nearly an inch longer than the high end of the average. And judging from what I’ve seen at certain clubs and beaches, I’m starting to think that the 5.1”/13cm measurement is probably a pretty good average. And these men are still showing up with very attractive partners. 16cm isn’t the least bit pathetic. Personally mate I think you’re psyching yourself out a bit, you’re better off than you think. To use a term I’ve heard around here, you gotta “Fix your head.” Ultimately, the organ that really matters is the one up top. I know men without any sort of phallus to speak of (Penile and prostate cancer) that still have awesome husbands and wives, so it’s not the end all be all. Keep giving your ladies those deep G-spot orgasms, they’re happy.

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