Thunder's Place

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Resuming PE after long deconditioning break - Any experiences with this?


Resuming PE after long deconditioning break - Any experiences with this?

Hi all,

It just occurred to me that I haven’t really done any PE for the last year and also sporadically in prior years. So, if deconditioning is real, I suppose I should be fully deconditioned by now.

Does anyone have any experience with resuming PE after a long break?

As for my measurements, I’m irritated that I didn’t take proper starting measurements, so I do not know exactly how much I’ve gained, but I seem to have cemented 17,0 cm/6,8 ” BPEL. I feel confident that I’ve gained at least 0,8” or 2,0 cm in length. At my height, I was around 19,0 cm BPEL.

I’m considering getting back into a hanging regime in August to see if I can finally reach my goal of 20,0 cm BPEL and stay there for good.

Thanks in advance for any input or experience! :)


You should start up just like you did when you were a newbie.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Hi Renholder

Have been in a very similar situation and went on a slightly decreased and slower version of the linear newbie routine.

It seems to work…

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Originally Posted by Renholder
Does anyone have any experience with resuming PE after a long break?

My experience consisted in 2 months rest, no PE at all, just some light edging and masturbation.

Got back on linear newbie routine, implementing pumping and edging on the way. Had great gains (most of my gains actually) and since then was never able to reproduce the same “scenario” again (meaning gains).

My advice would be to restart either on the newbie routine or linear routine. Good luck.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

I recently went back to PE after a break of five years. I had lost some of my length gains but hardly any girth. Restarted with the newbie routine, and I’ve been gaining like I did when I was a newbie the first time.

Few months after I began PE I tried too much intense routine (I didn’t read the forum advices back then) and the gain stalled.
After one year I resume PE but still I hadn’t see any gain because I was doing again an extreme routine (too much water pumping at high depression and for long time).
After another year of stop finally I discovered the IPR theory, and began a very light cyclic routine and I finally started to gain.

Based on my experience I confirm that a long deconditioning break can be very useful to break plateau and also that 2 months break in the IPR cycle are useful to maintain the routine very light.

Sorry if I have make some mistake but English is not my first language ;)

Start:16BPx12.5MEG || Start APR (2016):16.5x13.1 || Today:19.2x14.1cm (7.6x5.6in)

OB1:18x13 {S.Med} || OB2:19x14 {Gra} || OB3(2022):20x14.5 {M.Gra}

Diario e foto || Tabella routine ciclica APR || Grafico volume e {classifica} grandezza


Your English is perfectly understandeable.

And going on a very light IPR seems to be an interesting alternative to re-launch with the Newbie or Linear Newbie Routine instead.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

I’ve recently started again after a 12 year break. I went straight into hanging after about a month of dry jelqs and manual stretches. I noticed slight gains from hanging and since then I’ve switched into an extender only routine combined with jelqing. I switched into an extender because of some studies I read (you can read about it in my progress report). I’ve been tracking my progress and quite honestly, the extender works. So If I was you and you have 3-4 hours each day to wear an extender, use that instead of hanging.

Also, personally I think spring loaded extenders are better in theory than extenders that do not have spring tension. However, I have never used a non-spring tension extender.

My progress thread: Nine progress thread

Re-start stats: BPEL: 210mm (8.26'') MSEG: 140mm (5.5'') BPSFL: 220mm (8.7'')

Current: BPEL: 219mm (8.62'') MSEG: 147mm (5.8'') BPSFL: 230mm (9.06'')

I started back up a couple months ago after a 5 year hiatus. I’m not doing the newbie routine though. Every day is a little bit different but it’s mostly stretching, jelqs, and extender for 4-10hrs depending on the day. Also have a little clamping and pumping sprinkled in but only a set or 2 of each once or twice a week.

So far so good. I gained all my length back. Possibly more, due to my measurement technique being slightly incorrect in the past. I think my girth is a little smaller now than it was before I stopped the last time but I’m not pushing too hard for girth yet.

The strange thing is other than a slight discomfort wearing the extender, I feel zero fatigue which is new to me. My EQ is nuts right now.

I plan on going for maybe 6 months then I’ll take a month or so off and start over. I think having a long break is critical for long term gains.

Last edited by jumbojim26 : 07-06-2017 at .

Appreciate the advice, gentlemen. :)

I’m considering just starting a basic jelqing routine and slowly ease into water pumping. Ideally, I’d hang, but I’m not sure if I can commit to that now as I have a girlfriend that’s around a little too often. Not sure if I’m comfortable telling her about hanging weights off my dick.

Originally Posted by ohmymisternine
I switched into an extender because of some studies I read (you can read about it in my progress report). I’ve been tracking my progress and quite honestly, the extender works. So If I was you and you have 3-4 hours each day to wear an extender, use that instead of hanging.

Also, personally I think spring loaded extenders are better in theory than extenders that do not have spring tension. However, I have never used a non-spring tension extender.

I’m intrigued. Being deconditioned, I bet an extender would work fine.

The problem is that I might not have 3-4 hours per day.

Which type of extender are you using?

Do you guys think it’s likely to gain from jelqing exclusively?

Looking at my personal situation, I don’t want to jump into something I can’t maintain. I always enjoyed jelqing and I think I can fit a good routine into my schedule. Never liked stretches and don’t want to manual stretch.

Originally Posted by Renholder
Do you guys think it’s likely to gain from jelqing exclusively?

Looking at my personal situation, I don’t want to jump into something I can’t maintain. I always enjoyed jelqing and I think I can fit a good routine into my schedule. Never liked stretches and don’t want to manual stretch.

Can’t speak out of experience but if I had to choose one single method of PE it would be jelqing.

It can be combined with manual clamping and I think it has a proven effect for length and girth depending on erection angle.

So I’d say yes, a pure jelqing routine should work.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Thanks, Richard.

Sounds like I have a plan then. :)

I wasn’t sure if I’m ready to commit fully to PE, yet, but I was horny today and felt like jelqing. So, I’m giving it my best shot now.

Routine will be:

5-minute warmup + 7 minutes jelqing

Frequency: Essentially daily, but I will allow for natural breaks when short of time or if I feel it’s needed. But, a minimum of 5 days per week.

I will attempt to increase volume linearly by 1 minute per week and stop at 15 minutes.

Wish me luck. :)

Hello All,

I’m trying to get back into PE after about a 4-5 year Hiatus. I just want to say that Thunder’s Place and all of the Members in this thread inspired me to start again. The negative voices kept telling me , “It doesn’t work, it’s not real , etc”. But I’m not going to listen, and I remember that when I first tried PE, I did see some results. Thank you all for your posts. I’m going to start again and will be in contact.

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