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How long before resuming PE after adult circumcision

How long before resuming PE after adult circumcision

Hi, to all well informed PE-ers!

I would like to know from people with experience, how long it takes to fully recover after circumcision, so that one can resume PE again. I guess 3 months, but I don’t know for sure. I just now that it takes between 3-6 weeks before you can have intercourse, but this is not my concern.

I would like to know, how long it take to recover completely, in order to be able to resume PE. I would appreciate comments from people, who have experience with adult circumcision.

Well intercourse is much lighter on the dick that some types of PE so…

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Originally Posted by gameofinches
Well intercourse is much lighter on the dick that some types of PE so…

I know that gameofinches! Just expect somebody with experience to name a specific number of months and if possible to share with me his experience of pre- and post- circumcision PE.

Took me 23 years after circumcision to start PE.

Hopefully not as long as that :)


What is going on guys? No adult circumcised PE-ers on Thunders?! Come on respond, please! I need your experience shared!

Thing is Juri, I’ve seen a lot of people posting about *restoring* their foreskins alongside PE, but never anyone who went in for adult circumcision concurrent with PE. Seems like they go in the other direction, restoring rather than cutting.

Hell, I’d take mine back if I could get it.

Did you have the operation due to medical or aesthetic reasons?

Hi, wantsmore! Thanks for your reply!
I didn’t undergo circumcision yet, but I am so upset with my foreskin staying in the way of my PE routine that I considered several time a circumcision. I PE-ed for more than 2.5 years on and off and without any brake in the last 8 months with some success in girth – almost an inch in EG (for the period of 2.5 years altogether), but just 1/3 inch (in 2.5 years!!!).

I tried every possible routine including hanging and always my foreskin and frenulum stood in the way - excessive swelling and torn frenulum before I come to the state of fatigue/good workout.
I know, now you feel tempted to tell me how I did hang/wrap wrong and I have to read this and that… I read 60+% of everything in the Hanging forum and especially by Bib and the uncut successful hangers (which by the way are very, very few). No solution!!
My foreskin kept spoiling my routine every time again and again…
I feel that the only way to see substantial gains in length is to get circumcised, to be able to PE to the level where my tunica will allow my penis to grow. The question is how long will I need to recover, because I suspect I would need an extensive period of time to recover fully in order to resume PE, but the question is how long?

I mean just 1/3 inch in erected lenght for 2.5 years what discourages me, very much!

Please, PE-ers respond! Any advice?

You could do PE in the first place and later have a circumcision. I think most guys who do PE and want a circumcision do this.

Hi, Bird2!

You didn’t read carefully or, just didn’t get the point!
I PE for the last 2.5. YEARS, NOT MONTHS!
I consider circumcision, not for the sake of esthetics, because I don’t think a scar can be esthetic, but just for the of PE and gains sake!

So if somebody has a good advice, please chime in!

So your considering cutting part of your cock off at this late in the game for the sake of PE? This, my man is either the sign of someone truely dedicated to his art, or a fool.
But I feel a desision like that takes balls and good luck with what you choose.

But if your willing to go down the “Man Circumsision” path, for PE, why dont you just cut the bullshit inbetween and just go get the op for the bigger cock?


Originally Posted by d_sut
But if your willing to go down the “Man Circumsision” path, for PE, why dont you just cut the bullshit inbetween and just go get the op for the bigger cock?

There is no such surgery (for bigger dick). This is just way the surgeons make big money and the patient mutilates his dick forever. I have heard of people who got some EG gains (what is not my concern) trough surgery, but never about somebody that got real Erected Length!
So don’t make fun of my real concerns for gains, d_shut! I like my uncircumcised dick, just not his length (BPEL 6.75 / NBPEL 5.75). And because I desperately need length I am ready to go even through the pain of circumcision in order to be able to PE more intensively.

So far no body answered my initial question, who long does it take to recover fully (in order to resume PE) after a circumcision.

Originally Posted by Juri
Hi, Bird2!

You didn’t read carefully or, just didn’t get the point!
I PE for the last 2.5. YEARS, NOT MONTHS!
I consider circumcision, not for the sake of esthetics, because I don’t think a scar can be esthetic, but just for the of PE and gains sake!

So if somebody has a good advice, please chime in!

I don’t believe you will gain more when cut then uncut. I simply don’t buy that. You asked if there are guys who had a circumcision and started or returned to PE. When you realise that 90% of the people who visit thunders regally are doing PE and want gains fast, you won’t find guys with the same problem. I personally don’t believe that getting cut is better than uncut and are happy that my parents decided not to cut me but you have the right to decide for yourself what makes you happy. The only thing is that I would advice anyone to get their gains first until they are totally happy and then get a circumcision. That’s what I mend with my original post.

It’s d_sut not d_shut!
Would you like it if I called you Judy? No need to get so defensive, I wasn’t poking any fun, you obviously misread or took it the wrong way.

You seem pretty wound up. May I be so daring as to ask why you so “desperately need length and am ready to go even through the pain of circumcision.” Seems drastic.

Surely circumsision is the LAST resort. I never had a choice, and don’t get me wrong, if I did get the choice, I still would have been circumsised (I am willing to have a less sensitive cock in exchange for an ugly sock), but what I am saying is that circumsision would be best done when you cant remeber the shit!


Hi, d_sut! No offense it was just a typo.
I’m desperate for length, because I feel I don’t have a lot of freedom by sex because of not enough length. Besides I would like to go into my wife’s CDS and give her one of this great cul-de-sac orgasms. With my current length (BPEL 6.75) I cannot even touch her cervix…

If you read carefully one of my previous posts in this thread you will see that my limiting factors for doing more PE is the foreskin that gets irritated very easily. I cannot hang for more than 12-13 min without getting excessive swelling of my foreskin. Currently I do 4 sets of 10 min hanging (SO) and by the last set my foreskin is already swollen enough so I have to stop, but my dick didn’t get the fatigue he needs. I know the feeling quite well from me hanging 3-4 sets @ 20 min each, for several time, but after that I had to take brake for a week, because of excessive swelling. So I know for sure that my foreskin is that stops me from more successful PE.

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