Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Short Duration/High Intensity VS. Long Duration/Low Intensity

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Which has yielded you better results?

Short duration / high intensity


Long duration / low intensity

Total Votes: 42. You may not vote on this poll

Originally Posted by marinera
I wish to add that gains achieved through low intensity are more stable; I mean, you hear people saying ‘I reached X inches, but then I gave up and my gains disappeared.’. I rarely hear this from people who gained using extenders or low pressure pumping.

Perhaps the gains achieved through low intensity are slower and allow stabilization throughout the enlargement process whereas fast gains are too quick to allow for much stabilization during growth?

If so this would mean one would have to pay particular attention to the cementing process. However, since penile growth seems to be the main focus here, the cementing process should be the easier part.

Originally Posted by DGA2010
Perhaps the gains achieved through low intensity are slower and allow stabilization throughout the enlargement process whereas fast gains are too quick to allow for much stabilization during growth?

If so this would mean one (that engages in high intensity) would have to pay particular attention to the cementing process.

That has always been my take.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by DGA2010
Perhaps the gains achieved through low intensity are slower and allow stabilization throughout the enlargement process whereas fast gains are too quick to allow for much stabilization during growth?

If so this would mean one (that engages in high intensity) would have to pay particular attention to the cementing process.

Originally Posted by iamaru
That has always been my take.

Originally Posted by DGA2010
Perhaps the gains achieved through low intensity are slower and allow stabilization throughout the enlargement process whereas fast gains are too quick to allow for much stabilization during growth?

If so this would mean one (WHO engages in high intensity) would have to pay particular attention to the cementing process.

I suspect there IS a way for each individual to find his own personal and SAFE optimal level of intensity. After GROWTH I think the cementing part is the easy part.


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