Thunder's Place

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Rethinking Gain Problems


Rethinking Gain Problems

I was just considering why I haven’t gained anything in the past 5-6 months. I know I jelq too fast. I need to slow those babies down.

My skin seems to be very loose. It almost seems like I am uncircumsized when flaccid, yet I am circumsized. When doing stretches I can very easily pull the skin past my glans. It makes it tough to get a good stretch. I never know if I am stretching properly because of this. How can I tell I am getting a good stretch? I never know what people are talking about, feeling the stretch in their ligs or tunica. I don’t really feel much of anything no matter how intensely or how long I stretch. Advice?

Those red dots are quite a nuisance. I have taken the past month or two off, and slowed my routine because they got a little too intense. I don’t want any permanent discoloring. They started becoming more and more prominent in the same spots, and would come about easier and easier. Hopefully, with this month long decondition I can start some routines again.


On a side note, I was just wondering how far hair comes up the penis normally. I was looking under the light the other day and saw some sparse light blonde hairs about 1/2-3/4 the way up my shaft! I’m only 20 so I am hoping to god that those hairs don’t turn into darker hairs in a few years from now. Anyone else have this problem? I just pluck them.

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Hey ck,

How fast exactly are you jelqing? Can you give a detailed description of your technique? Hopefully a few vets can weigh in and help you out; it seems a shame that you are committed enough but seeing no benefits.

As for manual stretches, I gave up on them soon after starting them; too frustrating and difficult to guess your force etc.

My humble advice is slow your jelqs down, 3-5 seconds, exert pressure laterally (sides) and use a good lube. Maybe replace stretching with some light hanging.

Hair: normal; may turn dark later; don’t worry about it; shave it if you don’t like it.

Later - ttt

About stretching: try hanging instead, specifically vacuum hanging. Change directions and you will feel the stretch both in the tunica and in the ligs. Try fulcrum hanging to increase the tunica stretch.

Later - ttt

I was jelqing at about 2-3 seconds. Usually without lube. I just did an OK grip and pulled up, sometimes reverse OK grip. Then I would switch hands. I think I just need to use less force, and do it for shorter periods of time. I think I usually would jelq somewhere between 15-20 min. I’ll knock it back to like 5 min when I start up again.

I got greedy and decided to do a bit of jelqing last night :( Ahhh dots. I need to definitely not touch it for two weeks.

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

I don’t have a credit card. I was thinking about getting MonkeyBar’s VacuExtender as I have only heard good things about it and it doubles as an ADS.

What do you guys recommend I do?

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Originally Posted by ck10n3
What do you guys recommend I do?

Start with advanced manual exercises. Do advanced stretches, Ulis, horses, clamping etc. Do this before you try hanging. You could gain from it while you won’t have to go through all the trouble devices bring with them.

Originally Posted by Bird2
Start with advanced manual exercises. Do advanced stretches, Ulis, horses, clamping etc. Do this before you try hanging. You could gain from it while you won’t have to go through all the trouble devices bring with them.


Uli’s and clamping are less bother than hanging?

DONT clamp unless you are completely happy with the length you already have.

Originally Posted by Klayton

Uli’s and clamping are less bother than hanging?

Disadvantages of hanging: costs money, less stealthy, very time consuming, more time necessary for preparing, higher risk of injury. All can be countered by stretching/advanced stretching.
Disadvantages of Ulis: None, maybe higher risk of injury. Jelqing isn’t enough for many members to reach their girth goal.
Disadvantages of clamping: needs constant erection, takes some time, costs (very little) money, higher risk of injury. Jelqing isn’t enough for many members to gain. Adding horses, Ulis etc for girth might be enough but many people still require something else for girth.

Originally Posted by Klayton
DONT clamp unless you are completely happy with the length you already have.

Now you confuse me. Why the hell not? :confused:

Big girth makes for difficult lenght gains, many people feel. The big amount of stress under the clamp inevitably results in an extremely “tough” tunica as well. Big Girtha (our in house expert) recommends waiting until length goals are met before clamping.

Advantages of hanging: it works; most big length gainers seem to be hangers. I haven’t read of many people even claiming big length gains from manual stretching, other than you and bennet18.

Also, I notice you mention:

“You could gain from it while you won’t have to go through all the trouble devices bring with them.”

I thought you had never used devises, therefore are you qualified to comment on their “troublesomeness”?

Originally Posted by Klayton
Big girth makes for difficult lenght gains, many people feel. The big amount of stress under the clamp inevitably results in an extremely “tough” tunica as well. Big Girtha (our in house expert) recommends waiting until length goals are met before clamping.

Hmm, that is something I never experienced but have read about. The big objection I have against this theory is, aside from the doubt that it is true, that girth gains could motivate people tremendously.

Imagine two guys who start PE and notice that they have trouble gaining length. The first guy does only length while the other does both length and girth. The first guy tries various ways of PE but did not gain any length. The likely hood that he quits is high, even before he is into PE very long. The second guy has also trouble gaining length but happens to be a nice girth gainer. He gains girth and is very happy and motivated that PE brings him gains, in this instance only girth gains. This gives him so much motivation to continue PE that it will give him length gains on the long run (of course, if he continues length exercises) while achieving his girth goal. It could be that he never gains any length but he ends up with the girth of his dreams. The same could have happened to the first guy if he did go for girth since the beginning of the PE journey. Well Klayton, isn’t that enough reason to drop your theory, even if it is true.

Originally Posted by Klayton
Advantages of hanging: it works; most big length gainers seem to be hangers. I haven’t read of many people even claiming big length gains from manual stretching, other than you and bennet18.

From previous posts I have always said that I believe in hanging, although I never did it myself. For me it is only my last option, if no other manual exercise works and I still want length, hanging becomes an option. But only then due the “troubles” hanging brings with them, at least in my personal situation.

That there aren’t much big length gainers who only gained from manual exercises is a misery. A reason behind that is, in my opinion, that many guys are tempted to start hanging due the good things they hear about it. This has a negative impact on the success rate of manual exercises. Manual exercises are way to underrated.

Originally Posted by Klayton
Also, I notice you mention:

“You could gain from it while you won’t have to go through all the trouble devices bring with them.”

I thought you had never used devises, therefore are you qualified to comment on their “troublesomeness”?

Well, don’t I have the right to compare by becoming well informed from posts by others?

<Hmm, that is something I never experienced but have read about. The big objection I have against this theory is, aside from the doubt that it is true, that girth gains could motivate people tremendously.>

That’s not an issue here, ck has PE’d assiduously for six months. My main concern is you are recommending clamping to somebody who hasn’t made any gains, and is still a little unsure about even his jelq technique. That’s flat out dangerous in my opinion.

<That there aren’t much big length gainers who only gained from manual exercises is a misery. A reason behind that is, in my opinion, that many guys are tempted to start hanging due the good things they hear about it. This has a negative impact on the success rate of manual exercises. Manual exercises are way to underrated.>

Sure, I agree with you, but most people don’t have the time and/or discipline to pull on their dick for an hour a day; they can do other things while hanging.

Also, “manual exercising” means jelqing and stretching; many have gained from solely jelqing, almost none (that I’ve seen) from solely stretching; the time x force equation necessitates such high amounts of tension to make this
actually fairly dangerous PE (of course, IMO, ;) )

Originally Posted by ck10n3
My skin seems to be very loose. It almost seems like I am uncircumsized when flaccid, yet I am circumsized. When doing stretches I can very easily pull the skin past my glans. It makes it tough to get a good stretch. I never know if I am stretching properly because of this. How can I tell I am getting a good stretch? I never know what people are talking about, feeling the stretch in their ligs or tunica. I don’t really feel much of anything no matter how intensely or how long I stretch. Advice?

Same here before, until I start using homemade vachanger to replace my hand, and I do stretch almost an hour happily. Am uncut.

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