Thunder's Place

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How to Measure Your Penis

Quick question: can anyone point me to a good post on taking flaccid measurements? Is there a general method or rule of thumb people like to go by? Probably just personal preference, but I’ve read about stretching it and measuring, measuring limp, etc. Just looking to get on a standardized routine as far as measurements are concerned. Thanks!

I believe that there isn’t a standard per se. What’s probably the most important is that you use the same method every time you measure. Personally, my flaccid varies so much I usually just go with an average. And a visual. I know that it’s bigger than when I started PE, so that’s success.

:_pump: :donatecar

Originally Posted by clgp7
I believe that there isn’t a standard per se. What’s probably the most important is that you use the same method every time you measure. Personally, my flaccid varies so much I usually just go with an average. And a visual. I know that it’s bigger than when I started PE, so that’s success.

I second that. There’s tons of variability in flaccid measurements. The one flaccid measurement that is consistent for me is BPSFL. When I started PE, BPEL and BPSFL were the same. Today, BPSFL is 3/4” longer than BPEL.

Live long and prosper.

Are there any threads with real life examples of measuring?

I just want to make sure I’m doing it right, depending on the angle I use the measurement can change a lot sometimes

Thank you so much for this thread memento / Graal! I will definitely be able to track my progress more precisely by applying your methods.

My log: Pier's progress

Memento apprieciate your help.

I’m gonna track my gains this way.

Is it correct to measure NBPEL from the side if you have upward erection angle?

Really the base?

Where do people typically measure their base? If I line with the abdominals - IE the start of the top external penis, then, at least on me, this is behind the scrotum and balls (with penis parallel to the ground). It would make sense that people are doing this, it is just that their reported BSEG is usually not much more than there MSEG but on me it is radically different (like a difference of up to 2X). I know I am an anomaly in that respect, but find it hard to believe _that_ much of an anomaly! I.E. I am prone to suspecting that other people are not measuring the ‘base base’. I am even much skinnier in front of the scrotum than behind (which is something like 1.5+ inches inches behind - my scrotum is pretty big(I think) and kind of integrates with the penis, making the penis look like it starts later, and thus making it look much smaller, at least to me, but that’s a story for another thread!-)

Volume distribution happens quite naturally and larger base girth seems to be the more common. On a side note, there are a few of exercises that push this unbalanced distribution further (clamping, hanging etc).

BEG should be taken as close to the body as possible.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Thanks for your reply. To not get any scrotum in the way I probably have to push it forward. This will probably be even more awkward. Funny how my measurement technique still seems to evolve even many years.

Everyone else measure as close to the body and proximal to the balls (and yet get a measurement not much higher than MSEG)?

I usually squeeze the boys down as low as I can get them without causing much pain. Once they are hanging loosely then i measure the base. If the boys shrink back up then I give up and do the measurement at another time.

Great time for me to measure is after a hot shower or bath when the boys are generally as low as they can go.

Luckily, my flaccid doesn’t change much during the day, unless I’m cold, so I can measure (NBP) at any time unless I feel very warm; then I don’t measure since my flaccid can hang up to 2” longer and that would not be an accurate measurement.

Thanks Ice. Even after years later pulling my balls still would never hang loose enough to cooperate like that. When I have time etc I’ll make some drawings of how I measure, but I wonder if I should make a dedicated thread about it. There are many other base related topics I’d like to discuss as well.

Originally Posted by pyramidDck
Thanks Ice. Even after years later pulling my balls still would never hang loose enough to cooperate like that. When I have time etc I’ll make some drawings of how I measure, but I wonder if I should make a dedicated thread about it. There are many other base related topics I’d like to discuss as well.

Another option is a c-ring if the boys don’t hang low. I have the Bathmate Goliath and use it every time I pump or jelq. I put it just above the boys and push downward until they are out of the way and hanging low. It’s nice and tight so the boys are stuck in a lower position and they can’t escape.

I’m fortunate that mine normally hang low, 4+” unless I am cold or stressed/nervous, so it is easy for me to measure. I’m not sure if there is a way but I’ve love to have them hang ever lower but the thing that stops me is that I sit on them from time to time (not on purpose) when I am very warm due to how low they hang.

4+”? Woah!

On a side note, related to your username too, I’m considering changing my handle to icebergDck since the more visible part distal to my clingy balls is like just the tip of my mass.

Thinking about it some more, some sort of gun or knife where the hidden part is like the part you grip around or tuck under your shoulder or something would describe the shape more precisely as the top doesn’t expand towards the base, just the sides and especially the bottom.

Last edited by pyramidDck : 09-13-2017 at . Reason: typo

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