Sharing my fantastic results
PE is so awesome! I am 41 and feel like I am 20 again sexually. I have become extremely dedicated to a 5-6 day per week program and have seen very good results. I began PE in Late October 2002 with jelking, kegling and stretching. I was 5 5/8” EBPL and 4 15/16” EG midshaft. I am now 7 1/4” EBPL and 5 1/3” EG midshaft. My wife does not know that I do PE but she has made some comments recently that certainly feel good. She was hurting a little the morning after we had sex and she commented that it was probably my long dong that is to blame. I know that women boost egos but I also know that women are terrible at guessing length. Wonder what she will say when it is 10”EBPL and 6 1/2” EG? At the rate I am going I should be there in about 2 years.
My current routine:
-I always use a heating pad for warm up
- daily hang 20 minutes with 16 to 24 lbs
-occassionally throw in some DLD blasters in honor of DLD
- extreme uli for two 10 minute sessions and hanging 8 lbs last 5 minutes of each
-I wet jelk about 100-200 reps total each day
-occassionally I will throw in a pump session for shock effect
-kegle randomly throughout the day
-If at anytime I have any problems getting an erection I stop all PE activity until full ability is restored
-If I have two nights in a row with no night erections I stop all activity until full ability is restored
-I use porno to enhance erections but never masterbate in the same day as PE
-I generally take one midweek day off from PE and I masterbate on this day. I do this for motivation because I can feel and see how much bigger and more veiny my penis has become. If my erection is not pleasing on this day, I take another day off from PE for rest and recouperation. I practice using the kegle for multiple orgasms only when masterbating. I have held out for 6 orgasms before ejaculating but only when masterbating. I have never tried the technique while having sex. Side effect is that I can shoot about 3 feet in the air when I cum.
-Occassionally I throw in some erect bends and pan squeezes
-I measure only once per month
-I make every movement count but with low risk of injury
-I push everything to my threshhold of pain but never to the point of injury
In the PE world there is nothing better than the exhausted feeling to remind you that your DICK IS GETTING BIGGER!!!
I want to thank all of you guys for taking the time to share on this board. - Dash