Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Size's PE data analysis

One thing that I am becoming more and more convinced of is that the data trend does not continue in a straight line forever. The trend in the data seems to show there is a leveling off of gains at about the 100 week mark or before. But why? Perhaps people get happy with there gains and then switch to a “maintenance routine”. Perhaps the tunica becomes too tough to stretch anymore. I will be trying to quantify a good fit to the data shortly.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

why 100 weeks?

Could be a case of diminishing returns,

or the growth rate has slowed to the point of being within background noise.

Then again, could be a case of ATE (acquired tennis elbow).

Now that we have a name for it, we can all set up a support group and qualify for federal funds.

That’s a punny name for a group of PE’ers, the ATE Society.

Re: why 100 weeks?

Originally posted by bbc
Could be a case of diminishing returns,

That’s sure what it seems to be to me.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Data Set 2 View 1

I have a new data processing routine. I think I am really making progress with this, and it should lead somewhere cool. Soon I will be fitting a curve to the data and hopefully have some estimate of the error in the growth prediction.

Here it is:

(15.1 KB, 304 views)

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

How to use.

I should explain how to use these graphs. These intensity graphs show how likely you are to get certain gains in a certain amount of time. Say you are looking to get 1 inch erect gains. Well, you basically find 1 inch along the vertical axis. Then you draw a line straight across the graph. The “reddest” areas of that line show you when you are most likely to get those gains. Using 1 inch as an example I draw a line straight across and find the reddest region to be between about 20 weeks and 50 weeks. This is the most likely time zone for you to see your 1 inch gain. However, looking at the green areas along the 1-inch line, you can see that it stretches from about 10weeks to around 70 weeks. This means there is chance you could see gains in as little as 10 weeks! However the most likely scenario is that you will see your gains in the “reddest” areas of the graph.


-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

New data fit

Wow T,
thats a funny looking weeny you have there.

Here is an interesting plot. I have plotted the original data again but in a format where you can see that data density better (using matlab instead of crapptro pro). I also fit the data with a power law approximation. Based on the way the data looks that seems like the best form (the data is not linear). The formula of the fit was G=0.3*W^0.33 where W stands for weeks of PE and G stands for gains. I think its interesting that the exponent turned out to be 0.33. You always feel good when the functional form is so simple (ie x^1/3). In other words your gains goes as the cube root of time spent PE’ing. The 0.3 factor in front is your factor that converts your result into the right units (ie inches per week).

Also included in the graph as two green lines is a 50% confidence interval. That means 50% of people will fall inside those green lines and the other 50% will fall outside of them.

Thats it for today.

(30.8 KB, 353 views)

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...


Ok, I lied about that being my last post for tonight.

I just made something that I find very cool. I overlayed the last two plots I made over the top of each other. You can even see how the bright regions of the intensity plot correspond to areas of high data density on the scatter plot!!!! Jizzing my pants!!!

Here it is:

(22.4 KB, 4361 views)

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Last edited by Tube : 01-29-2004 at .

Great analyses, Tube. So 2” in about 5 years then? Maybe now you can break down the predicted gains by hanging, manual stretching, etc. I bet hangers get those 2” quicker. You could even do hanging by total hours opposed to weeks.

Anyways, keep at it. This is all very interesting to me.

Originally posted by stevie31
Great analyses, Tube. So 2” in about 5 years then? Maybe now you can break down the predicted gains by hanging, manual stretching, etc. I bet hangers get those 2” quicker. You could even do hanging by total hours opposed to weeks.

Anyways, keep at it. This is all very interesting to me.

Now you are talking Steve31. This would give us a definitive answer on what exercise will work for the majority of the population.

Yep, stevemeister,

the plans are already in the works. However, right now I’ll be working on developing things in this matter a little more. Next I’ll be looking at %elongation as opposed to straight-up gains in inches. That way we’ll know if big dudes gain more and what not. There are a bunch of ways to look at the data. It’ll all take some time. Breaking things down based on workout-routine is my nirvana. Later dude,


-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Originally posted by Tube

Next I'll be looking at %elongation as opposed to straight-up gains in inches. That way we'll know if big dudes gain more and what not.

Yeah, I’ve been reading more and more posts alluding to that theory. It would be really great to have statistical proof to back it up. I’ll be anxiously awaiting the next update.

I,m totally lost in this as far as the mechanics go, but I wonder if there is any way to make the dots different colors to indicate the person’s ( that it is representative of ) main activity, i.e. red=hanger, blue=pumper….

That’s great Tube nice work!!

Chas, it would be really hard because a lot of guys like me started with just jelqing and manual exercises and after they slowed down switched to hanging to get gains again. I also switch between length and girth exercises now.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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