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Shaft skin - Turkey neck - Foreskin


Shaft skin - Turkey neck - Foreskin

(I’d appreciate if Mod’s left this thread separate and don’t combine it into that huge messy turkey neck thread)

Well my understanding of these are; when your penis grows through PE if you’ve placed no strain on the shaft skin to make it grow then your scrotal skin will come up a little higher to cover the new penis shaft because the penis doesn’t really have to create new shaft skin, it’s not normal for it to grow at this stage after puberty so why should it automatically know, it shouldn’t.

At this stage I have some turkey neck and my foreskin has definitely been reduced (it used to hang over the end when flaccid now it doesn’t in fact it’s higher up). When I’m full erect and pull the foreskin right back there’s still some scrotal skin up on the bottom of my shaft.

If I were to get circumcised I guess the turkey neck would permanently be higher and unable to be pulled down because the shaft skin would already be tight.

Okay so I hear about people trying to fix there turkey neck but end up making it worse in some cases, others they create more foreskin. If I were to create more foreskin, it’s basically shaft skin isn’t it. So more foreskin, when erect I’d be able to pull it right back and so the shaft skin would move down thus eliminating turkey neck when erect, at least if I pulled it tight.

In hanging you can set the hanger in a certain way, close to the base so it stretches shaft skin. I hear in many cases this adds to the foreskin in fact with circumcised people it can restore it fully back. I haven’t really ever seen successful cases of people stretching there shaft skin, to make more of it without adding extra foreskin which then reduces or eliminates the turkey neck.

I mean it seems really basic to me if you stretch your shaft skin above the turkey neck, (the area’s with no hair and is real shaft skin) then the turkey neck would no longer need to come up and the balls would simply hang lower. Obviously this doesn’t seem to be the case and the best someone could hope for is making a longer foreskin so it can pull back along the shaft further when erect but never solving the problem completely.

I’m hopefully people are stretching the wrong part of the skin. The people who create more turkey neck are stretching to low, the scrotal skin so there’s more of it. Then the people with longer foreskins are stretching to high. There must be a middle ground where stretching the skin the middle would solve the problem completely.

Correct me if anything I’ve said so far is wrong. I’m just sort of using common sense I hope and figuring out a long term plan to prevent and control the amount of turkey neck. I can just about accept what I have but since I do plan to get longer it’s going to be more of a problem and currently it is a problem when clamping.

Audacia I agree with your conclusions.

I will say that in my opinion, and for me my personal experience supports it, you can stretch your shaft skin (the non-folical area above the base but below the foreskin) while doing wet jelqs if your non-jelqing hand is at the base of your unit preventing the base skin from being stretched up. This causes the skin stretch that does occur to be targeted at the shaft skin.

I did not always do this so started developing more turkey neck. Later in my PE career I switched over and started performing my jelqs more often with the base hand in place.

On a related note-
I have had some success getting rid of my turkey neck through waxing and using a hair retarding cream. I still have some turkey neck but far less hair up my shaft from what it used to be.

Originally Posted by Laeh
Audacia I agree with your conclusions.

I will say that in my opinion, and for me my personal experience supports it, you can stretch your shaft skin (the non-folical area above the base but below the foreskin) while doing wet jelqs if your non-jelqing hand is at the base of your unit preventing the base skin from being stretched up. This causes the skin stretch that does occur to be targeted at the shaft skin.

I did not always do this so started developing more turkey neck. Later in my PE career I switched over and started performing my jelqs more often with the base hand in place.

On a related note-
I have had some success getting rid of my turkey neck through waxing and using a hair retarding cream. I still have some turkey neck but far less hair up my shaft from what it used to be.

If you’re putting a hand at the base that would be stretching the scrotal skin area also. If you’re wet jelqing the tight skin above that, it will stretch everything there too slightly I think. As for the hair removal cream, it’s exactly that, removes hair, doesn’t change the scrotal skin being there. I just pluck mine.

I read about a guy who did dry jelqs near to flaccid and it created extra foreskin. I might just do that. Do you or anyone else think dry jelqing could help shaft skin stretching?

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Anything for you Audi. ;)


reverse dry jelqing may help but I do not see how dry jelqing would stretch shaft skin.

Hmm, I am not sure what you are picturing but, if you put a hand at the base of your unit while wet jelqing it prevents the scrotum and base skin from being stretched up and causes the skin that is between the static hand and the traveling hand to receive all of the stretch. There is only shaft skin between the base hand and the traveling hand, until your traveling hand goes onto the foreskin, then you have both shaft and foreskin skin that is being stretched.

Waxing is just plucking a whole bunch at the same time. Then once you have waxed or plucked, you apply some soothing lotion. The soothing lotion that is applied is a hair growth inhibitor, helping to block the growth receptors down inside the folical. There are a few different brands of lotion designed to do this. Let me emphasize that it is not a hair removal cream. You apply it after the hair has already been removed.

I don’t pluck mainly because it takes too long to pluck all the hair that I want gone.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Anything for you Audi. ;)

Appreciate it :angel: Haha

Originally Posted by Laeh
Reverse dry jelqing may help but I do not see how dry jelqing would stretch shaft skin.

Hmm, I am not sure what you are picturing but, if you put a hand at the base of your unit while wet jelqing it prevents the scrotum and base skin from being stretched up and causes the skin that is between the static hand and the traveling hand to receive all of the stretch. There is only shaft skin between the base hand and the traveling hand, until your traveling hand goes onto the foreskin, then you have both shaft and foreskin skin that is being stretched.

Waxing is just plucking a whole bunch at the same time. Then once you have waxed or plucked, you apply some soothing lotion. The soothing lotion that is applied is a hair growth inhibitor, helping to block the growth receptors down inside the folical. There are a few different brands of lotion designed to do this. Let me emphasize that it is not a hair removal cream. You apply it after the hair has already been removed.

I don’t pluck mainly because it takes too long to pluck all the hair that I want gone.

That is what I pictured. But if you already have turkey neck, just putting a hand there to stop it riding up more so will be placing pressure on the turkey neck and possibly stretching it more, well that’s just a fear of mine. And I got what you meant about getting rid of the hair but it doesn’t change anything about the turkey neck, the skin remains the same even if you take the hair off. That cream isn’t going to magically change it to tight shaft skin.

I guess you’re right about the dry jelqing front but I’m not entirely convinced. I wish someone had tried it and had success then I’d go right ahead and dedicate a ton of time to it. So did holding the base and jelqing that way stretch your shaft skin?

I have had just over 1.5 inches of BPEL increase. I developed increased turkey neck at the beginning but after being more aware of what I thought was causing it, and adding in the base hand, my turkey neck has not continued to increase while my BPEL did continue to increase.

The skin on my unit is not as tight as it was prior to PE, so, I would say the logical conclusion is my shaft skin has stretched to accommodate the increase size beneath it, both in length and in girth.

In short, yes, I believe I have stretched my shaft skin.

I will never get rid of the lower skin with hair folicals in it, but, most of that skin no longer produces hair (or very little), so, while the folical is there the skin is nice and smooth.

And no, your scrotal or base skin is not stretched by putting a hand to prevent it from being pulled on. You cant stretch something unless there are opposing forces applied on opposite sides of the body. If you are holding right at the bottom of your shaft skin then the area that may receive more stretch, due to non-linear (non-homogeneous properties of the material) material and increased stress concentration at the attachment point, will be the shaft skin closest to where you are holding. This causes a slightly increased chance of stretch marks in that area. However, I have not received any and if done with experience the chances of stretch marks are very minimal.

I’ve been practicing this jelqing method Laeh. It’s really tyring using only one hand and inevitably the lubrication gets on the static hand which makes it harder to hold base skin down. Plus with the static hand near the base it’s hard for the jelqing hand to get full access thus resulting in not a full engorgement throughout.

Yes, this method of wet jelqing is not easy. For me it also makes it more important to be plump or a little engorged for each stroke. I usually would kegal every couple of strokes to maximize the amount of blood in my unit.

Many stretching exercises will not cause turkey neck, as long as it is not the skin being stretched, but rather everything under the skin. When stretching now, if my skin is being pulled tight then I know that I need to adjust my grip.

I’m a little confused. I have been holding my one hand at the base where the scrotum skin meets the shaft. Laeh, what do you mean everything under the skin needs to stretched. Isn’t the point in holding the base to make the bottom shaft skin stretch.

when I started jelqing, I noticed that I was starting to get turkey neck so instead of just going at it two hands, I hold my testicles back and try to keep them from riding up with the traveling hand, and I think that prevents the growth of turkey neck but I also don’t think it reverses it. I have had some success with reversing my turkey neck by simply pulling on my testicles down whenever I have morning wood. I spend about 5 minutes pulling down each day and occasionally when hanging. I do get some skin not from my scrotum but from my pubic hair area moving down to compensate for my length gains. I can actually see it because over the course of a couple of days I plucked a line at the base where my erection met my body and have maintained that solid line. After a few intense hanging sessions, that line has moved up my penis about 1/16th of an inch, and is now on my unit, no longer at the junction of my erection and my body. I do NOT know how to prevent this or reverse it, though I wish it were possible. There seems to be a much larger area of skin without true pubic hair between my pubic area and my belly button than there was previously. Laeh, how did you get the hair follicles on your shaft to stop producing hair? I’ve been keeping my shaft hairless by plucking for the last couple of weeks but I would prefer that they stop producing thick hair altogether. I’m not sure plucking alone would do it. What is this cream you’re talking about?

Audacia, I know exactly what you mean. Have you have any success getting rid of the turkey neck? I´m currently trying to just tug the skin between where the turkey neck begins and the foreskin manually. If I manage to produce more skin there, I am certain it will reduce my turkey neck. The reason for this is in addition to having a bit of turkey neck my skin on the underside of the shaft is too short due to a operation I had as a kid. So have you been able to enlarge the skin there? And does anybody know anything that makes tugging more effective, like a cream or something?

Start, May 2011: BPEL: 5,8" MSEG: 4,9"

Seeing gains already in addition to high EQ, will post measurement when the growth is significant a.k.a no measurement mistake.

Since I’m on a decon break at the moment I’m thinking I will manually stretch my shaft skin everyday for a month and see what the results are.

I think at worst it will just give my extra foreskin and extra skin a head of the turkey neck and the turkey neck base skin will still remain in the same place. At best hopefully the turkey neck will reduce but I can’t really see that happening.

I’ll probably need extra skin if I’m to gain any more length anyway. Really newbies should be encouraged to stretch their skin first so they never get turkey neck. Perhaps in future that might happen.

Originally Posted by Audacia
Really newbies should be encouraged to stretch their skin first so they never get turkey neck. Perhaps in future that might happen.

How would you recommend doing that Audacia? Just simple manual stretches like straight out, straight down, left, right? Or grab the base of my shaft and then a little bit down from the ridge line on my glans and pull the two apart so to apply a stretch to just the shaft? I don’t want a turkey neck or any hair from my pubic area to travel up my dick :( I already pluck a bunch of hairs that travel up my shaft which I am pretty sure got there from sweaty hand masturbation.

By the way Good Luck with Gains!

Last edited by PatientlyGrowin : 07-29-2011 at . Reason: Good Luck Audacia!
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