Thunder's Place

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Total PE break

Dino, it won’t be easy to last that long with out PE!

After a 4 week break, I gained 1/4 inch in the first week back, so it is well worth the effort.

Good luck!

You deserve a vacation for sure.. Enjoy yourself and let me know ASAP if after the break if you gained anything from the rest alone… I’ll burn the bear fat for you brother…


Generally, what can be gained from a long break?
Other than healing some damage, of course.

Let’s say that Dino was hanging exclusively for PE.
And he was hanging BTC and everything was going well.

Why not just continue to hang and keep tearing those fibers?

Okay, some of you might say “a break is a good idea when you hit a plateau.”

But when hanging, aren’t we supposed to keep working on the next limiting factors?
Isn’t consistency the key?

I know this matter has probably been beaten to death here before, but this is good time
to bring it up again.

I’ve been hanging for 23 weeks straight. I usually take 1 or 2 days off per week and put in
about 14 hours in the hanger weekly. Things are going well; I’m moving up gradually in weight
and I’m starting to notice a longer flaccid and erect penis.
At this time, I have no plans to stop for a break.
In fact, I believe I am better off not interrupting my hanging program.
I feel it would be detrimental to my efforts.
Why would I want to let those fibers heal before I have completed my PE?
Would it not be more difficult to tear the lig fibers the next time around?

You originally decided to quit hanging after you reached your goal.
You hung for about 5 or 6 months?

What I don’t understand is why you did not feel it was necessary
to continue hanging for a few months to cement or “insure” your gains.
Or maybe you did, I don’t know.

My point is this:
After a few hundred hours hanging, I’ve had a lot of time to think about this.
I believe a PE’er that has decided to become a dedicated “hanger” is better off
by doing all his hanging in one shot - just like Bib.
Add weight.
Add more weight.
And so on.

Am I wrong?
Am I better off with occasional deconditioning breaks?

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.


I agree with you when it comes to hanging I don’t believe in breaks and I believe the more the better, but if your dick looks like something out of a star war movie than it’s time for a break. That is why I said I’m testing the break theory because really I have no choice. I was close enough to my length goal that had I pushed hard with hanging I could have hit 9 by the end of the summer but at what cost a serious injury or a weasel that can’t pop. So I think a break and a new timeline.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I have just started back after a break of a few weeks. Did some girth work and it was like starting over again, I could see some veins beginning to look bad so stopped. 11lb is a strain too, before the break I was on 16 easy. Getting more lig pops too.

If you find yourself tempted to go back do some sac work instead.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...


Great thought provoking post.

I agree with you up to a point. I do not take scheduled days off from hanging. I just keep going till I can’t hang any further.

I have found that I reach a point where, regardless of gains, a break is needed, both physically and probably more importantly, mentally.

This is when I take my break(s).

I'm taking a break too...

I’ve already had about a month off and I’ll probably be off for another month or 6 weeks anyway (due to doing 2 pretty intense jobs at the minute)…

So - I reckon that’ll be plenty time to decondition and I’ll keep you all informed of my massive gains after the break. ;)

See Ya,


Originally Posted by Ramrod
You originally decided to quit hanging after you reached your goal.
You hung for about 5 or 6 months?

What I don’t understand is why you did not feel it was necessary
to continue hanging for a few months to cement or “insure” your gains.
Or maybe you did, I don’t know.


I did work to cement my gains. Remember, I thought I was done hanging so naturally I did the conventional thing and “cemented”.

The revelation was that between the time I hit my goal and stopped hanging - roughly a 6-8 week period I continued at my normal pace, and there were no gains to be had from that period. This was highly unusually given my steady rate of gains (albeit, gains that were slowing down).
Five weeks of rest, and I began hanging again and was greeted with a 1/4” gain after a little over four weeks.

An unintended set of circumstances, to be sure, but it made a believer of me:
Sometimes, some people just have to take a break.

I should point out though that I have come to believe I am outside of the “norm” whatever that is. My hanging routine has taken on a bizarre character wherein I find myself able to hit fatigue at my max weight pretty quickly - and then able to move way way down in weight on the next set (essentially making a huge jump instead of the recommended ‘baby-steps’) and still experience that fatigue. The fatigue initially hides but always shows up by the end of this next set.
This led me to begin playing with hanging at weight beneath half my maximum and feeling pretty satisfied that it works - though, provided fatigue has already been realized at my top end weight.
Absorb this: I have been at this since Sept. 2003 and yesterday was thoroughly fatigued hanging 3.75 lbs at a SD angle. :bizarre smiley:

What is nice about hanging after having hit my goal is that I am more willing to experiment, because any gains now are icing on the cake, and I feel less of an urgency to measure up to any self imposed expectation.

It’s important, I think, to again stress that I am quite possibly physiologically abnormal - among other things.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
…. but if your dick looks like something out of a star war movie than it’s time for a break.

I don’t know about this Dino… If my cock looked like a light sabre I’d be flashing it around all day long :D If it looks like Chewbacca it’s time for a shave. I can’t even imagine a Yoda cock, thank god :D

But seriously, I hope your break works out for you.



Don’t worry about taking a break. Just do some regular stretching. It’s funny, but my dick has been discolored for 2 years now and it seems normal to me. My wife seems to like it too. I’m going on vacation next week, but when I get back, I’ll PM you about getting together in NYC again. We’ll hoist a few beers and I’ll try to keep my voice down when we talk about hanging weights off our dicks.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


You only have to explain why your dick is black and blue to one women, I date and I don’t like to explain myself if I get lucky. Plus it was past just discolored.

The beer thing sounds good my friend, enjoy your vacation.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I understand your particular set of circumstances for a break - and it seems like a good idea.
I was just trying to get some feedback for why some guys will just take a break
for the sake of taking a break. I see it as counterproductive.

How long do your breaks usually last?
Are you trying to [i]decondition[i/]?
And, do you find that your ligs have healed stronger than before?


>Sometimes, some people just have to take a break.<

Well thought-out explanation, thank you. :)

>yesterday was thoroughly fatigued hanging 3.75 lbs at a SD angle.<

That’s great. For me, at that weight, I wouldn’t feel a thing.
My gains have started at 12.5 lbs.
Now, I need 17 lbs. to feel anything.

When are going to let us know about your experiments
and new gadgets?

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

Originally Posted by Ramrod
How long do your breaks usually last?
Are you trying to [i]decondition[i/]?
And, do you find that your ligs have healed stronger than before?

I am hardly an expert on breaks because I have taken only 1 that I decided to take specifically for deconditioning. It lasted 3 1/2 weeks. I was aiming for 4 weeks.

I found my penis generally to be significantly weaker. Having said that, because I was manually stretching and not using a “known” force as in hanging, I may have thought I could not use as much force as before, while actually using exactly the same force. I was not hanging at the time so I can’t comment specifically on the ligs.

The only thing I can say for certain, is I gained 1/4 inch in the first week back after a break, equal to the 1/4 inch I gained in the 6 weeks preceding my break.

Great thread, but I got one question.

During the time off, do you do any sort of kegeling to get blood into your fella or is it a total complete break for the dick and not even thinking of PE?

If you look at the injury thread, my peter was put under way too much stress too fast, so I need to rest him, but I’m not sure how much blood he “needs”. My stress is high and I’m freaking out. It sounds lame, but I don’t know how to rest.

Any ideas?

Originally Posted by Conan
I don’t know about this Dino… If my cock looked like a light sabre I’d be flashing it around all day long :D If it looks like Chewbacca it’s time for a shave. I can’t even imagine a Yoda cock, thank god :D

But seriously, I hope your break works out for you.


That’s fuckin funny Conan! -LMAO!

Not just a Yoda cock, but an 800 year old Yoda cock… Ewwwww!


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