Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Total PE break

Blood blister, omg owww? 8.75 is well impressive P9, where did you start out can I ask?


I always love reading your posts my friend that’s funny with the sock you are such a HO:) . I’m glad your back at it I was gaining on you but now I’m dead in the water at least for a while. But having some free time ain’t bad hanging takes up huge amounts of time. Since your hanging I hope you will be posting more. I think I will pass up on the blood blister cure but I guess that’s one way to get the blood from under the skin.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Sock.... and Macedonian Body Builder Jock

Hey Joeyjojo…. My name, P9 doesn’t allow a search because you need (I think) 4 characters for it to search on, but you can find the whole happy/ and not so happy story if you search on “P9’s Progress”.

Hey Dino…..At the gym there is this little (~5ft 4”) Macedonian body builder (very, very built), a gym instructor who attracts vivacious blonde women as clients, at least 300% heterosexual in looks and actions, handsome and about 30 years old. He also seems to have this love /hate thing going as he keeps looking at my normal dick bulge in my floppy work-out pants. I often find staring at me straight out. Thus far he won’t speak to me when I smile to break the tension and say my most masculine Aussie “G’Day” to him and the blonde.

I couldn’t possibly disappoint him by coming into the gym with a concavity instead of a convexity.


Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Last edited by P9 : 07-04-2004 at .


It’s been almost a month and the bruising is starting to fade, it looks like I need some more time but at least it’s going the last couple of days it’s been getting lighter. I don’t know if it’s helping but I have been putting on a product by spenco called bruise control it has arnica montana tincture 5% as the active ingrident.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Have a nice break!

The tragedy of life is not that man loses but that he almost wins.


I got it at eckerd drugs store, by the band aids and stuff.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

3 weeks off now ??? + Wench report


Is the bruising fading?

And this will also be a good test of how well cemented your gains are rival/ buddy…..Are you game to measure?

I had two days off over the weekend out of town and am feeling totally ready for another week of hanging et al.

Made a Wench last week, and it feels really good…..but I will also make a lighter weight and therefore less bulky version for ADS with tailors velcro rather than the heavy weight stuff. Otherwise it will wear a hole in my jeans at lower thigh level.

I get such a good pull with the heavy duty one though, as an ADS instrument, that I have taken to wearing my Calvin Klein standard underwear with a warmed up rice sock where my dick and balls would normally be, in my jeans to warm up my ligs. Visually it just looks like a generalised big package, though I have had a few “looks” of amazement, so maybe I need to reduce the size a bit. It’s winter here, so not hot. The rice sock is too bulky for the gym, though, but with the Calvin’s the single sock is extremely convincing.

Haven’t used the Wench much yet for proper OTS and straight up and out hanging.


Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Last edited by PEnine : 07-18-2004 at .

Hey my friend let me know how you like the wench because I plan to make one and try it when I resume.

I don’t think I will lose anything because I haven’t measured in a long time so if I had a gain after 8.5 it wasn’t official.

The bruising is starting to fade but it’s going slow, I’m giving it a couple more weeks and than will reevaluate the situation on if I should start up or not again. To tell you the truth I’m enjoying the time away now, I have a wonderful girlfriend who I actually get to spend time with instead of being locked in my bedroom with weight hanging from my dick. There is no doubt I plan to go back and reach my goal but I’m enjoying the summer off and I’m enjoying using my dick for sex and not PE

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I am wondering if the gains that take place upon returning to PEing are similar to body building when you lay off for awhile and then resume training. You loose some muscle mass when you stop training, then quickly regain that muscle back when training resumes, which is called “muscle memory”. I think its good to take an occasional break to let things heal, but I am not convinced if coming back from a layoff would necessarily spike new growth beyond where you left off.


The whole idea is that after a lot of PE, your dick has become too tough to allow for any new growth. Time off is a way to resensitize the tissues and thus, allow new growth.

The way that I train for bodybuilding incorporates deconditioning as well. I take about a week or maybe 2 weeks if I feel like it off every 2 months or so. This allows me to continue to grow and in that time off I lose next to nothing because I keep a good diet.

I have also taken PE breaks and never really lost anything that was ‘cemented’

Hey guys next week will be two months with no PE, my discoloration has faded and got smaller but I have come to realize that it will take 4-6 months for it to go away and even than I could still have it. So I think on the first I will resume hanging I’m going to try building a wench because I think it will hit my tunica better than a bib. My time off as felt good and I don’t think I lost anything but I do think the time off did my dick wonders I think it needed time to heal inside and nerves to regenerate. It was nice having that extra time hanging is such a time consuming habit. I felt like a normal person for the first time in years I was able to give a chick enough time to keep her happy instead of making reasons why I was busy so I could hang for two hours plus a day. I also have been getting into pretty good shape and putting on some more muscle size.

It’s funny my lot has changed also from the time off I now get pull back all the way down, so I can get more lig gains it would seem.

All I can say from this break is why PE will properly always be a part of my life I’m very much looking forward to hitting my goal and than just a maintenance program for life. Because after I stopped shaking from PE withdrawal I really enjoyed my time off.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Inspiring post, any updates???

Previously known as Gandolf - *

Originally Posted by Tristram
Inspiring post, any updates???

I had started back hanging after 3 months off and my bruising had gotten a lot better although not nearly gone. I made a wench and I loved it and I was able to hang with out bruising. All was going good I really like the stretch the wench was giving both to my tunica and my ligs, I never really got much of a tunica stretch out of the bib. It was about a month after I started hanging again that I got the great idea that it might be cool to work in a few sets with the bib hanger so I started doing a few sets here and there and three days later my bruising was back as bad as ever. So no more hanging until the bruising goes away which is good because I have no time anyway right now. So now I’m jelqing and squeezing 5 days a week for about a half hour a session.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Maybe somebody can comment on this.

After I reached my ideal size 8x7 I stopped for about five months,

during this time I never worried about measuring,because I thought

what the hell,my size is perfect.

When I eventualy measured again I found that I am now 7.25x6.25.

So three months ago I started again on a daily routine.


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