Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Serious depression


Serious depression

My life has taken a turn for the worse. I’ve just realised that I can’t do PE. Therefore that means I am stuck with what I see as a small penis until I can at least afford pills or something along those lines.

Things get a hell of a lot worse though. At 18 I’m still a virgin. Something that really pissed me off as all my mates have got all the girls and sex and all the shit that comes with it. And even when I do finally get round to having a gf and losing my virginity, I’m not gonna feel good about it because I have in my mind a small penis. No matter how hard I try, I cannot feel good about it. My brain just doesn’t want to listen. I see pictures and stories of guys on here with their massive wangs and great successes, and then I just think to myself - I’m useless. I can’t even make things better.

So I’ve got two options. Give up now, and live with serious issues… or find something to do about it. But there is nothing I can see that would do anything to help. Its a case of I can’t do PE. My body just won’t let me. No matter how hard I try, its just not working. And I’m not talking about the gains coming. I’m talking about the actual process. I can’t actually do it. I can’t grip my penis without ending up on the glans and in serious pain. Its like somebody up there doesn’t want me to succeed at anything. My life is like that of Bruce in Bruce Almighty (great film, I have to add). Its not just PE that doesn’t work for me. Life as a whole just sucks. No money. No job. No GF (Never had one, probably never will) Seriously disturbing mood swings.

I’ve considered going to the doctor about it. But I don’t think I could face up to that. In terms of mood swings, I go from being arrogant one day, thinking I’m better than all of the rest, until it just annoys people, or until I wake up and smell the coffee. Other days I honestly just want to give up and curl up in some corner and die. I don’t think I’ve got anything wrong with me, but on the other hand, I don’t know what really is my problem. Is it peer pressure? Am I going through a phase? I really don’t know. All I know is that my life right now couldn’t be more depressing in my mind. Sure, people tell me I’m lucky. I’m not some starving Ethiopian, or war-torn Palestinian. But I’m still suffering in my mind.

I wish I could do something about it, but everything I’ve tried doesn’t work. The PE was a futile attempt at improving my mind. If I can see myself as large, it may trigger a chain reaction in my head, making me feel overall better about my life. Which in turn should improve my situation. But now the PE doesn’t work, I’m gonna have to reconsider my options.

Sorry to drone on, but its something I really need to get off my chest.

30/07/2005: 8.2" BP length (measuring from top) 7.7" NBP Length (measuring from top) 5.3" Mid-Shaft Girth 6" Base Girth Target size: 9" NBP length 7" Girth __________________ Things are getting better... Go thunders!


how long have you been doing PE for and what exercises/routines have you tried?


BTW Goose,

7.5x5.5 puts you way above average for girth and length.


I’ve been trying it for around a year now, but being at school I don’t get any time. I have around about 20 mins each night in the shower, 10 of which I can do manual stretches. But it ends up around about 40 seconds of manual stretches, as my body doesn’t like me doing it, and either hurts, or worse, starts an erection.

30/07/2005: 8.2" BP length (measuring from top) 7.7" NBP Length (measuring from top) 5.3" Mid-Shaft Girth 6" Base Girth Target size: 9" NBP length 7" Girth __________________ Things are getting better... Go thunders!


I though you British people had some form of socialized medicine? If so, go get it the pills. I bet the holidays are up you ass too. God I hate this time of year myself, but I do love the cold and snow though.

Anyhow have you tried hanging with an AFB or your own device? Perhaps that may work for you. Time plus tension equals results as they say. I think your not grasping the principals right, which is frustrating in itself. Happens to all of us with some subject.

You don’t have a small dick. Yours is bigger than mine, and I know I tower over you in height. You’ll find some crazy girl to get laid, it takes time. It isn’t an automatic license to have some girl fall from the sky and fuck you. Be patient.

Are you full of anxiety beside the depression? Could you elaborate more on it? Do you chain-smoke, drink, under eat or binge eat overly?

Shit! No money or job? I was not even working at all or even in school when I had the time of my life. God I miss that time.

Your venting, so your not a burden on us. I myself crack jokes and become a comedian when I get all wacky. But that is just how I function.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

If you are depressed from low serotonin, you will also feel more pain too since it is your mood chemical.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


>I’ve been trying it for around a year now, but being at school I don’t get any time. <

You don’t get ANY time?

>I have around about 20 mins each night in the shower, 10 of which I can do manual stretches. <

You mean out of the 1440 minutes in a day, you can only do 20 minutes of PE? There are many more ways to fit this in. Getting up an hour earlier, going to bed later, piss pulls, ADS, multitasking. Do a search for stealth PE.

>But it ends up around about 40 seconds of manual stretches, as my body doesn’t like me doing it, and either hurts, or worse, starts an erection.<

Could you describe your grip for me? Where does it hurt?


I start by gripping about 1/2” behind the glans. But the skin there just slides forwards, so I end up stretching the skin and not the penis. Therefore I started gripping the glans itself to stretch, that worked, but the contact between my hand and the glans led to erection. And where there wasn’t erection there was just pain.

I get up at 7:15 each morning. Have a shower and get dressed etc. I then cycle to school which is about 5 miles away. I’m at school until around about 4:00. I get home, and I’ve got tonnes of coursework to do. This totally blows. Once I’ve finished the coursework its about 22:00. So I have a quick shower, and watch a little TV.

Let me get a few things clear:

#As I’m still at school and have no job, I still live with my family. That consists of a mother, a father, and two very nosey siblings.

# There is nowhere private I could go in my house without people constantly coming in or get suspicious.

ADS’s are completely out of the question. I’m at school with over 1700 other people. I do sports a lot, so that puts an ADS completely out of the question. As for the pumps/stretcher/pills thing. I still live with my family! My mother is a clean freak and is always cleaning the house, including my room. She would no doubt find anything I had and interrogate me about it. She always does. Even if she didn’t find them, where the hell am I gonna get the money to buy anything like that?

30/07/2005: 8.2" BP length (measuring from top) 7.7" NBP Length (measuring from top) 5.3" Mid-Shaft Girth 6" Base Girth Target size: 9" NBP length 7" Girth __________________ Things are getting better... Go thunders!

Insecurities and worries interspersed with periods of confidence. Yep, that’s life. ;)

There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin at 18. Peer pressure can be intimidating, but try to understand it for what it is.

Penis size is only an issue in your mind. You’re starting at my goal size. I’ve been at this for 2 years and I’m not there yet. Think about that. Count your blessings in the dick department. Average size is roughly 6x5. Yours is above.

> The PE was a futile attempt at improving my mind.

Yes, futile because you’re going about this situation backwards.

You don’t need a bigger dick. You do need some self-confidence, and even a 12x7” dick won’t provide that. I can’t tell you what to do, step a, b, c, etc. to gain confidence in yourself. No one can. But that’s where you should be working.


>I start by gripping about 1/2” behind the glans. But the skin there just slides forwards, so I end up stretching the skin and not the penis. Therefore I started gripping the glans itself to stretch, that worked, but the contact between my hand and the glans led to erection. And where there wasn’t erection there was just pain. <

Perhaps the skin is too tight to accommodate internal growth. For a lot of people skin is the first limiting factor. Luckily, it is easy to stretch.

>I get up at 7:15 each morning. Have a shower and get dressed etc. I then cycle to school which is about 5 miles away. I’m at school until around about 4:00. I get home, and I’ve got tonnes of coursework to do. This totally blows. Once I’ve finished the coursework its about 22:00. So I have a quick shower, and watch a little TV. <

Tough situation, but doable I think.

>#As I’m still at school and have no job, I still live with my family. That consists of a mother, a father, and two very nosey siblings. <

Get a lock on your door and build a hanger. Hang while you do your coursework. If they ask about the lock say you appreciate that they might not want a lock on your door but you find that the work you do is better when you know you can’t be disturbed. That is why you go to professor blogg’s office in your free study time, because he is on holiday and no one goes in there blah blah excuse.

># There is nowhere private I could go in my house without people constantly coming in or get suspicious. <

The bathroom is the only one then? RB split’s his stretching routine over the day, into 5 minute sections or longer. He goes to the bathroom at work to fit his routine in. I myself spend 10 minutes stretching when I could be eating my lunch.

>ADS’s are completely out of the question. I’m at school with over 1700 other people. I do sports a lot, so that puts an ADS completely out of the question. <

Out of the question at school. At home is a different matter, no? On the days you don’t do sports, traction wraps could be good when you find a routine you can settle into (they won’t do much on their own).

>As for the pumps/stretcher/pills thing. I still live with my family! My mother is a clean freak and is always cleaning the house, including my room. She would no doubt find anything I had and interrogate me about it.<

The homemade hangers/stretchers can be disassembled, and look totally inconspicuous. Some are made from household materials. There’s always a better answer when you’re being interrogated.

>She always does. Even if she didn’t find them, where the hell am I gonna get the money to buy anything like that?<

The home made solutions are your option here, I made an AFB hanger for about £3 with parts from B&Q, and a theraband ADS is cheap to make (£5 for a metre roll of dynaband, a similar thing to thera).

How much do you want a bigger dick?


Hey mongoose P.E aside how long has you been depressed? I had pretty bad depression and felt like ending it all but I talked about it to my family and went and saw a doctor who put me on medication which sucked because it made me dizzy and sick for awhile but fixed me right up. So if you have been feeling depressed for awhile I think you should talk to your parents and get some help then you can tackle these other problems head on.

If you want to talk just PM me

Take care


I have the exact same dick and the exact same problem :) … My dick has very loose skin: I can whack-off by just moving the skin around during strokes. I have found that hanging with an over-the-head wrap is effective at combating this loose skin. Basically I use a lot of wrap (for padding) around the head and top half of the penis and then I attach my captn’s wench hanger (easy to build, effective and dirt cheap) directly behind the glans or slightly over. I ensure that the grippers on the hanger are to the sides of my penis and not on the top. I have had no problems so far and get a VERY comfortable stretch.

CaptnHook actually pointed out that loose skin could actually be advantageous as it leaves one thing that needn’t be stretched.

As for your depression and mood swings. Though PE may improve it some, I speculate that the improvement is likely to be neglegable and/or short term. You should start looking for answers. Where? Anywhere and everywhere. Keep an open mind and never give up. I’ve found that there is no magic formula, but diligence will pay off given time. What have you go to lose?

I was once very much like you with the mood swings and depression. For the last 4 years I’ve been working hard to improve myself and have come a long way. I know you can do the same.

Also, you can always message me if you want to talk.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Mongoose, buddy, relax a bit - it’s not all as bad as you think.

I know it is really difficult to see outside a barrel when you are sitting inside, but please try with me for a moment. You are 18. I am 46. I have a sailing friend who is completely active (sexually and otherwise) at 76 (he sails a boat, all by himself, that is twice as big as one I am am struggling with). Even though you are apparently starting sex a bit later than I did, if you make it to my age, I guarantee you will have had more years of sex than I have. Why? Because for 10 years I was injured and not able to have sex. For the next 10 years, I had it barely 3 of those years. Add those up, and I missed sex for just about as many years as you have been alive. One of the hardest parts of being a man (such as yourself) at the beginning of the road of life, is seeing that the road is very, very long. You want to run because of the excitement of being finally in charge of your own destiny. Consider that it is not a sprint, the road is long, it is too long for even a jog. A slow, steady walk is all you need to make the distance.

I am a surfer. I don’t know how much you watch the ocean, but I assure you that spending time with her is never wasted. The ocean contains a perfect metaphor for our lives. Some days are clam, some are rough. Big waves always come in sets, and some days a surfer has to wait through many crappy waves to find that one beautiful ride. Many days a surfer will float on his board waiting for a wave that never comes. Sometimes a surfer will wait a whole day to catch that beautiful wave and through his own folly or even through the folly of others miss getting a good ride. Then some days - often quite unexpectedly - every ride is perfect, a whole day of them. Life outside the barrel is exactly like that. Right now you are sitting on your board waiting for a wave good enough to ride. It just has not come your way yet, but at 18 you have only just paddled out. The wave will come, I swear it will come. Perhaps one beautiful wave, perhaps a whole lot of sets - you never know - but come it will, I promise you.

Use this time of waiting to work on yourself. Get interested in something new, get out and try something outrageous (I just recommended to another fellow skydiving - guaranteed to scare and thrill all at once). If you have read a few other posts of mine, you will see how much I value dancing - go take lessons today (will change your life, I swear). Your depression is not unusual, and you are not the only fellow to feel as you do. Therapy would be a very good thing to do right now, just to get you through this period. A good therapist will help you develop tools for fighting depression and improving your live. I have been in therapy longer than you have been alive (of course, you won’t need anywhere near that much therapy!) It is worth every penny and hour spent.

As far as PE - well, perhaps we can help here. Tell us exactly what you are trying to do, and how you are doing it. These guys are pretty good at sorting out mechanical difficulties - give them a chance. I bet we can get you in a program that will work for you. And just so you know, on this board we are all a little obsessed with penis size - but girls in the real world are not. Few girls give a damn how big you are, they are way more concerned about how you touch their emotions than their uterus. If you use this time to work on learning how to be more romantic, you stand a much better chance of getting a sweet ride out of that wave when it arrives (and there are a lot of books in every library about romance - so it does not have to cost a penny!)

Good luck Bra, posting was the best thing you could have done. You will be OK.


"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts


I am often impressed by your posts and sailing/surfing/monkey metaphors. Great stuff.


Check out what these guys are doing, seanjacobs is up at 4am! You can do anything you put your mind to man.

Privacy and excuses for PE


Wow, mongoose, I envy you. So many people care about your well beings. Where were these people when I was feeling depressed? Oops, I guess I didn’t ask for any help. You are a lot smarter than me just by asking for help. If you are a self help type, this book might help according to many people:

http://www.amaz … /qid=1070802297

Take care and good luck!

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