Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Resuming PE after long deconditioning break - Any experiences with this?


Originally Posted by Frankfurter2
Hello All,

I’m trying to get back into PE after about a 4-5 year Hiatus. I just want to say that Thunder’s Place and all of the Members in this thread inspired me to start again. The negative voices kept telling me , “It doesn’t work, it’s not real , etc”. But I’m not going to listen, and I remember that when I first tried PE, I did see some results. Thank you all for your posts. I’m going to start again and will be in contact.


Take the weekend time and invest twice four hours in intense TP lecture. No specific posts, just reading through the logbook section. And then report here on Monday and say how loud the voices of doubt are.

And then start the newbie routine on Tuesday :-)

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook


My schedule changed this week (I’m waking up at 4am now - sheesh) so I only did one day this week. I think I’ll be able to get on it this week. I’ll look around, but if you could point me specifically to which TP lecture, that would be helpful. Thank you for your response and time.

Have a good Day.

I feel really enthusiastic about this new routine. Basically nothing revolutionary.

Just high quality jelqing as much as I can do in a week while maintaining good EQ. Also, I try to do mini jelqing session in the bathroom at work and use a cock ring/loose clamp as much as I can to keep my member engorged.

I’m bigger already. And with consistency, I should be able to gain even more.

Originally Posted by Frankfurter2
My schedule changed this week (I’m waking up at 4am now - sheesh) so I only did one day this week. I think I’ll be able to get on it this week. I’ll look around, but if you could point me specifically to which TP lecture, that would be helpful. Thank you for your response and time.

Have a good Day.


I recommend to browse through the logbooks, as I find them the moat informative part.

None specific to recommend, anything longer than 5 pages usually is worth reading.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook


Hello Richard65!

Thank you again, I have begun to read some of you log book, and you mentioned somethings that I did remember in my short time when I did PE in the past that made a HUGE difference.

1. Take it SLOW.

2. Document the good and the bad.

3. Manual GENTLE (yet mildly intense)Jelqing WORKS!!

I will be starting my routine tomorrow (and a new diet because my heart and other problems). I will keep you posted. Honestly I cannot thank you enough for responses. I don’t feel alone in my hope for a harder, bigger member!


OH before I forget, due to my some days nutty schedule I have a bath-mate that I did use in the past which was great, but I may need to PE in a different part of town maybe at night. What is your opinion on Air-Pumps? (not that I’m close to that stage yet at all - It’s my opinion [and I’ve read] that devices come later on, and maybe even much later on in your PE journey) which I’m ok with. Thank you.


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