Thunder's Place

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How long before resuming PE after adult circumcision

I also have a problem with my foreskin it seems as good a place to ask here as any.
The problem is my foreskin is really tight it cannot be stretched over my glans. I would say it has a diameter of 5 or 6 mm at the tip. I’m really not sure what to do is this really abnormal? I have heard of a partial circumcision but I don’t trust doctors so I would rather ask here first before asking a doctor.

If anyone can help it would be much appreciate thanks

Originally Posted by robbit
I also have a problem with my foreskin it seems as good a place to ask here as any.
The problem is my foreskin is really tight it cannot be stretched over my glans. I would say it has a diameter of 5 or 6 mm at the tip. I’m really not sure what to do is this really abnormal? I have heard of a partial circumcision but I don’t trust doctors so I would rather ask here first before asking a doctor.

If anyone can help it would be much appreciate thanks

I have seen an interview with a guy who has gotten a circumcision in his twenties. The reason was the same you describe.

I would advice you to run it full with water when taking a shower and trying to make it wider by using your fingers to extend it’s width if you want to keep your foreskin. If not or it wouldn’t work, get a circumcision.

Originally Posted by Bird2
I have seen an interview with a guy who has gotten a circumcision in his twenties. The reason was the same you describe.

I would advice you to run it full with water when taking a shower and trying to make it wider by using your fingers to extend it’s width if you want to keep your foreskin. If not or it wouldn’t work, get a circumcision.

I would advice against this. If you do this and then you irritate the area, it could become inflamed, and swollen and with an already tight foreskin, you could have a major problem mister.
I say, go to a doc, get the circumcision or ask the doc what can be done.

Originally Posted by man_head
I would advice against this. If you do this and then you irritate the area, it could become inflamed, and swollen and with an already tight foreskin, you could have a major problem mister.
I say, go to a doc, get the circumcision or ask the doc what can be done.

Yeah, the fingers part might irritate it but letting it run full with water wouldn’t be much of a problem, I do it myself to keep it clean and to make sure that my foreskin keeps wide enough.

OK cheers guys I think a circumcision has to be done, I would like to reach my length target before I do this and also to build up the courage to get it done in the first place. I’m only 18 so I’ve got plenty of time better make an appointment with a doctor just to find out more about it. Do they put you to sleep or general anaesthetic or worse none at all!

I had a circumcision about 4+ years ago. I wasn’t particularly happy with the foreskin and seemed to have problems with condoms.

I chose to get it done under general anaesthetic at the recommendation of the urologist, I didn’t have any problems with pain, but it did look pretty ugly in the morning after.

The urologist put in dissolving sutures and this has led to some problems with skin tunnels where scarring forms around the suture. The best area of healing was where I accidentally ripped the stitches out around the 5 day mark. So I’d recommend having the stitches removed regardless of the type.

I started PE exercises around the 8-9 week area, and I think this was too soon. I have some keloid scarring under the join area and around the stitches, mainly on the underside which healed the slowest. I didn’t notice it forming as the penis is swollen after a workout but the thickening remained underneath and slowly increased to be noticeable. So wait at least the 3 months or more if you can.

I have found that sensitivity first rose as the head was exposed but after about two years it was dropping off, maybe 30-50% of pre-circumcision, to the point where sex at times didn’t really feel pleasurable, really need to involve the mind more, than just have contact on the penis.

Good luck if you go ahead with it.

I really think a circumcision is a very drastic route to take. In the UK female circumcision is now regarded in law as mutilation, and the same should apply to routine circumcision of boys. It is rarely necessary. Robbit, I’m unclear if your foreskin is tight when your willy’s flaccid or only when it’s erect. Urologists love to take the easy way out (as do many GPs) and take a quick look and say, “Oh, I’ll have that off easily and you’ll have no further trouble with it.” Well, yes - the same as if you have all your teeth out you’ll never get toothache again! So you’re right not to trust doctors. The GP is just that - a general practitioner - and the urologist gets paid more for an op than ever he would for stretching the foreskin or giving advice on how to.

If you really must go to the doctor, the best thing to do is to tell the GP you really don’t want a circumcision and is there any way of stretching it and such. (There is, man, there is!) But if you just go there and say, “My foreskin’s too tight; please help!”, they’ll assume you’re leaving the decisions up to them.

Stretching is very often effective - think of all those desperate North American blokes who were cut when days old and are now flogging away at foreskin restoration. You could do worse than look on one of their sites and try out the techniques as will do no harm and will probably lengthen and stretch your foreskin as you perform the gentle stretching routines. Another thing is to use a bit of wheat germ oil or sweet almond oil and mix it with some vitamin E oil; get this under the foreskin onto the glans as well as on the outside and that will help a lot as you do the stretches.

You can probably tell I’m implacably opposed to circumcision except where there really, really, really is absolutely no other alternative (there sometimes - but rarely - isn’t). God gave us these wonderful structures and they are the source of pleasure as well as there for protection of the glans. The foreskin is packed with nerve endings and is a wonderfully sensuous possession you should not give up without a fight. If you find surgery really is the only answer, then you should ask for minimal surgery. They don’t have to do a full circumcision - they just usually do because it’s easier for them. They can sometimes get away with removing just the extreme bit, if that’s what’s causing the problem, and leaving you with some of it. Also, these bastards - sorry, but I can’t excuse what they do - unless forbidden by you, will whip off your frenulum which is the source of exquisite and intense pleasure. There is absolutely no excuse for this and they won’t ask your permission and they won’t tell you they’re going to do it either. Heaven only knows why they do this: if they stopped to think about it, they’d realise what they’re doing is mutilation.

My son had a problem with his. The foreskin was adhered to the glans and obviously hurt during erection. The procedure was to knock him out and then manually rip it back (yes, no way would you let anyone do this to you if you were awake). The surgeon told us just before the op that he couldn’t guarantee it would work, and that it was only effective in 60% of cases (pretty good odds, so why “only”?). It can readhere, so why not go for the certainty of circumcision? I said no and the procedure was completely successful. I did get my son to use the oils after retracting it in the shower each day so it wouldn’t readhere. He’s happy. In the same ward, this surgeon got an immediate, “cut it all off!” from a mother accompanying her son. Poor kid!

Peace to all


Juri I had a circumsicion a couple of months ago.
Actually in end of June, I only recovered from it end of September.
Forget about doing uli’s and clamping, wait for 4 months at least.
You still have some occasional pain though.

Just one question, did they cut the ligament aswell? That connects the foreskin with the head? (Don’t know the proper name for it heh)

My foreskin cannot be pulled back whether it’s flaccid or erect and it hurts a lot if I try a couple of times before sex girls have tried to pull it back that hurt a lot. No one has told me it’s weird but maybe they didn’t want to offend. My GP is an idiot I’ve had trouble with him not prescribing me what I need before, a partical circumcision is what I want so that the skin still covers the glans if it is pulled forward. Loss of sensitivity is my main concern I only need perhaps 1 cm cut off, but if they put me too sleep I’ve got a feeling they will whip the whole thing off.

Cheers Dom I will look into the stretching techniques as well but I don’t think I will ever be able to stretch it that much I’ve measured the diameter it’s only 4-5mm at the end. I would need to stretch it to just over 2.5cm (1 inch) while flaccid and even more when erect. Thanks for the advice I’m not going to rush into anything straight away.

Robbit, this is the most common justification for a circ. But if you search the net you will find hundreds of sites that say your problem can be fixed with stretching. Just think, if you believe in PE then you must surely believe in stretching the foreskin, it is elastic material anyway! And doctors authorise it as a valid method.

I would make a start of stretching your foreskin with your fingers. Never do this cold. And never split or cut yourself by stretching too far too soon. Once in a safe stretch hold it as long as you can. If possible find something sterile and smooth to put under the foreskin to hold the stretch. Stretching works by the total amount of time held in the stretched position, so keeping a gentle stretch on your foreskin for durations should yeald very quick results in the right direction.

You should count yourself very lucky because you will be a very very sensitive individual down there. The tightness of your foreskin will be keeping your glands in total sensitivity. Your sex life will be out of this world when you stretch the foreskin to a point where it is elastic and sex is pain free. Read what twobeercans wrote above about sex “involving the mind” when your circ’d. Your situation will be totally the opposite.

Good luck mate. I am sure you can overcome this problem naturally through stretching given enough time under tension… so to speak!

Hi, Guys!

Thank you very much for your comments on this threat!
It is valuable information for me. I value especially the comments of Eldritch99, darkreign, twobeercans, who had experience with this matter.

I was surprised to hear from you that circumcision cuts such a high percentage of the glans sensitivity! I suspected 10-15% down, but nothing like 50-75%!!!

Regarding your question darkreign, I am not circumcised; I just wanted to explore this option.

Hi all,

Hi robbit, can you post some pics regarding your problem?


Hey Juri,

I want to get circumcised for PE and condom wearing reasons. I always have my foreskin retracted all the time, so I doubt I will get any loss of sensitivity.

I was quoted 500GBP about $850 for the operation. Getting it done by a Dr that specialises in adult circumcision.

I’m going for a cut about an inch from the glans and frenulum removed also. I will get this done late January. So I can utilise this time for a break in PE also. I hope I don’t loose any size!

I am expecting to take a 3 month break.

Feb 2003: 7" BPEL x 5" EG. June 2006: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

(6" base girth)

Amazing gains bombazine!

Do you want to grow even more?! If I had your stats I would forget of PE and just live the foreskin. But it is up to you! How old are you and do you have active sex life. I’m pretty sure that every woman out there would be more than satisfied with 9.125 BPEL! You can bottom out every woman out there, even a size queen.
I’m jealous bombazine!

Thanks for the compliments. I am 36 and I have a very active sex life!

Yes I bottom out in all of partners I’ve had in the last couple of years and use a technique for orgasms, which utilises this length nicely. (Give Her the Big O).

I am more concerned with girth since I was 8" BPEL but every thing I did, gave me more length. 2.5 years of PE has made my foreskin even longer. Plus, I wouldn’t mind a de-conditioning brake (recovery time). So I will get the chop in January.


Feb 2003: 7" BPEL x 5" EG. June 2006: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

(6" base girth)


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