Total PE break
Alright you guys stop laughing I’m really going to take a full month off it’s already been 4 days. I know I say I’m going to take a long break all the time and than after 4 days I’m back but this time its’ different. My dick is beat up and bruised and discolored. I have been peing with very little time off for almost 4 years and over the last year and a half I have been doing some heavy duty hanging that was taking it’s toll on my dick. And than I started the over the shoulder hanging that made it worse to the point I was having trouble getting a hard on and not getting night wood. So I stopped all hanging and the hard on problems went away and the night wood is back but the bruising was still bad because I was still jelqing and squeezing and I guess the internals of my dick need some healing time. I was hoping to reach my goal in length before taking a rest but my dick has other plans and sometimes you need to listen to your dick usually that gets me in trouble but this time the little head is right. It’s very hard to stop because I’m close to my goal I can see the finish line but I’m smart enough to know if I don’t stop I could turn a minor problem into a major one. Dam I just want to reach my goal I was sure I would be done this summer so this really sucks but I must be patient, part of the reason I put this out here was because I don’t trust myself to not PE for a month. So I have 26 more days :) I guess I will test that theory of a big gain after a break.
I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)