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How long of PE before taking a break ?

How long of PE before taking a break ?

Hello guys,

This has probably been covered before but i’m putting out a new thread on the subject.
I would like to have the Vet’s opinion or the more experienced members on how long of a PE program before deconditioning ?
In the last 2 years i have been trying different programs :

2 months on 4 weeks off.
4 months on 4 weeks off.
5 months on 6 weeks off.
6 months on 6 weeks off.

Right now i’m on a 6 weeks break after a 6 months routine.
When i come back i will try 3 months on 6 weeks off.
So any of you guys would like to share they’re experience for maximum PE efficiency that would be nice.
Thanks in advance,


Start : 4.45"X4.15" NBP (Feb 2002) Today : 6.70"X5.00" NBP 7.10"X5.00" BPEL Goal : 7.00"X5.32" NBP

I would say that as long as you’re making gains keep at it.

When you hit a plateau for 3 months (give or take) that’s probobly a good time to change routines or take a break. IMO

Ok 3 months plateau thanks goingforit.
Any other experience guys ?


Start : 4.45"X4.15" NBP (Feb 2002) Today : 6.70"X5.00" NBP 7.10"X5.00" BPEL Goal : 7.00"X5.32" NBP


The longest break I’ve ever taken is 3 weeks in the past 3.5 years, and that’s because I was on vacation. I’ve always PE’ed in some minor or major form, with only the length,duration and intensity of my PE sessions changing.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Portugesus, did you notice any difference in gains among those various schedules? Did the 6 week breaks seem to be more beneficial than 4? Or have breaks helped you at all?

Thanks peforeal, amazing girth you got there!
I’m having a hard time reaching my girth goal…

hobby : yes i have once gained 0.25 length after a 6 weeks break.
4 weeks break seemed too short for me.
Also 6+ months routines is probably too long without taking a break.
I will try shorter sessions in the future.


Start : 4.45"X4.15" NBP (Feb 2002) Today : 6.70"X5.00" NBP 7.10"X5.00" BPEL Goal : 7.00"X5.32" NBP

Interesting. I still haven’t been able to take 6 weeks completely off. Four were difficult enough. :)

I agree six months on is probably too long. After my first break I noticed a gain at the 5th week back into hanging. After my second break I think I made most of my gains within the first 3-4 weeks, then the rate fell off quickly. So in my case to reap the relatively quick gains after a break, two months of hanging seems about right. I don’t know how long is required after that for deconditioning.

We might be better off alternating techniques. Hang for 2-3 months, then work on girth exclusively or almost exclusively for a few months (or vice versa). Then take some time off before repeating the cycle. That is sort of what I’ve been forced into doing now. Time will tell if it is productive.

Six weeks off sounds good. I’ve saw a post on another forum where someone said he went on a 4 months on/ 4 months off routine and it did him good.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

4 months off i guess you don’t have to go that long for deconditioning.
6 weeks to 2 months off is fine.

Come on guys don’t hesitate to share your experience about PE schedules.


Start : 4.45"X4.15" NBP (Feb 2002) Today : 6.70"X5.00" NBP 7.10"X5.00" BPEL Goal : 7.00"X5.32" NBP

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