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The ball zinger just like a power ring


The ball zinger just like a power ring

Guys this is a link to Tom Hubards site the man is a genius at making pe devices cheap and the Godfather of free PE. The link below will take you to his ball zinger which is like the blakoe ring and the power ring.

~ Penis workshop

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Did anybody ever make one of these things and get results? I wish Tom was still around.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thanks thunder I was looking for that thread, I wonder if Tom still uses his?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

ball zinger

I know many will disagree with me, so I’m talking about just me.

Tried a ball zinger. Amount of cum noticeable increased, but not to Peter North’s scale. I quit using it, though, because after a few days, it seemed that my dick was shrinking. My ball sack,and testicles were getting bigger— perhaps the penis was loosing sack skin it “borrowed”. Took a few days afterwards, and things returned to normal. Tried it three times to make sure ( since I also shrink when I’m getting sick, and wanted to rule that out).

To increase your voltage try rinsing with vinegar at the end of your shower. You can then water rinse the vinegar. The purpose is to neutralize the soap film. I normally get .81 to .93 volts with this technique. This morning I forgot to do this in the shower so I just gave my package a very light spray from the vinegar in a spray bottle and dried off with a tissue. I got .95 volts in nothing flat. The trick is to increase voltage without ANY conductor between the copper and zinc rods. It is the current flowing through your body that does the work. I just had my testosterone checked as I have a long history of low testosterone levels. At six weeks I am now in the middle of the normal range. Not bad for a sixty something. Also my facial hair is really growing much faster now.

I tried the ball zinger and still use it, think it helps with increased testosterone and maybe healing faster to some degree.

Personally I think it’s BS. The flaccid pump and harder erections are caused from effectively wearing what is a cock ring. If someone designed one that did not double as a cock ring, and people still reported positive effects I’d be more interested.

The one I use doesn’t really constrict in any manner, has pretty much been proven to increase testosterone which would help erections.

Originally Posted by Jiminy465
The one I use doesn’t really constrict in any manner, has pretty much been proven to increase testosterone which would help erections.

How was it proven? Do you have any links to the scientific data?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Anyone making these and selling them?

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
How was it proven? Do you have any links to the scientific data?

I don’t have the links, but it was supra who posted his evidence when he was making the same thing calling it the ring of power. You should be able to find it in google under ring of power, basically some older dude got his testosterone levels checked for a routine check up. He then came to the doctors later on after wearing the ring of power and checked his testosterone levels again to find they had skyrocketed. Pretty sure supra went to the doctors as well and the doctor said he was in the 3 highest test levels he had seen and the other guys were using steroids.

Definitely not conclusive evidence, what is mainly meant to be raising the testosterone is the zinc transfer direct to were it is needed.

Ring of Power site down

Hey guys,

I am new to this forum. I was interested in buying an electric producer ring like ring of power. But, the website is down as I searched it. Is anybody out there who can sell this sort of stuff? Or, you know anyone?

Make your own from McMaster parts. The materials to make like 10 of them will cost you less than buying a single power ring.

6 X 5(Jun 2002) ----> 8 7/8 X 6 (OCt 2009) -----> 9.75 X 6.0 (Goal)

'I think you will find that the one thing all big gainers have in common is tenacity.' ~Bib


Ok. Any detailed info about how to make them?

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