Thunder's Place

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Total PE break


if you think your dick has a mind of it’s own…rent the movie “Me and Him” by Doris Dorrie.

Here’s a link:

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Crap I thought it was much longer than 10 days I thought I had stopped for at least 3 weeks already. Well anyway I’m still on my break and my discoloration and bruising is not really going anywhere fast it has got somewhat lighter but it’s still pretty bad. So me and my star wars dick are still laying low. If any of you guys are getting bruising you should let it heal and not work through it because it gets harder and harder to get rid of.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey Dino,

Are you doing anything to try and get rid of your discoloration?

It fades but takes a long time. Months, not weeks.


That’s when it got really bad, I had some from regular hanging but the OTS mad it really bad.


Like what? If you know anything that works lay it on me brother!!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Dino, have you tried wrapping to remove discoloration? It worked for Bib but hasn’t helped mine. Might be worth a shot.

Good job on maintaining your break. I have only been at it for a short time, but have been obsessive compulsive about it, so I sort of know what you mean.

It’s kind of like the “runners high” feeling, after stretching or hanging, you feel good, and look forward to doing the same tomorrow.

Originally Posted by hobby

Dino, have you tried wrapping to remove discoloration? It worked for Bib but hasn’t helped mine. Might be worth a shot.

This is why I asked if Dino was doing anything for the discoloration. I found wrapping worked very well for me, but then I don’t think I was as bad as what Dino makes out.

Maybe the Bib Hanger is not suitable for the OTS position.

I get a big imprint on my shafyt skin from the hanger after 10 minutes.

The Wench is more comfortable.

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I was thinking the same thing I might build one. The bib is an awesome lig stretcher but because of it’s size which makes it very safe with the stress hitting mostly the ligs but it may not be a great tunica stretcher. The wench is smaller and it may put to much stress on the head area but in doing that it will be stretching the tunica. If you read Biggers “bibs” old post most of his gains were from noose style hangers now correct me if I’m wrong but I remember reading that. Now Let me warn everybody that noose style hanging is dangerous and even Bib wrote he had bouts with dick problems most likely caused by temporary nerve damage from the noose. When ever I’m done with my PE vacation which might take longer than planned I will built a wench and give it a try. I still think the bib is an amazing piece of equipment and hopefully bigger will make in available again anybody that has a high to medium lot should be using one.

Hobs and Andrew

I don’t think wrapping will help me, most of my bruising came from being clamped in the bib and my dick being squeezed to much. I think some time is the only think that will work, it still works like a champ but it ain’t pretty. But it is getting lighter.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yeah, I have a nasty circle, like a shit stain, that’s gotten more prominent on my shaft. If you remember the pattern of stillwantmore’s discoloration, his was large and somewhat blurred. My circle is much tighter, more defined - and much darker.

And when I powder up to stretch, the contrast of the powder makes it look even darker. It’s those iron deposits left behind from blood.

Dino, your bruising probably healed; what’s left behind is the discoloration. Mine didn’t even fade after the break I took - 2 months of very sparse PE, followed by 2 months off cold turkey. That shit definitely doesn’t fade away in a matter of weeks or, in my case, even after 2 months. And my unit wasn’t even bruised like yours.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
….The bib is an awesome lig stretcher but because of it’s size which makes it very safe with the stress hitting mostly the ligs but it may not be a great tunica stretcher. The wench is smaller and it may put to much stress on the head area but in doing that it will be stretching the tunica.

I’ve posted about this too. Bib’s hangers are works of art, but I suspected they weren’t much for the tunica elongation. I received a mix of responses about this, some pro some con.

I have a Bib Starter, the Captn’s Hanger, and a mini-Captn (sorry, Cap). But I made the “mini” only about 1” wide. You can certainly concentrate the force closer to the glans, thereby getting much more tunica involvement; but, of course, there are dangers with nerve problems as well as a lower threshold for heavy weights with such a small, concentrated hanger - but still much safer than a noose style.


I’m beginning to think that my dick is staying dark for good, I will let you know if it starts to go because I’m doing no PE except kegels. I’m giving the break the full month but if it stays the same color than I’m just plowing ahead!!

I may try a mini also keep me posted on the results and be careful.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Dino, my old friend.

You and I have been having this stumbling kind of “race” to “9 inches proper” for years now, and you’ve been coming from behind, and look like winning……

I had some bad bruising on my knob which didn’t go away, after hanging last year for some months without gains, then after at least 6 months off, I started back hanging a few months ago.

I went at it way too fast, and got a blood blister that actually burst while hanging.

Bad boy. Not paying enough attention!!!

I’m really pleased that this never happened to me in the early days cos I would have died with worry, but I had another total 1 month lay-off, and it healed really well, and took most of the bruising as well. …..( Now I’m not recommending this course of action, just reporting in…..but it’s an ill wind that doesn’t bring some good…..!!!)

I reckon you’re absolutely correct to have your month off, no stretching or light jelquing, just kegeling.

And if you’ve still got some dark patches, then just live with it.

I’ve been back at PE now for two plus weeks. Starting slowly, I’ve been hanging, jelquing and pumping most days, followed by all day stretch, including at the gym .

Since my dick usually is fairly prominent in my gym pants, and the ADS pulls it straight down my leg 10 inches plus towards the back of my knee, there is no dick bulge at all………and I’ve taken to putting a single sock where the bulge would normally be. I have a reputation to live up to!!!!!

(But either with or without the sock I would feel stupid and self conscious, and so I opted to make an “ersatz” dick bulge, and very convincing it is too …..LOL !!!)

No bruising, or other bad happenings thus far, but nothing much to report on the length issues either, but great flaccids, sometimes over 6 inches.

With all the time I’ve had off, my flaccid full stretch has dropped at least 1/4 inch to 9.5 inches, and even hanging straight out under load, can only get 9 5/8” where before….. maybe 2 years ago, I was near hitting 10 inches under load straight out. Erect length is still 8.75 inches, though immediately after PE I can get it to 9.25, even 9+3/8 inches. But shrinkage sets in and brings it back to 8.75 after a couple of days off.

The way will be difficult, but I’m trying to put in the hours that I have,since not in a formal job.

I haven’t been near any wenches, let alone The Captain’s but maybe I should look at this too.


Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

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