Thunder's Place

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Ring of power (Ball Zinger) - is it really?

ring of power - is it really?

Been wearing my ROP* for about 10 days now , for 10 hours per day and can honestly say I’ve noticed none of the reported effects.

How long should I persevere for guys?
Does the ROP* ‘work’ for everyone?

Thanks to all you guys

*Ball Zinger / Blakoe Ring

Last edited by memento : 06-12-2004 at . Reason: Added Ball zinger note

>Does the Ball Zinger ‘work’ for everyone? <

Only highly suggestible people with zinc deficiencies.

What’s the theory behind that thing anyway? (Ring of Power)

The theory is that a small barely perceptible current, generated by the copper/zinc
stimulates the cells of the genitalia, thereby producing more sperm,
giving more strength to pelvic muscles (make you shoot far)
and possible contribute to increasing size. Hopefully one would gain all advantages listed.
Though I have the materials, I have not as of yet, made the device.
So I cannot currently give my experience. (no pun intended)
I have seen it mentioned, that in order to “complete” the circuit of the device,
one should be “sweaty” down there, that doesn’t exactly sound like something
desirable to me, so I will be using the alternate method of adding a little saline
to the tubes of the contraption.

Another theory I’ve seen postulated is the inventor may have large shares in McMaster-Carr

>What’s the theory behind that thing anyway?

Electricity has magic powers.

Personally, I think any positive results are from it being a cock ring (which mechanically impedes the outflow of blood during an erection) and/or placebo effect.

For those wanting to try one but not waste a bunch of money in the process, try this.

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