Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to Measure Your Penis

How to Measure Your Penis

Measuring the erect penis
When you’ve measured your penis in the past, you’ve probably placed the ruler at the base of your penis and read the figure at you glans. We call that Non-Bone Pressed (NBP). Then maybe you’ve put the ruler at the side of your penis and found the measurement was larger. If you’re in a porn movie you measure underneath, from the balls to maximise the measurement.

This is great but it’s not really useful to us as people wanting to track progress for the purposes of penis enlargement. We need a method that is repeatable and we aren’t interested in size. We are interested in change in size, so we try to measure for consistency. For length, this means we use a Bone Pressed (BP) measurement, where the bottom of the ruler is pressed into the fixed point that is the pubic bone.

There are two ways to measure bone pressed: from the side or from the top.

Though measuring from from the side has the advantage of it being easier to locate the bone as there is just skin and very little fat in the way, rather than skin, fat and ligaments, measuring from the top is preferable. It may measure shorter but it has the advantage that the bone across the top is fairly straight whereas down the side curves back as you go lower.

To measure take a ruler, push hard into the bone above the penis and measure the distance to the glans. It’s best to have a ruler where zero is the end of the ruler. It’s often easier if the ruler is placed with one of the measuring sides along the shaft, rather than flat along the shaft.

The point of the Bone pressed measurement is to create a solid measurement, so you must be at your highest erection level. A small variation from your highest might result in differing measurements and you are attempting measuring gains, not how good an erection you have.

The Perfect Bone Pressed Erect Length (BPEL) Measurement

  • Always use the same ruler.
  • Measure after a minimum two day break.
  • Ensure a good hard erection.
  • Stand up straight or lie down.
  • Don’t push the hips forward.
  • Measure on the top.
  • Push hard against the pubic bone.
  • Don’t dig in under the pubic bone. Rotate the ruler along the axis of the width 45° to avoid this.
  • Angle the penis at 90° to the body.
  • Straighten the penis to the ruler along it’s length.
  • Take multiple measurements over the course of several hours and use the mean.
  • Be consistent in the way you measure.
Measuring the length of the erect penis

Note: Always push the penis to the ruler, the curve of your penis may change over time.

An alternative is to measure bone pressed flaccid stretch length (BPFSL), where you push to the bone again and this time pull your flaccid penis out as far as possible. Some people find this produces a more easily repeatable measurement.

Do the erect measurement again but this time don’t push to the bone simply rest the end of the ruler at the base of the penis. This is the non bone pressed erect length (NBPEL) mentioned at the start. It’s a “for your information” measurement rather than being useful for PE.

Measuring Girth

Tailor's tape

Take a tailors tape and measure the girth of the penis at the mid point. Base and behind the glans measurements are also useful. You could use string, mark it and then measure it with a ruler but a tailor’s tape is a small investment and will increase accuracy.

The Perfect Erect Girth (EG) Measurement

  • Use a tailor’s measuring tape
  • Measure after a minimum two day break.
  • Ensure a maximal erection (less than maximal may inflate the figures).
  • Measure at three points along the shaft: base, mid, behind glans. Measure the glans, if attempting to track this.
  • Take multiple measurements over the course of several hours and use the mean.
  • Be consistent in the way you measure.

Measuring the girth of the erect penis

You need to leave 2 days from your last PE session before measuring or you will be measuring some temporary effects left over from your sessions.

It’s also worth taking pictures. Having written measurements is one thing but having a picture to compare makes a lot of difference too.

This thread uses images from the original French version by Graal.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

It’s Graal’s hard work, I just added hard to read prose.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

This will help alot of starters. Thank’s for that man. Cheers.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Nice! Now if we could make membership contingent on reading it….

:_pump: :donatecar

Nice one, Graal and memento.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Originally Posted by memento
It’s Graal’s hard work, I just added hard to read prose.

I’m pleased that my little drawings have help you to make this great job.

This is a much more detailled description than the concise one I presented in the French forum. I might take inspiration of this to add a few more détails.

Ce Forum n'existe que grâce à la générosité de ses membres.

Faire un don :donatecar

Oh those are your drawings Graal wow that’s cool, you could really do a lot for this forum with those.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

Great thread.

The most important thing IMO is to measure the same way everytime you do it. BPEL is the best way to do it.

For the new guys reading this: For what it is worth, I flatten/straighten out my curve against the ruler when I measure BPEL. I don’t see the point of measuring air, I want to measure penis.

Also as mem notes, your curve can change over time. I started with a pretty good left curve. Urologist says a curve like that happens because your CC’s are unequally developed (and that’s perfectly normal). My left CC has sort of caught up to my right CC so my dick is straighter. So I feel by straightening the curve on my orig measurements i have a more consistent record than if I hadn’t done that.

However main thing is always measure the same way so you can keep accurate track of your gains. I totally agree with Drako:

Originally Posted by Drako93
The most important thing IMO is to measure the same way everytime you do it. BPEL is the best way to do it.

Last edited by sta-kool : 06-09-2015 at .

Originally Posted by sta-kool
For the new guys reading this: For what it is worth, I flatten/straighten out my curve against the ruler when I measure BPEL. I don’t see the point of measuring air, I want to measure penis.

I totally agree with you and with what Drako said.

Threre is a reason to explain the flawed drawing. Those pictures are not freehand drawings but retouched photos I took of myself. The penis first and the hands separetely, and then mixing them together. Maybe should I have to consider to redo the job.

Ce Forum n'existe que grâce à la générosité de ses membres.

Faire un don :donatecar

Originally Posted by sta-kool
For the new guys reading this: For what it is worth, I flatten/straighten out my curve against the ruler when I measure BPEL. I don’t see the point of measuring air, I want to measure penis.

Also as mem notes, your curve can change over time. I started with a pretty good left curve. Urologist says a curve like that happens because your CC’s are unequally developed (and that’s perfectly normal). My left CC has sort of caught up to my right CC so my dick is straighter. So I feel by straightening the curve on my orig measurements i have a more consistent record than if I hadn’t done that.

However main thing is always measure the same way so you can keep accurate track of your gains. I totally agree with Drako:

Yeah - I think it’s a good idea to do anything that will maximize your bone-pressed measurement, to ensure that any “gains” you make really are gains, and not just changes in your measuring method. For example, in addition to straightening out any curve, I recommend thrusting one’s hips forward at whatever angle maximizes measured length, if your goal is to accurately track gains (rather than get a sense of how your dick realistically compares to the norms established in studies). It’s way too easy to gradually make subtle changes in your measurement method to convince yourself you’re making gains, when in fact you’re stagnant in your PE. Better to start out with the very longest measurement possible (while keeping the ruler bone-pressed on top of your dick), so you can’t fool yourself later.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

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