Top Gainers List Ordered by Periodic Gain
I forgot I generated this spreadsheet awhile back but I went to do some research on gains from various Thundersplace users and I used this again and figured I’d post it for anyone interested. I’m stuck at my desk hanging and have nothing better to do! :)
The spreadsheet draws from data through Oct 14 2014 from the public Thundersplace database, and has some filters built in to try to automatically remove blatantly false log entries. It is not a simple listing of total gains per user but instead break apart each user’s history into periods based on their log entries and lists gains per period, total gains, and more importantly cumulative gains through each log entry. In a nutshell the sort algorithm is the efficiency of gains (length) to time. Besides listing cumulative gains for each user for every period they posted a log entry for it lists gains just within each period and total gains and some other stuff. I’ll list a brief explanation of some of the columns below:
F - CumulativeLengthGain - Total length gained from the start of PE through each log entry ( (H)StartDate, G(PeriodEndPEDays) )
S - CumulativeGirthGain - Same as F only using girth.
G - PeriodEndPEDays - Number of days from the start of PE up through the end of the period/log entry.
B, C, D, E, H, I, J, K, L, M - All relate to the entire PE career, for example ‘EndGirth’ = final girth as of last log entry, ‘EndDate’ = final data of last log entry, ‘LENGTHGAIN’ = length gain as of last log entry.
N, O, P, Q, R - All relate to statistics just for the period (not cumulative, in other words between each log entry)
So again, the default sort uses columns F and G, cumulative gains per period.
Sorry it’s not in a format easier to understand, if you have a question don’t hesitate to ask :)
28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)
Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS