Thunder's Place

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How long before resuming PE after adult circumcision

Hi Robbit. I had no foreskin problems at all until I was 17, then an unfortunate incident with a young lady involving her teeth (very painful and I’ll leave it to your imagination!) caused a lot of scarring of my foreskin which became tighter until it was unretractable like yours. When I was 19 I decided I had no option but to undergo circumcision. I was worried about desensitisation but this was unimportant to me compared to not being able to retract my foreskin.

I had a general anaesthetic and dissolving stitches. The surgeon did not remove my frenulum, but it has never been quite the same as it was before - it is somewhat thicker and has a texture more like normal penis shaft skin than it used to have.

The only problem with having it done at 19 is the constant erections which pull on the stitches and scar tissue. I was given a spray to ‘freeze’ my penis if it tried to erect - unfortunately being 19 and unable to masturbate meant that erections were so frequent the spray became a turn on! After about a week erections were tolerable. ‘Proper’ masturbation was still out of the question, but being so horny I was able to ejaculate just by watching porn, and gently squeezing. Normal masturbation was possible, done gently, after about 3 weeks.

I did not even know about PE then but don’t think I would have attempted my current routine for 3 months after and would have been very careful. The scarring from the stitches faded after about 12 months. Now scarring from the stitches is fairly unnoticeable unless I spend all day in bed with my GF, in which case they ‘stand out’ a little, but nothing to worry about.

I was perfectly happy uncircumcised. And I am perfectly happy circumcised. I remember when I was uncircumcised that if I retracted my foreskin any clothing/bedclothes etc. Brushing against my glans was uncomfortable because of the sensitivity, which of course is no problem now, so some sensitivity obviously has been lost. But I don’t feel I have lost ANY sensitivity when it comes to love-making! If I could magically have my normal foreskin back, I wouldn’t bother. But if I had never been circumcised and had a normal foreskin, I certainly wouldn’t want it removed.

Juri, PE may be slightly easier without a foreskin, but if you have trouble gaining length, that would probably still be the case if you were circumcised. I used to have a long PE routine. Now I go for quality over quantity - I ‘feel’ my way into what is happening in the tissues rather than trying to batter them into submission. Now I get no injuries or soreness, but still get results. Good luck, whatever decision you make.


I wouldn’t recommend removing the foreskin, you’ll be sorry. I am trying to restore mine. I got my circum when I was around 6-8 I don’t remember exactly. Anyway, the glans is very sensitive and it takes a while for it to roughen up and desensitize so it will take you a while to recover before you could even touch it. When I stretch, even though I am circumcised, alot of skin gets pulled forward, so you just need a better grip, grip with two hands, do v-stretch, you can do it.keep the foreskin.

Originally Posted by firegoat
Juri, PE may be slightly easier without a foreskin, but if you have trouble gaining length, that would probably still be the case if you were circumcised. I used to have a long PE routine. Now I go for quality over quantity - I ‘feel’ my way into what is happening in the tissues rather than trying to batter them into submission. Now I get no injuries or soreness, but still get results. Good luck, whatever decision you make.

Welcome to Thunders firegoat!

Thank you for your advice. Sounds reasonable not to overdo with PE and amazing that you gained without fatigue! What do you mean with “Quality PE?” What are you gains and which length routine worked best for you? For how long did you do PE?

Originally Posted by mental111

I wouldn’t recommend removing the foreskin, you’ll be sorry. I am trying to restore mine. I got my circum when I was around 6-8 I don’t remember exactly. Anyway, the glans is very sensitive and it takes a while for it to roughen up and desensitize so it will take you a while to recover before you could even touch it. When I stretch, even though I am circumcised, alot of skin gets pulled forward, so you just need a better grip, grip with two hands, do v-stretch, you can do it.keep the foreskin.

Thaks a lot mental111!
All the advice for circumcised guys makes me reconsider my decission for a circumcission, but I still cannot find a good routine that would work for my lenght.

Thanks to everyone for all the help it is much appreciated. I will try the manual stretches in the shower from now on hopefully I will see results within time and the little man will be able to come out and play for the first time! Hi firegoat thanks for sharing your first hand knowledge but I would rather not have all the stress and pain to put up with if I was circumcised unless it is the final resort if all else fails.

Eldritch99 too much sensitivity can be just as bad as too little premature ejaculation is not a problem for me just now, but if it is going to be as sensitive as you say this is something to consider. I do a lot of edging already but I think I’m possibly looking too far ahead. I’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it.

Sorry pasi1 I don’t have any photos or a digital camera to take any pictures. I’ve never been too keen on taking pictures of my penis. Looking back though it would have been nice to have a pre-PE photo just so I could see how much it has changed over time.

Good luck to everyone on their PE journey.
Once again thanks, Robbit.

robbit,i had the same problem as yours until my 14th..

then my dad made me stretch it all the way in a flacid state.

at first it didn’t got all the way,it was almost all the way,and it was a complitely new site for me.

after that,slowely in the day and the next few days,i worked it all out,and i could strech it all the way back,and after a short while it naturaly went all the way back and forth,and very soon,no problems!

so,the first time i didn’t actualy felt hurth,but some awquard feeling,maybe pain too,don’t remember,but it was all fine.

take it easy,if i was you,i would simply use some force and when feel ready,take it ll the way back…that’s what i the time,i i was to get erection,it was anoying for few days,cause it would hurt,cause the sckin wasn’t streched wnough,but it got better soon.

the skin is remarcably elastic area.

if my dad didn’t made me do it,i would have been scared to do it my self,and would maybe consider something else!


What are you talking about dude? What does your dad have to do with it? I am confused.


i was 14 years old.
i told my dad i can’t retract my foreskin.
he advised me to use some force,and still try to do it.
it took 5min,i used some force,and retracted it.
it was still aprocess,and so on,as i wrote above.


Yea I remember when I was still intact I couldn’t really lower that shit, painful. You know what it is, sometimes the skin kinda attaches to the glans.

Originally Posted by Juri
Welcome to Thunders firegoat!

Thank you for your advice. Sounds reasonable not to overdo with PE and amazing that you gained without fatigue! What do you mean with “Quality PE?” What are you gains and which length routine worked best for you? For how long did you do PE?

Thanks for your welcome Juri. I’ve been lurking a long time..
My ‘quality’ approach still produces plenty of fatigue. It just cuts out any wasted time. As a sports therapist I am used to working with ligaments, tendons, fascia etc. So apply the same techniques to the structures of the penis as I would to any other in the body.

The common ground between the suspensory ligs, fundiform ligs and the tunica is that they are primarily composed of collagen. If you want to stretch collagenous tissue the first requirement is HEAT. Without heat results will be very slow. I think the rice sock or gel pads are excellent. Experiment with microwaving times - a heat that will allow you to heat the penis all the way through over the course of 2-4 minutes seems to work well.

I wrap the sock around my entire penis and also make sure that the pubic area is heated as well. This ensures that the fundiform and suspensory ligs are heated though from their origin points on the lower abdominal fascia and pubic symphysis to their attachments at the dorsal base of the penis and that the tunica is well heated.

For Lig Length:
I leave the sock over the pubic area and wrapped around the base of my penis while manually stretching BTC and to about 5 and 7 o’clock angles. When the sock cools after a few minutes I remove it and while still stretching I perform cross friction massage to the ligs along their length (I.e. While stretching BTC I massage from the abdominal fascia to the dorsal base of the penis and up the first third of shaft: while stretching down to each side I massage the ligs that are receiving the stretch).
I try to feel that I am applying the absolute maximum stretch I can without inducing injury throughout the whole time.

For Girth:
I heat exactly the same way. Jelq to create as much pliability in the tunica as possible. RE HEAT, then (with full erection) using one hand to clamp off the base of the penis, squeeze the glans with the other hand and ‘compress’ the penis concertina style. Again work at the max intensity you feel will avoid injury. By using a manual method it is easier to adjust intensity to keep up the max available pressure. (Quality!) This makes best use of available time. It is harder to do with clamping etc. Although I do clamp when watching TV occasionally!

For Tunica Length:
I do the girth routine first to make the tunica as flexible as possible. Then I re-heat and stretch in all directions but especially upwards (I usually stretch manually again for max intensity, but if you have lots of time ‘over the shoulder’ hanging would work very well) and follow with erect bends.

For any ‘newbies’ out there, just do the lig stretching until your LOT drops low enough to feel you’re not getting the benefit anymore. Then move to the girth/length program, but check your LOT every couple of weeks - you can sometimes go back to the lig work and gain more!

I haven’t given times for any of these routines - if you ‘put your mind into your penis’ as you should be doing to monitor the intensity you are applying, then you will know when you have ‘maxed out’ on any exercise. It’s a good idea to periodically re-heat throughout the routines to keep the collagen as ‘soft’ as possible.
Consistency is another key factor in making gains - I try to do PE 5 days a week ideally and judge my intensity/time so that my penis feels ‘ready’ for another workout the following day. I take my days off separately not consecutively, and work to slightly greater fatigue the day before my day off.

My early stats notebook is back in England and I’m living in Malaysia now with less time to PE. I know I gained an inch in length in my first 5 months on this program. I stopped measuring when I came to Malaysia because I can’t be as consistent with PE as I used to be, and gains have slowed, but I know I’m still growing - I look forward to measuring again in March when I get home!

This post really belongs in another area of the site - I haven’t mentioned circumcision once! Please move it if it will be more useful elsewhere.

Excellent post, firegoat!

Plenty of good advice! Thanks a lot!
What’s your LOT?

Juri: I’m suprised at what a great thread this has turned into!

I’d just like to add my two cents by saying that if I were you I would not consider the adult circ option. If you were to take the small number of respondants here as your sample you could safely say that the odds are against you being happy with the procedure. Additionally, I would concur with those who say that your problem is probably less with the foreskin than with being a “hard gainer”. Time and time again I’ve read posts here by those who were prohibited from a particular PE activity (say clamping for girth) who “worked around” their problem by developing new approaches/exercises. While you’re dealing with a challenge, it doesn’t seem insurrmountable. Indeed, even with your slow gains, you are STILL GAINING, and that is really what it’s all about, no?

I remember thunder saying somewhere that perhaps being a “cutter” involved some form of abberant brain chemistry. I concur. While some may “luck out” in terms of penis-scalpel encounters, even introducing the *chance* for decreased sensitivity, surgical malfeasance, excessive scarring, or some other mishap is an unwise gamble in my book.

For me, doctors are the most unimpressive examples of so called “professionals” that I have yet to encounter. I feel that the style of selection involved in creating “doctors” weeds out many who would make fine ones and insures a pool of survivors who, while capable of passing their exams and enduring the grueling regimen, are nonetheless largely incompetent to fulfill the problems which confront them in actual practice. Add to that the constant bribery of the drug companies and the grandiose profit motive for surgery and you wind up with what we’ve got now- a fucked up situation….a gamblers paradise of “doctors” who approach their trade without the dynamism, synergistic understanding of natural processes, and constant apprenticeship which the skill of medicine demands.

So, o.k., maybe that’s more like four cents, but I had to chime in.

peace man

Thanks for the wise words wantsmore!

I agree with you! I discovered many, many times that doctors are really ignored in many areas of health and are concerned just with $$$ signs.

I hate to be a hard gainer! Because of this I experimented for the last 9 months very intensively, but still cannot find a routine that works for me. I do mostly manual stretches now, but the problem is that every new type of them works just for a week (I mean get fatigued for a week), but afterwards nothing happens. My penis adjusts very quickly to the stress and the same exercise in the second week does nothing to my tunica – no fatigue whatsoever.

Hi Juri. Thanks for the positive comments.

My current LOT is 8, but it had been down to 6.45; one of the reasons I suggest that newbies check theirs every couple of weeks and return to the lig stretches every so often if their LOT has ‘improved’. A layoff often seems to cause an improvement in LOT but this is often due to a slight loss of gains - I have found that lig gains are not permanent, but tunica gains are. I measure LOT at the point where tug back is still present in the shaft, but not in the glans.

Obviously fatigue in collagenous tissue is not the same as in muscle tissue. But the body adapts very quickly to any stress placed upon it. If you go to the gym you will get very sore for the first few workouts after a layoff, but when you are a regular gym member you will not get sore the same way; however you will still make gains.. Collagenous tissue will not feel fatigued after the first few times you do an exercise, but that doesn’t mean you won’t gain from it.

Up the HEAT and keep working on the manual exercises where you can feel the intensity. Don’t get hung up on the feelings of fatigue, They will go after a short time on any new exercise. Just feel you are working hard during the session. Don’t worry about the results - you have plenty of time ahead of you. Stop measuring for at least two months. Then measure and see what the results are. If you make no gains at all, then worry about what you are doing. Hard gainer doesn’t mean no gains, it means you may get discouraged if you measure too often and change your exercises too much because you end up feeling as if nothing works. Stick with one program, don’t get concerned about fatigue and don’t measure for a while. I hope you will be surprised by the results.

Hope this helps. Really, don’t worry if you don’t feel fatigue all the time. I doubt many people do.. Others comments please!

Wantsmore: yes! This has turned into a great thread!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
Hi Juri. Thanks for the positive comments.

My current LOT is 8, but it had been down to 6.45; one of the reasons I suggest that newbies check theirs every couple of weeks and return to the lig stretches every so often if their LOT has ‘improved’. A layoff often seems to cause an improvement in LOT but this is often due to a slight loss of gains - I have found that lig gains are not permanent, but tunica gains are. I measure LOT at the point where tug back is still present in the shaft, but not in the glans.

Obviously fatigue in collagenous tissue is not the same as in muscle tissue. But the body adapts very quickly to any stress placed upon it. If you go to the gym you will get very sore for the first few workouts after a layoff, but when you are a regular gym member you will not get sore the same way; however you will still make gains.. Collagenous tissue will not feel fatigued after the first few times you do an exercise, but that doesn’t mean you won’t gain from it.

Up the HEAT and keep working on the manual exercises where you can feel the intensity. Don’t get hung up on the feelings of fatigue, They will go after a short time on any new exercise. Just feel you are working hard during the session. Don’t worry about the results - you have plenty of time ahead of you. Stop measuring for at least two months. Then measure and see what the results are. If you make no gains at all, then worry about what you are doing. Hard gainer doesn’t mean no gains, it means you may get discouraged if you measure too often and change your exercises too much because you end up feeling as if nothing works. Stick with one program, don’t get concerned about fatigue and don’t measure for a while. I hope you will be surprised by the results.

Hope this helps. Really, don’t worry if you don’t feel fatigue all the time. I doubt many people do.. Others comments please!

Wantsmore: yes! This has turned into a great thread!

Hi, firegoat!

Good advice, especially after I measured just an hour ago, (before I read your post) and saw that there are no length gains for the last month. Very discouraging!
It seems that the manual stretches didn’t help me even a bit. I do mostly tunica stretches (upwards and to the sides). No point in doing ligs because I did it before and I know I am to the point where all my ligs are stretched to their max and cannot expect any gains from that. My last resort for length gains is tunica, but damn, I feel like my tunica is from iron.

A month ago I did a little bit of clamping for about 2 weeks (2 x 15 min after the stretching session). I gained EG what is not surprising for me, but also about 1-2 mm (1/16 inches) in BPEL, but I had to stop clamping because of foreskin issues (direct result of clamping).

Today as I measured I realized that I have lost this 1-2 mm of BPEL but also the EG I have gained through clamping.

Regarding my manual stretches, I feel I am at the end of my ability to stretch with more quality (force), because my grip cannot endure it. So then probably I have just to increase the time of stretching, the problem is that after 15-20 min of manual stretching I just have to stop, because my penis becomes very thin (without any blood in it), thinner then I ever seen it, but not longer, as one can expect after 20 min of stretching.

Any advice guys? What should I do? I don’t what to lose the battle with my tough tunica!


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