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Total PE break

Total PE break

Alright you guys stop laughing I’m really going to take a full month off it’s already been 4 days. I know I say I’m going to take a long break all the time and than after 4 days I’m back but this time its’ different. My dick is beat up and bruised and discolored. I have been peing with very little time off for almost 4 years and over the last year and a half I have been doing some heavy duty hanging that was taking it’s toll on my dick. And than I started the over the shoulder hanging that made it worse to the point I was having trouble getting a hard on and not getting night wood. So I stopped all hanging and the hard on problems went away and the night wood is back but the bruising was still bad because I was still jelqing and squeezing and I guess the internals of my dick need some healing time. I was hoping to reach my goal in length before taking a rest but my dick has other plans and sometimes you need to listen to your dick usually that gets me in trouble but this time the little head is right. It’s very hard to stop because I’m close to my goal I can see the finish line but I’m smart enough to know if I don’t stop I could turn a minor problem into a major one. Dam I just want to reach my goal I was sure I would be done this summer so this really sucks but I must be patient, part of the reason I put this out here was because I don’t trust myself to not PE for a month. So I have 26 more days :) I guess I will test that theory of a big gain after a break.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Good plan Dino. Maybe total deconditioning will take more than a month though?

The secret to this process will be to come back like a newbie and take it real easy at first. Otherwise, a few hard jelqs and you will start to bruise and feel like shit. I speak from experience. Nice and easy and build your new program based on a philosophy of no damage and I think you will see instant results. (this also happened with me)

It’s not going to be easy not to touch your weewee for a while, but I’d recommend you taking a little more time off, if you only can. A month isn’t that long time considering full healing.

Chill out, and hang in there (pun NOT intented)!

A Man behind his mask.

Good luck, Dino. FWIW, some light jelqing during my last break didn’t seem to interfere with deconditioning for hanging. It’s probably best to not do anything at all, but if the cravings become too severe an easy jelq session can help carry you through.


Good luck on your break. With your goal so near, I can understand how difficult it is to stop PE’ing, even temporarily. When a guy has made substantial gains over the years, as you have, it’s damn hard to stop, especially psychologically. I would consider myself PE-obsessed even after 3 years of good gains, and it is the results I’ve had that continue to fuel the obsession. Best to you.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Just look at the month break as a natural part of your PE goal plan at this point. PEers understand better than most people about the importance of listening to your body when it says something.

You’ll need something to do everyday to fill the PE voids. Hit the gym more, read books, be around friends… anything to prevent idle hands or this break will be a real struggle. While I was on vacation for roughly 3 weeks, I still stretched and jelqed a couple times. You’re just like me, so I’ll be surprised if you make it a month without doing some type of PE.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

OTS hanging has turned my undershaft into a freakin’ war zone. It’s all black and blue.

I feel your pain Dino. I’d still do some light strecthing and some 10 minute jelqs…

Good idea Dino. More PEers should be as logical and intelligent as you are.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

In your situation, it’s the right thing to do. I’m actually planning on taking a break in the autumn myself. I wish you luck and hope it goes better than the last time. :D

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I like the idea of deconditioning. In my own PE career I have taken breaks, sometimes extended breaks. I feel that they helped me.

Good luck Dino :)

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
OTS hanging has turned my undershaft into a freakin’ war zone. It’s all black and blue.
I feel your pain Dino. I’d still do some light strecthing and some 10 minute jelqs…

Yeah you sound like me bro, you should take a break also because let me tell you when it first started it used to go away in a day or two than the last time it took 2 weeks to go away and came right back on the first set of hanging so I thought I would work through it but it only got worse and worse, than with the OTS hanging it was really bad. I can’t hide it in front of chicks any more this last girl I had to tell her about PE because she thought that my dick was screwed up she likes the size of my dick so she accepts PE I don’t let her get into any position where she has anything to say about it. But I don’t like telling chicks about PE so I need to get rid of this asap.


Thanks bro that means a lot to me coming from a veteran like you, I learned a lot from you back in the day on the old forum.


You and me are so much alike with our PE but this time it’s for my own good to let it heal up, this is not my usual beat up dick routine. But I already miss it, hanging was the hardest to stop believe it or not you become addicted to the tugging feeling on your dick it’s hard to explain but I find my self missing that feeling. It’s sort of like quiting smoking.

Thanks guys for the support and remember put health before size if I can do it you all can.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Glad to see you found a possible solution to your bruising concerns. I hope it works.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
hanging was the hardest to stop believe it or not you become addicted to the tugging feeling on your dick it’s hard to explain but I find my self missing that feeling. It’s sort of like quiting smoking.

Very well put. I took a five week break from hanging (was supposed to be forever) but started experimenting with something and got completely hooked again.
Bizzare - but you are so right: You begin to crave that sensation.

Dino- Why not start back using BTC? Forget no lig potential - it is so much easier on the joint.

Originally Posted by memento
Good plan Dino. Maybe total deconditioning will take more than a month though?

In my case it did; and, of course, I couldn’t know if the deconditioning was “total.”

Brace yourself Dino, you made need a serious break - much longer than a month. But take heart: (1) You’ll have more time on your hands to do the things you’ve lamented that you’ve avoided doing, and (2) you might realize a very quick gain upon returning, like I did - 0.22” EL in about 3 weeks.

Wouldn’t that be cool?

- w a d

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