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Seriously annoying jelqing problem

Seriously annoying jelqing problem

I’d be most grateful for any advice on this one. I started PE last September, jelqing and stretching, working up from the newbie routine until I was at about a half-hour of stretching most days and one/two warm-up and 15-20min fairly intense jelq/squeeze sessions about 4-5days out of seven. All went well and I made some decent newbie gains, which stopped around the beginning of February. Since this time no change in measurements. So by about mid-March, I took a break, no jelqing at all and only very gentle stretching for a few mins each day to keep it all limber.

About a month ago, I re-started jelqing… and immediately ran into problems. Huge amounts of red-spotting, open bleeding even on both the glans and ‘inner’ foreskin (I’m uncut). So I backed off, waited a few more days, and tried again, jelqing very gently at almost 0% erection. Same effect, masses of red spots and sore patches which almost bled. More waiting, then tried again, now jelqing so gently I can’t believe it’s having any effect at all. And even at this negligible intensity, I’m still getting red spots literally after a minute or so, just a few strokes in.

Does this mean I have to abandon jelqing for ever?? Anyone have any suggestions, either as to why it might be occurring, and what I might do to prevent it? Any suggestions for a routine to ease my unit back into this essential basic exercise. I’ve tried going back (beyond even) the newbie point, but to no avail. Help!

Thanks for reading :)


Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

Warming up before your workout?

(Yes, I know the effectiveness of warm-ups is debatable)

Current: 5.5" NBPEL (6" BP) x 5" EG

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL x 5.5" EG

No, it’s not (debatable) :-)

See, it’s already a debate.

Current: 5.5" NBPEL (6" BP) x 5" EG

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL x 5.5" EG

Steering this thread back on topic, keraunophile are you warming up before your workouts? How many minutes are you jelqing for? How long was your last break?

Man, that doesn’t sound too good. So you never had any problems when you jelqed before?

Jelqing with no intensity at 0% erection is probably not going to have any effect on gains. So if you can’t do any more than that, I would give up on it for the time being. But like others said, giving yourself a good warmup is going to be your best bet.

I always like to see red spots when I jelq because I feel as if I am getting a good workout, but I have never had any open bleeding.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

Use a lubricant and if already are use better lubricant. I like to use a thick conditioner where it feels like thick goo. Because it seems I get red spots wen I pull the skin instead of just pushing blood up as my hand goes over the shaft smoothly. Red spots are basicly like hickies it’s just too much pressure. And if nothing works maybe ur allergic to the lubricant.. You can also try just stop jelqing or peing and jus get some good lotion and masturbate gently like messaging if you do it gently enough it will sooth it and in 2-3 days all sores should be gone

Try 500mg of vitamin C per day. A deficiency in vitamin C causes weak cell walls (easy bruising, etc.). Worth a shot - it is good for you anyway.

Originally Posted by Antistar
Steering this thread back on topic, keraunophile are you warming up before your workouts? How many minutes are you jelqing for? How long was your last break?

Yes, I’ve tried comprehensive warming up before jelqing, doesn’t appear to make any difference in this case.
The ‘damage’ occurs after even just a couple of minutes of merely gentle-moderate jelqing.
My break from jelqing was about 6 weeks overall.

Originally Posted by Revolution
Man, that doesn’t sound too good. So you never had any problems when you jelqed before?

Jelqing with no intensity at 0% erection is probably not going to have any effect on gains. So if you can’t do any more than that, I would give up on it for the time being. But like others said, giving yourself a good warmup is going to be your best bet.

I always like to see red spots when I jelq because I feel as if I am getting a good workout, but I have never had any open bleeding.

Never experienced any particular problems before, some slight red spotting when I first started but I regarded that as normal. After about a month of the newbie routine, it rarely occurred subsequently (until now!).
And yes, I’d agree that jelqing at 0% and very gently at that is unlikely to have any beneficial effect.

Originally Posted by manzino
Use a lubricant and if already are use better lubricant. I like to use a thick conditioner where it feels like thick goo. Because it seems I get red spots wen I pull the skin instead of just pushing blood up as my hand goes over the shaft smoothly. Red spots are basicly like hickies it’s just too much pressure. And if nothing works maybe ur allergic to the lubricant.. You can also try just stop jelqing or peing and jus get some good lotion and masturbate gently like messaging if you do it gently enough it will sooth it and in 2-3 days all sores should be gone.

I’m using the same lubricant I’ve always used, Palmers anti-stretchmark vitamin E cream… I don’t think that’s the cause.
I have already tried a few days of extremely gentle jelqing to try and condition my unit gently back into the ways of PE, without success so far.

Originally Posted by northof60
Try 500mg of vitamin C per day. A deficiency in vitamin C causes weak cell walls (easy bruising, etc.). Worth a shot - it is good for you anyway.

I do take exactly that, 500mg time-soluble vitamin C daily, and have done so for several years.

I’m trying another break, another clear month away from PE… if that doesn’t do it, I’ll pretty much be forced to abandon it completely :( :( :(

Thank you all for your suggestions, any more would be most welcome!

Cheers, K.

Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

Do you eat enough fruit and vegetables? Please do check your diet and make it as healthful as possible. If you are not sure, taking a complex vitamin & mineral supplement for a few weeks can’t be bad. I would take it, just in case.

Hey keraunophile ,

Sorry to hear about your woes , very annoying , for sure . I think that your experience is common after a lay off . I know that in weight training , the hardest thing , after taking time off , is to take it easy when you hit the gym again . I have learned this the hard and painful way . What happens , is that your mind has become accustomed to a certain level of intensity . And you have learned , over time , how to most effectively perform the movements . But now , you have to go back to square one , and start from there . It sounds to me , unfortunately , that you need to take another lay off to heal up . Then start again , and start slower and gentler . Heat , easy stretching , light and limited amounts of jelqing . It is frustrating , but that is how it is , and , in all actuality , why people take time off , other than injury . Kojak wisely mentions diet , look into that , and consider adding some EFAs to your diet , I.e. Fish oil or flax oil , or hemp seed oil . All of them will help your skin and connective tissues become healthier . Good luck , and take it easy !

Originally Posted by keraunophile

Yes, I’ve tried comprehensive warming up before jelqing, doesn’t appear to make any difference in this case.
The ‘damage’ occurs after even just a couple of minutes of merely gentle-moderate jelqing.
My break from jelqing was about 6 weeks overall.

What do you mean by ‘comprehensive’ warm-up??

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Originally Posted by kojak
Do you eat enough fruit and vegetables? Please do check your diet and make it as healthful as possible. If you are not sure, taking a complex vitamin & mineral supplement for a few weeks can’t be bad. I would take it, just in case.

Good suggestion; I already do take a daily A-Z multivit supplement, have done so for years… I also take 500mg time-release vitamin C, and 1000mg flaxseed oil capsule (Omega 3-6-9). And my diet is pretty healthy overall, lots of whole-grains, nuts, pulses, green veg and lean protein and fish.

Originally Posted by The Beasty One
What do you mean by ‘comprehensive’ warm-up??

By comprehensive, I mean I’ve tried my faithful microwave-heated wheat-sac, plus hot water/hot shower etc. Even though I don’t personally think that warm-up has much impact, I’ve tried it just to eliminate it as a cause.

Originally Posted by Muscular_Beaver
Sorry to hear about your woes , very annoying , for sure . I think that your experience is common after a lay off . I know that in weight training , the hardest thing , after taking time off , is to take it easy when you hit the gym again . I have learned this the hard and painful way . What happens , is that your mind has become accustomed to a certain level of intensity . And you have learned , over time , how to most effectively perform the movements . But now , you have to go back to square one , and start from there . It sounds to me , unfortunately , that you need to take another lay off to heal up . Then start again , and start slower and gentler . Heat , easy stretching , light and limited amounts of jelqing . It is frustrating , but that is how it is , and , in all actuality , why people take time off , other than injury . Kojak wisely mentions diet , look into that , and consider adding some EFAs to your diet , I.e. Fish oil or flax oil , or hemp seed oil . All of them will help your skin and connective tissues become healthier.

You might just have hit the nail on the head here Mr Beaver!

What I’ve decided is to leave it another month completely, with no PE activity whatsoever. Following which, I’m going to restart on an ‘ultra-newbie’ routine, being very gentle with the jelqs, and s-l-o-w-l-y increase… like starting at 50 and adding just one additional jelq each day. I’ll tolerate some red-spotting, even a little soreness, and see what happens. If that approach fails, I suspect I’ll HAVE to abandon PE altogether.

Incidentally, I measured the other day… I’ve have lost about two-thirds of my bone-pressed length gains :( and only retained around half my girth gains. Depressing! Must update my sig at some point…

Thanks all for all your support and suggestions… I’ll let you know how it goes :up:

Cheers, K.

Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

Haven’t had time to read everyone’s replies. My only crucial advice would be to have a hot bath for about 10 minutes before a session, I usually jelq while still in the bath, it’s the best way. Also try using a different lube just incase, baby lotion is the best in my opinion. After every 50 jelqs I slap my dick on my leg to make sure the blood is circulating properly and the red dots seem to vanish soon after doing this.

Good luck

Agree with M_B

K - The advice from M_B sounds good. Your body is definitely trying to tell you something. Lay off, heal up, and then start gently from square one. Good luck! MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

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